How Do You Calculate the Total Energy of a Geosynchronous Satellite?

In summary: Yes, I believe your summary is correct. You have calculated the total energy of the satellite using the given mass, speed, and altitude, and have taken into account the changes needed to make the equation work for this specific scenario. Good job!
  • #1
Calculate the total energy of a geosynchronous satellite (one that orbits over a fixed spot) with a mass of 1500kg, orbiting Earth at a height of 325km with an orbital speed of 5000m/s

This question is starting to drive me a little mad. First of all, the satellite can't be in a geosynchronous orbit AND traveling at 5000m/s 325km above the earth. The two just don't jive.

Secondly, I am completely at a loss as to what formulas I should be using.

Should I simply be using 1/2mv^2 + mgh (where g = equals the reduced gravity of 8.8756069 at that height) for the question or is it much more involved than that?

I've read over articles involving critical velocities, gravitational attraction, circular motion, and centrifugal force until my head is spinning.

Can some please please give me a nudge in the right direction?

Physics news on
  • #2
Oh my god.

Whoever framed this question won't have a clue as what the answer ought to be. You are totally correct in that a geosychrynous satellite won't be at that altitude or speed. Not only that, a satellite at the altitude given, won't have the speed that's given either.

And you are also correct in that the "mgh" formula is too simple. Since g will not be constant. I bet, however, this is what the sorry excuse for a teacher wants. I'd say give him/her the 1/2mv^2 + mgh answer, then explain how wrong the question is.


A geosynchronous satellite must be at an orbital radius of about 40,000,000 meters, and it's speed is about 3000 m/s. This is by using the period (T)of one Earth day (in seconds), and satisfying three formulas:
F= GMm/r^2
and v=(2(pi)r)/T

for any given T, there is only one v and one r that works.

The Total gravitational potential energy of an object is actually zero at a large distance from the earth, and is considered negative the closer you get to earth, using the equation U=-GMm/r (not r^2)
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  • #3
Thanks Chi, much appreciated
  • #4
If you're really ambitious, you could assume that he's talking about some other planet coincidentally named "earth," and satisfy the three requirements that Chi mentioned.
  • #5
Yeah, I had considered that, I would rather work with the numbers they gave me seeing has it clearly is not based on the Earth I know.

Update: In order to make the equation work, I have changed the mass of my bizarro Earth to: 2.51311844078*10^24 kg and a full day only lasts 2.34 hours.
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  • #6
Ok, after making the changes to the mass of Earth as stated above I have:

G = 6.67*10^-11 (N*m^2)/kg^2
M = 2.51311844078*10^24 kg ***revised mass to fit the question***
m = 1500 kg
v = 5000 m/s


F = (GMm)/r^2

F = 5592.84116331 N

U = -(GMm)/r ***not r^2***

U = -3.75*10^2 J

Ek = (1/2)(GMm/r)

Ek = 1.875*10^10 J

Et = Ek +U

Et = -1.875*10^10 J

The Total energy of the satellite is -1.875*10^10 J.

Does that look right to you guys? Thanks in advance
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  • #7
ND3G said:
Ok, after making the changes to the mass of Earth as stated above I have:

G = 6.67*10^-11 (N*m^2)/kg^2
M = 2.51311844078*10^24 kg ***revised mass to fit the question***
m = 1500 kg
v = 5000 m/s


F = (GMm)/r^2

F = 5592.84116331 N

U = -(GMm)/r ***not r^2***

U = -3.75*10^2 J

Ek = (1/2)(GMm/r)

Ek = 1.875*10^10 J

Et = Ek +U

Et = -1.875*10^10 J

The Total energy of the satellite is -1.875*10^10 J.

Does that look right to you guys? Thanks in advance

I used 2 different formulas to find Ek, and got a different number from yours...

I don't know what number you used for the radius, but I used 6378.1 km, which I found off google...

Ek = mv2
Ek = (1500kg)(5000m/s)2
Ek = 3.75 x 1010 J

Ek = -GMm/r
Ek = -[(6.67x10-11Nm2/kg2)(2.513x1024kg)(1500kg)]/6 378 100m
Ek = 2.514x1017Nm/6 379 100
Ek = 3.94x1010Nm

The answers are slightly different, possibly due to rounding... I don't understand why your equation is halved...

When I use the Earth's real mass, I get Ek = 9.37 Nm, which does not match my first equation at all...

Also, is there any use for finding F?
  • #8
cdaisy said:
I used 2 different formulas to find Ek, and got a different number from yours...

I don't know what number you used for the radius, but I used 6378.1 km, which I found off google...

Ek = mv2
Ek = (1500kg)(5000m/s)2
Ek = 3.75 x 1010 J

Ek = -GMm/r
Ek = -[(6.67x10-11Nm2/kg2)(2.513x1024kg)(1500kg)]/6 378 100m
Ek = 2.514x1017Nm/6 379 100
Ek = 3.94x1010Nm

The answers are slightly different, possibly due to rounding... I don't understand why your equation is halved...

When I use the Earth's real mass, I get Ek = 9.37 Nm, which does not match my first equation at all...

Also, is there any use for finding F?

oopss, nevermind this response, it makes sense

FAQ: How Do You Calculate the Total Energy of a Geosynchronous Satellite?

1. What is the total energy of a satellite?

The total energy of a satellite is the sum of its kinetic energy and its potential energy.

2. How is the total energy of a satellite calculated?

The total energy of a satellite can be calculated using the formula E = K + U, where E is the total energy, K is the kinetic energy, and U is the potential energy.

3. What is the role of the total energy in the motion of a satellite?

The total energy of a satellite determines its orbit and motion. If the total energy is positive, the orbit will be elliptical. If it is negative, the orbit will be hyperbolic. A total energy of zero results in a circular orbit.

4. How does the total energy affect the stability of a satellite's orbit?

The total energy of a satellite is directly related to the stability of its orbit. A higher total energy can cause the satellite to escape its orbit, while a lower total energy can cause the satellite to crash into the planet.

5. Can the total energy of a satellite change over time?

Yes, the total energy of a satellite can change over time due to external forces such as gravitational pull from other objects or atmospheric drag. However, in an isolated system, the total energy will remain constant.
