How Do You Calculate Torque and Angular Momentum in a Conical Pendulum?

In summary, we have a ball of mass 250 g on the end of a string with a length of 1.84 m and an angle of 37 degrees to the vertical. To find the magnitude of the torque exerted on the ball about the support point, we use the equation torque = r x F, where the force is the weight of the ball. This gives us a torque of 2.71 N m. To find the magnitude of the angular momentum, we use the equation L = mvr and solve for v using the equation for centripetal force and weight. This gives us an angular momentum of 1.32 kg m^2/2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A ball (mass m = 250 g) on the end of an ideal string is moving in a circular motion as a conical pendulum. The length L of the string is 1.84 m and the angle with the vertical is 37 degrees.
a) What is the magnitude of the torque (N m) exerted on the ball about the support point?
b) What is the magnitude of the angular momentum (kg m^2/2) of the ball about the support point?

Correct Answers: a) 2.71 b) 1.32

Homework Equations

L = m * v * r (where L = momentum)

F centripetal = (mv^2) / r

weight = mg

torque = r vector x F vector

The Attempt at a Solution

For A I assumed the torque was 0 because there wasn't any said force. This obviously was wrong but I do not know why.

For B I used L = m*v*r where L = momentum

First I drew out the diagram.

I noticed r = L * sin 37

I noticed m*g*tan 37 = (m * v^2 /r)

m = .250 kg
v = (r * g * tan 37 )^(0.5) = (L*sin 37*9.8*tan 37)^(0.5) = 2.8596
r = L * sin 37 = 1.84 * sin 37= 1.10733

Plug and chug:

L = .791 This was incorrect.

Please help!
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  • #2
Okay I found out that torque = L * force . The force is gravity!

1.84 x .250 * 9.8 X sin(180 - 37) = 2.71
  • #3
r needs to be 1.84. The length of the string. Got it!
  • #4
We know that torque is calculated in the following way.

[itex] \sum_i^n \overline{T_i} = \sum_i^n \overline{r} \times \overline{F} _i [/itex] (1)

Also we know that there are two external forces that are applied in the ball:

The tension of the string:

[itex]\overline{T} = -T \widehat{x} [/itex]

And the weight:

[itex]\overline{P}= mg(cos \gamma \widehat{x} - sin \gamma \widehat{y})[/itex]

Also we know that the position of the ball (b) from the support point (s) is the length of the string, we define it in the following way:

[itex]\overline{r_{sb}} = L \widehat{x} [/itex]

[itex]\overline{r_{ss}} = 0 \widehat{x}[/itex]

Remember that the distance from the support point to the support point is zero, so with all these information we can use (1):

[itex] \sum_i^n \overline{T_i} = \sum_i^n \overline{r} \times \overline{F} _i = \overline{r_{sb}} \times mg(cos \gamma \widehat{x} - sin \gamma \widehat{y}) + \overline{r_{ss}} \times (-T) \widehat{x} [/itex]


[itex] \sum_i^n \overline{T_i} = L \widehat{x} \times mg cos \gamma \widehat{x} + L \widehat{x} \times - mg sin \gamma \widehat{y} + 0 \times (-T) \widehat{x} [/itex]

[itex] \sum_i^n \overline{T_i} = L \widehat{x} \times - mg sin \gamma \widehat{y} [/itex]

Replacing all the data that we have:

[itex] | \sum_i^n \overline{T_i} | = (1.84 m)(9,8 \frac{m}{s^2})(0.250 kg) sin 37° \approx 2.7129 Kg \frac{m^2}{s^2}[/itex]

For item b we know that angular momentum is defined as:

[itex] \sum_i^n \overline{L_i} = \sum_i^n \overline{r_i} \times m \overline{v_i} [/itex] (2)

I am not seeing how you determined that the velocity of the ball is:

[itex]v^2 = r*g*tan 37 [/itex]

Can you explain it?.
  • #5
Centripetal F = mv^2 / r.

This force can also be written in terms of weight and the angle:

mgtan 37

Set them equal to each other;

mgtan(37) = mv^2 /r

Cancel m:

gtan(37) = v^2 / r

Simplify for V^2:

rgtan(37) = v^2

FAQ: How Do You Calculate Torque and Angular Momentum in a Conical Pendulum?

1. What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate around an axis. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance from the axis of rotation that the force is applied.

2. How is torque related to momentum?

Torque and momentum are related through the concept of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the product of an object's moment of inertia (a measure of its resistance to rotational motion) and its angular velocity. Torque can change an object's angular momentum, thus affecting its rotational motion.

3. What is the difference between linear and angular momentum?

Linear momentum is the product of an object's mass and its linear velocity, while angular momentum is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. Linear momentum describes an object's motion in a straight line, while angular momentum describes an object's rotational motion around an axis.

4. How can torque and momentum be applied in real-world situations?

Torque and momentum are fundamental concepts in physics and have many practical applications. They are used in engineering to design and analyze machines and structures, in sports to improve performance and prevent injuries, and in transportation to understand and improve the motion of vehicles.

5. How can I calculate torque and momentum in a problem?

To calculate torque, you need to know the force applied to an object and the distance from the axis of rotation where the force is applied. To calculate momentum, you need to know an object's mass, linear or angular velocity, and moment of inertia. It is important to use the correct units and formulas for the given problem to obtain accurate results.
