How Do You Convert French Decimal Time to Standard Time?

  • Thread starter jfsbird
  • Start date
In summary, the French government attempted to use a decimal system for time measurement after the French Revolution, with 1 week consisting of 10 days, 1 day consisting of 10 hours, 1 hour consisting of 100 minutes, and 1 minute consisting of 100 seconds. The ratios of (a) the French decimal week and the standard week, and (b) the French decimal second and the standard second can be found by using conversion factors provided in the problem. The Halliday textbook provides helpful information and examples for solving the problem.
  • #1
I am a first year University Physics student and a longgg time out of high school. I am strong in math, but I am feeling very shaky about this physics course. our first homework assignment had a couple of problems that I found a little confusing. Here is trhe first one:

For about ten years after the French Revolution the French government attempted to base measurements of time on multiples of ten: one week consisted of ten days, one day ten hours, one hour 100 minutes, and one minute 100 seconds. What are the ratios of (a) the French decimal week and the standard week, and (b) the French decimal second and the standard second?

I just need a little help getting started. Doesnt there need to be some kind of equivillancy to find a conversion factor? The answer for this problem is in the back of the book but i can't see how to get there.
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  • #2
Hey, hey! Are you using Halliday? Do you not love how the authors go on rants about how necessary the metric system is (see problem 30)? Fun and humor!

OK, to business. They do give you the equivilancies. Rewrite the question "1 week consisted of 10 days" as "1 week = 10 days" or more useful yet, [itex] 1=\frac{1 week}{10 days}=\frac{10 days}{1 week}[/itex]. Do so for all information they give you. Does that help?
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  • #3
Thanks. that helps a bit. I got the part (a). And yes we're using the Halliday book. And yes he does tend to rant...
  • #4
It took me a while and i feel like a dunce...the assumption is that 1 day = 1 day...once i saw that the rest was easy thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

FAQ: How Do You Convert French Decimal Time to Standard Time?

1. How do I convert units of measurement?

Converting units of measurement involves using a conversion factor, which is a ratio that relates two different units. To convert, simply multiply the value you want to convert by the conversion factor. For example, to convert 10 miles to kilometers, you would multiply 10 by the conversion factor 1.61 (1 mile = 1.61 kilometers), resulting in 16.1 kilometers.

2. What is the difference between metric and imperial units?

Metric units are based on the International System of Units (SI) and are used in most countries around the world. They are based on multiples of 10 and include units such as meters, grams, and liters. Imperial units, on the other hand, are primarily used in the United States and are based on older, traditional systems of measurement. They include units such as feet, pounds, and gallons.

3. How do I convert between metric and imperial units?

To convert between metric and imperial units, you will need to use a conversion factor. There are many conversion charts and online calculators available to help you with this process. You can also use the conversion factor method mentioned in the first question to manually convert between units.

4. Can I convert between units of different quantities?

Yes, it is possible to convert between units of different quantities. However, you will need to use a conversion factor that takes into account the relationship between the two quantities. For example, to convert between units of length and units of volume, you will need to use a different conversion factor than if you were converting between units of length and units of weight.

5. How do I check if my conversion is accurate?

To check if your conversion is accurate, you can use a calculator or online converter to double-check your results. You can also use estimation to see if your converted value is in the expected range. Additionally, it is always a good idea to use multiple sources to ensure the accuracy of your conversion.
