How Do You Deredden WISE+2MASS Data Using Flaherty et al. (2009) Extinction Law?

  • Thread starter vrinda mukund
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of plotting a color-color diagram for a specific open cluster using WISE+2MASS data. It is mentioned that the dereddening process is necessary and that the extinction law used is from the Flaherty et al (2009) paper, which describes the relationship between the amount of extinction and the wavelength of light using a power-law form with a power-law index of β = 1.75. This information can help with accurately plotting the color-color diagram.
  • #1
vrinda mukund
Hello friends,

I was trying to plot the color-color diagram of a particular open cluster using WISE+2MASS data. You can get more details of the diagram from the following paper that i am attaching.[Koenig - Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer Observations of the evolution of the massive star forming regions-Appendix section -page 22- under the tittle Using 2mass data]. There it is written that we need to do the dereddening for plotting the CCD. And it is written like they have used the extinction law mentioned in Flaherty et al(2009) paper . But i can't understand the law that they have mentioned. Can somebody please help me with a simple explanation?? Pleaseeeeeeeeee...iam stucked up with my work
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  • #2
. The paper that Flaherty et al (2009) wrote is focused on extinction laws in the mid-infrared and near-infrared. The extinction law is essentially a formula that describes the amount of light that is blocked out by dust and other particles. The Flaherty et al (2009) paper uses a power-law form to describe the extinction law. Specifically, they look at the relationship between the amount of extinction and the wavelength of light. The power-law form is A = C·λ^β, where A is the extinction, C is a coefficient, λ is the wavelength, and β is the power-law index. In their paper, Flaherty et al (2009) found that the power-law index was β = 1.75. This means that the extinction increases as the wavelength increases. So, when plotting the color-color diagram for your star cluster, you should use this power-law form with a power-law index of β = 1.75 to calculate the extinction for each point on the graph.

FAQ: How Do You Deredden WISE+2MASS Data Using Flaherty et al. (2009) Extinction Law?

1. What is "Dereddening" in the context of WISE+2MASS data?

Dereddening is the process of correcting for the effects of interstellar dust on astronomical data. In the case of WISE+2MASS data, this involves removing the reddening caused by dust in the Milky Way galaxy, which can obscure and alter the true colors and brightness of celestial objects.

2. Why is dereddening important for studying WISE+2MASS data?

Dereddening is crucial for accurately interpreting and analyzing WISE+2MASS data. Without correcting for the effects of dust, the colors and magnitudes of objects in the data can be misleading and lead to incorrect conclusions about their properties and characteristics.

3. How is dereddening performed on WISE+2MASS data?

Dereddening is typically done using a combination of extinction maps, which show the distribution of dust in the sky, and theoretical models of dust extinction. These can be used to estimate the amount of reddening and correct for it in the data.

4. Are there any limitations or uncertainties in the dereddening process for WISE+2MASS data?

While dereddening is an important step in analyzing WISE+2MASS data, there are some limitations and uncertainties involved. The accuracy of the dereddening process depends on the quality of the extinction maps and the assumptions made in the theoretical models. Additionally, there may be variations in dust properties and distributions that can affect the accuracy of the correction.

5. Are there any alternative methods for correcting for dust in WISE+2MASS data?

Yes, there are alternative methods for dereddening WISE+2MASS data, such as using infrared colors or spectral features to estimate the amount of dust extinction. These methods may have their own limitations and uncertainties, but can provide additional insights into the properties of the dust and its effects on the data.

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