How Do You Calculate Velocity and Acceleration from a Position Function?

In summary, the homework statement is that the position of a particle along the s-axis is 1-3t^2, find an expression for the velocity and acceleration, and determine when v=0. The equations for the homework are v=ds/dt, a=dv/dt. The attempt at a solution is to set v=0 equal to s=1-3t^2 and solve for t. However, the student does not know where to begin and asks for help. The expert provides a summary of the content, including explaining what a derivative is, how to use it, and how to find the velocity and acceleration when solving for t.
  • #1

Homework Statement

s is the position of a particle along the s-axis, find an expression for the velocity and acceleration and determine when v=0


Homework Equations

v=ds/dt , a=dv/dt

The Attempt at a Solution

No idea where to begin, my book is not very clear. Do I just set v=0 equal to s = 1-3t^2? I know the answer is v=-6t but do not know where to begin - thanks!
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  • #2
Yes, differentiate s(t) as you have shown to find v(t). Then set v(t) = 0, and solve for t. You're on the right track.
  • #3
I still do not know where to begin. my book gives an example s=2t^2-4t. when they begin to solve the problem they go from v=ds/dt to v=4t-4

i don't see how they come to this value?
  • #4
They found the derivative of 2t^2 -4t.
  • #5
so i found acceleration to be -6 by taking the derivative of -6t. what does this mean in layman's terms, exactly? I don't understand how taking the derivative of s yields the velocity, and taking the derivative of velocity yields acceleration...
  • #6
fitz_calc said:
so i found acceleration to be -6 by taking the derivative of -6t. what does this mean in layman's terms, exactly? I don't understand how taking the derivative of s yields the velocity, and taking the derivative of velocity yields acceleration...

Velocity is the change in position per unit time, or ds/dt. Acceleration is the change in velocity per unit time, or dv/dt.

It's helpful to carry along your units...

** units of position s are meters [m]

** units of velocity v are meters per second [m/s]

** units of acceleration a are meters per second squared [m/s^2]

When you get an answer like a = -6 [m/s^2], that means that you have a *deceleration* of 6 [m/s^2]. Does that help?
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  • #7
fitz_calc said:
so i found acceleration to be -6 by taking the derivative of -6t. what does this mean in layman's terms, exactly? I don't understand how taking the derivative of s yields the velocity, and taking the derivative of velocity yields acceleration...
It means that this object has a constant downward acceleration, just a something falling in constant gravity does.

Surely you have learned that the derivative is the rate of change of a function relative to the variable? If x(t) is distance, x, as a function of time, t, then dx/dt is the rate of change of distance relative to time: precisely the instantaneous velocity. Of course, the second derivative then is the rate of change of velocity relative to time: the definition of acceleration.
  • #8
i get it now, some of these topics were covered in my mechanics course last year, though we never really touched on derivatives like this technical calculus course is. thanks.
  • #9
Oh, God, I hate courses like that. I once taught a "Calculus for Economics and Business Administration" course. The textbook I was required to use covered limits in one page just listing the three limit laws:
If [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= L_1[/itex] and [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} g(x)= L_2[/itex] then [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)+ g(x)= L_1+ L_2[/itex].
If [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= L_1[/itex] and [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} g(x)= L_2[/itex] then [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)g(x)= L_1L_2[/itex]
If [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= L_1[/itex] and [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} g(x)= L_2[/itex] AND [itex]L_1[/itex] is not 0, then [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)/g(x)= L_1/L_2[/itex].

On the very next page, they defined the derivative as
[tex]\frac{df}{dx}(a)= \lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}[/tex]
not bothering to point out that the laws of limits they had given do not apply here because the denominator necessarily does go to 0!

They had left out the most important law of limits:
If f(x)= g(x) for all x except x=a, then [itex]\lim_{x\rightarrow a} f(x)= \lim_{x\rightarrow a}g(x)[/itex]!

Related to How Do You Calculate Velocity and Acceleration from a Position Function?

1. What is the definition of instantaneous rate of change?

The instantaneous rate of change is the measure of the change in a function at a specific point, or instant, in time. It represents the slope of the tangent line to the curve at that point.

2. How is instantaneous rate of change different from average rate of change?

Instantaneous rate of change is the rate of change at a specific point, while average rate of change is the rate of change over an interval. Average rate of change is calculated by finding the slope of the secant line between two points on a curve.

3. What does a negative instantaneous rate of change indicate?

A negative instantaneous rate of change indicates that the function is decreasing at that point. This means that the slope of the tangent line is negative, and the function is moving in a downward direction at that instant.

4. How is the instantaneous rate of change calculated?

The instantaneous rate of change is calculated using the derivative of the function at a specific point. This can be done using the limit definition of the derivative, or by using differentiation rules and formulas.

5. Why is instantaneous rate of change important in science?

Instantaneous rate of change is used to analyze and understand the behavior of functions in various scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, and economics. It helps us to determine the exact rate of change at a specific point, which can be crucial in making predictions and solving real-world problems.

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