How Do You Convert ENU to ECEF Coordinates?

  • Thread starter rjjansky
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In summary: Earth axes conventions, ENU and ECEF. He is asking for help in finding a conversion formula or explanation that is easy for someone with little math experience to understand. He explains that ENU is East North Up while ECEF is Earth Centered Earth Fixed and mentions that ECEF is Cartesian while ENU is not. He also mentions NED, which stands for North East Down. Jason is having trouble finding helpful information on this topic and wonders if he is using the correct search terms. He is specifically looking for a way to convert ENU data to ECEF in order to use it in other formulas to estimate a new position. Despite being away from math for many years, Jason is determined to find a
  • #1
Dear Readers,

It has been many (30+) years since I have had to work this kind of math and it is kickin' my butt. So, if you can help a software weenie with a need for a conversion formula for ENU to ECEF (or at least an explanation of things more elementary than what I have found thus far) it would be a great help. Not quite sure why it seems I can find plenty of discussions of going from ECEF to ENU but I must not be using the correct word set in my searches. Remember, please explain things as if I were a four year old.

Thanks in advance for what ever you can provide!

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  • #2
What are ENU and ECEF?
  • #3
Sorry. They are different Earth axes conventions. ENU is East North Up while ECEF is Earth Centered Earth Fixed. There is also NED which is North East Down. At any rate, ECEF is Cartesian and ENU is not so those bits of data that I received in ENU need to be converted to ECEF in order to work through other formulas to estimate a new position. Being away from linear algebra and matrix math these many years has made it tough to get traction on solutions.
  • #4
Since I am not familiar with the conventions by name, it would be helpful if you gave a complete definition for each.
  • #5
The first item google gives me for "enu to ecef" is
Did you already look at the top google results for this topic? If so, what was confusing to you?


FAQ: How Do You Convert ENU to ECEF Coordinates?

What is ENU to ECEF Conversion Formula?

The ENU to ECEF conversion formula is a mathematical formula used to convert coordinates from the East-North-Up (ENU) coordinate system to the Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) coordinate system.

Why is ENU to ECEF Conversion Formula important?

ENU to ECEF conversion is important because it allows for the precise representation of a location on the Earth's surface in a 3D coordinate system. This is necessary for various scientific and engineering applications, such as GPS navigation and satellite tracking.

How does ENU to ECEF Conversion Formula work?

The ENU to ECEF conversion formula involves a series of mathematical transformations, including rotation and translation, to convert the coordinates. It takes into account the Earth's curvature and rotation to accurately represent a location in 3D space.

What are the inputs and outputs of ENU to ECEF Conversion Formula?

The inputs for ENU to ECEF conversion are the ENU coordinates of a point, as well as the latitude and longitude of the reference point. The outputs are the ECEF coordinates, which include the x, y, and z coordinates of the point in meters.

Are there any limitations to ENU to ECEF Conversion Formula?

Yes, there are limitations to the ENU to ECEF conversion formula. It assumes a perfect, spherical Earth and does not take into account factors such as terrain or atmospheric effects. Additionally, it is only applicable for locations near the Earth's surface and may not accurately represent points at high altitudes or in space.
