How Do You Calculate Time Along a Path in Polar Coordinates?

In summary, the author attempted to find the time it takes for a particle to travel between two angles on a path by integrating between the two angles. They found that the time is proportional to the velocity and that the differential distance is multiplied by the angle.
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Homework Statement

I have a path defined in polar coordiantes defined as r=a*cos2(θ). I also have the velocity along this path as a function of θ. I want to find the time take to move between two given angles on the path.2. The attempt at a solution

I know that this problem will involve some kind of integration but what is the general method behind solving this kind of problem.
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  • #2
$$ \vec{v} = \frac {d\vec{R}} {dt} = \frac {d\vec{R}} {d\theta} \frac {d\theta} {dt } $$
  • #3
The rules are that you need to show some attempt to solve the problem before anyone can help you. So show us what you have tried so far.
  • #4
Well my idea is that since I have the velocity of the particle in the direction of the path, then would the time just be ∫(a*cos2(θ)/v(θ))dθ integrated between the two angles I want ( f(v) is the velocity along the path as a function of theta). The main problem is see with this is that r dθ is for a circular loop but can I assume this because dθ is very small.
  • #5
vmedica said:
Well my idea is that since I have the velocity of the particle in the direction of the path, then would the time just be ∫(a*cos2(θ)/v(θ))dθ integrated between the two angles I want ( f(v) is the velocity along the path as a function of theta). The main problem is see with this is that r dθ is for a circular loop but can I assume this because dθ is very small.

This isn't quite right, but you are on the right track. Let me help you. If the particle trajectory is arbitrary, what is the equation for a differential length ds along the trajectory in terms of r, dr, and dθ? What is the equation for the tangential velocity v in terms of ds and dt?
  • #6
Differential length is √(r2+(dr/dθ)2).

Do you mean the tangential component of the velocity? For that, I get √(ds2-dr2). (Using v=r dθ and ds2=(r dθ)2+dr2).

Or do you mean the tangent to the curve at that point, if ds is a straight line at that point, then v=ds/dt. This looks better, so would time just be ∫ds/v= ∫√(r2+(dr/dθ)2)/v dθ , where v is the velocity along the curve?
  • #7
vmedica said:
Differential length is √(r2+(dr/dθ)2).

Do you mean the tangential component of the velocity? For that, I get √(ds2-dr2). (Using v=r dθ and ds2=(r dθ)2+dr2).

Or do you mean the tangent to the curve at that point, if ds is a straight line at that point, then v=ds/dt. This looks better, so would time just be ∫ds/v= ∫√(r2+(dr/dθ)2)/v dθ , where v is the velocity along the curve?

√(r2+(dr/dθ)2) isn't quite right. The differential distance ds along the trajectory is this multiplied by dθ. [tex]ds=\sqrt{(dr)^2+(rd\theta)^2}[/tex]

So, [tex]dt=\frac{\sqrt{(\frac{dr}{d\theta})^2+r^2}}{v(\theta)}d\theta[/tex]
  • #8
That makes sense now. Thank you for your help.

Related to How Do You Calculate Time Along a Path in Polar Coordinates?

1. What is the concept of "time in polar coordinates"?

"Time in polar coordinates" refers to a way of representing time using polar coordinates instead of the traditional Cartesian coordinates. This means that instead of using the x and y axes to plot time, a polar coordinate system uses the angle and distance from the origin to represent time.

2. How is time measured in polar coordinates?

In polar coordinates, time is measured in radians instead of seconds. The angle represents the time and the distance from the origin represents the duration of time.

3. What are the advantages of using polar coordinates to represent time?

One advantage of using polar coordinates for time is that it allows for a more intuitive understanding of cyclical events, such as the movement of objects in a circular motion. It also allows for easier visualization of periodic patterns and trends.

4. How does time in polar coordinates relate to other scientific concepts?

Time in polar coordinates is closely related to the concept of rotational motion, as well as other cyclic phenomena such as waves and oscillations. It can also be applied to various fields such as astronomy, physics, and engineering.

5. Can polar coordinates be used to represent time in everyday life?

While polar coordinates are commonly used in scientific and mathematical contexts, they may not be as practical for everyday use. However, they can be used to represent time in certain scenarios, such as tracking the movement of celestial bodies or analyzing cyclical patterns in data.
