How Do You Calculate the Weight on a Suspended Board in Static Equilibrium?

In summary: I see. Thanks a lot!In summary, a uniform board of length L and weight W is suspended between two vertical walls by ropes of length L/2 each. When a weight w is placed on the left end of the board, it assumes the configuration shown in the figure. Using the given equations and attempt at a solution, the weight w is found to be 2.41 W, which is incorrect. However, by setting the pivot point at the intersection of the ropes and taking moments about that point, the weight w is correctly found to be 1.42 W. The horizontal distances from the pivot to w and W can be calculated using z1sin35º and (L/2)cos9.2º - z
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform board of length L and weight W is suspended between two vertical walls by ropes of length L/2 each. When a weight w is placed on the left end of the board, it assumes the configuration shown in the figure.

Find the weight w in terms of the board weight W.

Homework Equations

If the left rope corresponds to T_1, and the right rope to T_2, left and down is negative, right and up is positive, then:

Sum(F_x) = -T_1 sin(35) + T_2 sin(60) = 0
Sum(F_y) = T_1 cos(35) + T_2 cos (60) - W - w = 0
Sum(T_z) = - W(L/2) cos(9.2) + T_2 L sin(20.8 [just calculated this from graphical drawing]) = 0 [pivot at w].

The Attempt at a Solution

eq1. T_2 sin(60) = T_1 sin(35)
eq1. T_2 = T_1 sin(35)/sin(60)

eq2. T_1 (cos(35) + sin(35)cos(60)/sin(60)) - W = w

eq3. T_2 L sin(20.8) = W (L/2) cos(9.2)
eq3. T_2 sin(20.8) = W (1/2) cos(9.2)
eq3. T_1 sin(35)sin(20.8)/sin(60) = W (1/2) cos(9.2)
eq3. T_1 = [W (1/2) cos(9.2) sin(60)] / [sin(35)sin(20.8)]

eq2. [W (1/2) cos(9.2) sin(60)] / [sin(35)sin(20.8)] * [(cos(35) + sin(35)cos(60)/sin(60))] - W = w
eq2. [W (1/2) cos(9.2) sin(60)] / [sin(35)sin(20.8)] * [(cos(35) + sin(35)cos(60)/sin(60))] - W = w
eq2. [W * .4274425413] / [.203680986] * [1.150306554] = w
eq2 w = 2.41 W

The correct answer is 1.42 W. What did I do wrong?
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  • #2
akan said:
eq2. [W (1/2) cos(9.2) sin(60)] / [sin(35)sin(20.8)] * [(cos(35) + sin(35)cos(60)/sin(60))] - W = w
eq2. [W * .4274425413] / [.203680986] * [1.150306554] = w
eq2 w = 2.41 W

Hi akan! :smile:

You left out the - W. :rolleyes:

(though it might hav been quicker

i] to find T1 in terms of T2 instead of vice versa

ii] to take moments about the point where the lines of the two ropes meet :wink:)
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi akan! :smile:

You left out the - W. :rolleyes:

(though it might hav been quicker

i] to find T1 in terms of T2 instead of vice versa

ii] to take moments about the point where the lines of the two ropes meet :wink:)

Thank you!

1) Yes, you're right, that's easier.
2) Uh... If I did that, how would I account for the torque due to W and w? Where would the moment arm be? Wouldn't that make more unknown variables, too?
  • #4
akan said:
2) Uh... If I did that, how would I account for the torque due to W and w? Where would the moment arm be? Wouldn't that make more unknown variables, too?

Well, you know that the combined torque of W and w must go through that point … and they're both vertical, so you just balance the left and right amounts, like an uneven see-saw. :smile:

(you get the same equation in the end, of course …*but it's all in one geometrical diagram, so it's easier to check what you're doing)
  • #5
Can you please explain how to express torque if I set the pivot point in such a way that it does not even lie along the level arm? This is something that neither my textbook nor my professor seem to be able to explain clearly. Thanks.
  • #6
akan said:
Can you please explain how to express torque if I set the pivot point in such a way that it does not even lie along the level arm? This is something that neither my textbook nor my professor seem to be able to explain clearly. Thanks.

(btw, the lever arm (stupid name, IMO) isn't the line of the force … it's the distance from the pivot point to the line of the force).

You can set the pivot point anywhere

(The pivot point I suggested has the advantage that it makes two of the lever arms (and therefore the torques) zero! :wink:)

torque = force times perpendicular distance …

that is, the perpendicular distance (shortest distance) from the pivot point to the line of application of the force.

This extract from the PF Library may help:
Every force F has a Moment about any point P.

To find the Moment, draw R, the point of application of the force, and L, the line of application of the force, and draw the perpendicular line PQ from P to L (so both Q and R lie on L).

For the Moment of a velocity, R is the position of the centre of mass, and L is the line of the velocity.

Then the Moment of F about P is the vector written "r x F" (pronounced "r cross F"), where r is the position vector PR. Its direction is perpendicular to both L and the line PR (and PQ). And its magnitude is PQ times F.

r is sometimes called the lever arm.

Note that if P is on the line L, then P = Q, so PQ = 0, so the Moment of the force is 0.

In nearly all exam problems, everything is in the same plane (the plane of the examination paper!), so all the Moment vectors are vertically out of the page.

In other words, they're all parallel to each other, so we can forget that they're vectors, and treat them simply as numbers, F times PQ. :smile:

We can take Moments about any point, so we always choose whatever point makes the calculations easiest.

Usually, it's the point of application of an unknown force, so that the Moment of that force is 0, making the equation shorter! :smile:

Any questions? :smile:
  • #7
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  • #8
Hi akan! :smile:
akan said:
Ok, is this what you meant?

If yes, how do I find the distance from W_CM to PIVOT, and the angle that its arm makes with the horizontal? Thanks.

You only need the horizontal distances from P (the pivot) to W and w … the forces w and W are vertical, so the "lever arm" (horrible phrase) is horizontal.

The horizontal distance to w is z1sin35º, and the horizontal distance to W is (L/2)cos9.2º minus that. :smile:
  • #9
Shouldn't the distances be perpendicular to the lever arm (please also suggest a better term), because torque is r x F = rF sin theta, where theta is the angle between the two vectors? And please explain how'd you get the horizontal distance to W from the pivot. Thanks.
  • #10
akan said:
Shouldn't the distances be perpendicular to the lever arm (please also suggest a better term), because torque is r x F = rF sin theta, where theta is the angle between the two vectors? And please explain how'd you get the horizontal distance to W from the pivot. Thanks.

The distance is the lever arm.

In r x F = rF sin theta, F is the force (along the "line of force"), and r is the lever arm.

I just call r the "perpendicular distance". :smile:

The horizontal distance to w is z1sin35º (and you can get z1 from the sine rule), and the horizontal distance to W is (L/2)cos9.2º minus that.
  • #11
Can you please draw a picture from which it would be clear where the (L/2) cos 9.2 comes from? Thank you.
  • #12
akan said:
Can you please draw a picture from which it would be clear where the (L/2) cos 9.2 comes from? Thank you.

erm … it's your picture …

(L/2) cos 9.2º is the horizontal distance from W (the centre of the board) to w. :smile:
  • #13
Ah. I see what you're saying. But I need the horizontal distance from W to the pivot, not from W to w.
  • #14
tiny-tim said:
The horizontal distance to w is z1sin35º (and you can get z1 from the sine rule), and the horizontal distance to W is (L/2)cos9.2º minus that.

Related to How Do You Calculate the Weight on a Suspended Board in Static Equilibrium?

1. What is a static equilibrium problem?

A static equilibrium problem is a type of physics problem that involves finding the forces and torques acting on an object in order for it to be in a state of rest or balanced forces. In other words, it is a problem where all the forces acting on the object cancel each other out and the object is not moving.

2. How do you solve a static equilibrium problem?

To solve a static equilibrium problem, you first need to draw a free body diagram of the object and identify all the external forces acting on it. Then, you can use Newton's laws of motion and the principles of torque to set up equations and solve for the unknown forces or angles.

3. What are the key concepts involved in solving a static equilibrium problem?

The key concepts involved in solving a static equilibrium problem include understanding forces, vectors, and torque; applying Newton's laws of motion; and using the conditions for equilibrium, which include the sum of forces being equal to zero and the sum of torques being equal to zero.

4. Can a static equilibrium problem have multiple solutions?

Yes, a static equilibrium problem can have multiple solutions. This can occur when there are multiple unknown forces or angles, and the equations set up have more than one possible combination of values that satisfy the conditions for equilibrium.

5. What are some real-life applications of static equilibrium problems?

Static equilibrium problems have many real-life applications, such as designing structures like bridges and buildings, understanding the forces acting on objects like bridges or cranes, and analyzing the stability of objects like bookshelves or ladders. They are also used in fields like biomechanics, where the forces acting on the human body can be studied in different positions or movements.

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