How Do You Compute the Electric Potential Using the Method of Image Charges?

In summary, the conversation discusses the method of image charges in relation to a problem involving two semi-infinite grounded conducting planes meeting at right angles with a point charge in the region between them. The conversation covers the computation of the potential between the planes, the location and magnitude of the necessary image charges, and the calculation of the electric charge density on the planes. The approach taken involves a guess for the location of the image charges and an examination of the potential equation to ensure it satisfies the given conditions. The conversation also addresses a typo in the calculation for the charge distribution on the planes.
  • #1

I am learning about the method of image charges, but am struggling to sufficiently justify my answer. It appears to be correct, though it quite possibly isn't...

1. Homework Statement

(please see attached item)

Two semi-infinite grounded conducting planes (the shaded region in the figure, corresponding to ##x ≤ 0## or ##y ≤ 0)## meet at right angles. In the region between them (i.e. ##x > 0## and ##y > 0##), there is a point charge, at a distance ##d## from each plane, as indicated in the figure. Set the z axis such that the charge q is at ##z = 0##.

(a) To compute the potential between the planes you need three image charges. What is their magnitude and where should they be located?

(b) Compute the electric potential between the planes.

(c) Compute the electric charge density σ on the planes.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My answer to part (a) is essentially a guess, based on creating a symmetrical situation. I don't know how to justify it properly, and would love some help regarding this.

I have said that I need 2 charges of -q and one of charge +q.

-q (-d, d)
-q (d, -d)
+q (-d, -d)

Are the coordinates that I think they should be placed at.

I then look at the potential, and see that ##V(x,y) = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} [\frac{q}{\sqrt{(x-d)^{2} + (y-d)^{2}}} - \frac{q}{\sqrt{(x+d)^{2} + (y-d)^{2}}} - \frac{q}{\sqrt{(x-d)^{2} + (y+d)^{2}}} + \frac{q}{\sqrt{(x+d)^{2} + (y+d)^{2}}}]##

which satisfies the conditions that at ##V(0,y) = 0## and ##V(x,0) = 0##

Am I on the right track here?



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  • #2
Looks good to me !
  • #3
BvU said:
Looks good to me !

That is good to hear! I do feel like I have cheated somewhat though. Is there a rigorous method to go about this, or is a guess generally acceptable provided it can be shown to satisfy the conditions?

For part (c) I need to find the charge distributions on each plane. I have done that in the same way I would for a single plane, and the expressions look like they make physical sense to me.

##\sigma_{x} = - \epsilon_{0} \frac{\partial V}{\partial y}|_{y = 0} = - \frac{q}{2 \pi} [\frac{d}{((x - d)^{2} + d^{2})^{3/2}} - \frac{d}{((x + d)^{2} + d^{2})^{3/2}} ]##

and ##\sigma_{y} = - \epsilon_{0} \frac{\partial V}{\partial x}|_{x = 0} = - \frac{q}{2 \pi} [\frac{d}{((y - d)^{2} + d^{2})^{3/2}} - \frac{d}{((y + d)^{2} + d^{2})^{3/2}} ]##

I think this makes sense because as the charge distribution would not be constant along the planes
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  • #4
Doesn't look symmetric around y = x !?
try x = d and you'll see the error
[edit] yes the ##(x-d)^2 -d^2## should have been ##(x-d)^2+d^2##
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  • #5
BvU said:
Doesn't look symmetric around y = x !?
try x = d and you'll see the error

Sorry, what doesn't look symmetric around y = x?

Edit - Fixed a typo in my ##\sigma_{x}## expression

FAQ: How Do You Compute the Electric Potential Using the Method of Image Charges?

1. What is the Method of Image Charges?

The Method of Image Charges is a mathematical technique used in electrostatics to find the electric potential and fields of a point charge near a grounded conducting surface. It involves creating imaginary point charges, called "image charges", to simulate the effect of the grounded surface on the original charge.

2. How does the Method of Image Charges work?

The Method of Image Charges works by using the principle of superposition. The electric potential and fields of the original charge and the image charges are added together to find the total potential and fields at any point. This allows for a simplified calculation of the electric potential and fields near a grounded conducting surface.

3. What are some real-world applications of the Method of Image Charges?

The Method of Image Charges is commonly used in the analysis of electrostatic problems involving conducting surfaces, such as charged plates, conductors, and capacitors. It is also used in the design and optimization of electronics and electrical systems.

4. Are there any limitations to the Method of Image Charges?

The Method of Image Charges is only applicable in situations where the original charge and the conducting surface are both stationary. It also assumes that the conducting surface is a perfect conductor and does not take into account the effects of non-ideal surfaces or other materials.

5. How does the Method of Image Charges relate to the concept of symmetry?

The Method of Image Charges relies heavily on the concept of symmetry. By creating image charges, the original charge and the grounded surface are mirrored in such a way that the electric potential and fields are preserved. This allows for easier calculations and can also provide insights into the underlying symmetry of the problem.
