How Do You Design an Egg Drop Container That Is Also Crush-Resistant?

In summary, the task is to create a container that can protect an egg from a 30' drop without any parachutes or altering the egg's physical state. The container must also be able to withstand a small box of books being dropped on top of it. Ideas such as using foam padding, bubble wrap, or popsicle sticks have been considered but may not be crush-proof from all sides. Other suggestions include using expanding hardware foam, a foam ball with wooden pegs, or a suspended net within a rigid container. There are also limitations on the materials that can be used.
  • #1
Our instructor has given us the task of coming up with a container to drop an egg from a distance of 30' and not break. Container can't be any larger than 12"x12"x12" and no parachutes or anything that will affect fall/normal gravity. Egg must remain accesible to verify that it hasn't broken. No boiling, soaking, or coating the egg in any way that would alter its physical state. Here is the twist. Once it survives the drop, our instructor witll then drop a small box of books on top of it. The container must also be crush resistant from the top. This is what has me concerned. I don't feel that making a simple egg drop container would be difficult that would protect the egg. Making one that provides both impact protection and being crush proof to protect the egg at the same time has me stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  • #2
What ideas have you come up with (and dismissed) so far?
  • #3
1st thoughts were something to wrap the egg in (foam padding or bubblewrap) to protect it and place inside of a box. This would more than likely be ok on the fall but not crush proof. My father recommended popcicle sticks glued together around the foam covered egg with some weight added to the box for it to drop flat. However, I forgot to mention our instructor said he would also after dropping them attempt to roll them down our gym bleachers. In this case, you cannot guarantee which side would be up when he does the crush test. If I enclose the egg in some sort of protective case it would be hard to check it after impact for damage. I had also though of making a batch of clear jello and then put the egg inside while it sat up. I don't think he will allow me to bring in 3 jello encapsulated eggs to class. Again, the drop part isn't stumping me as much as making it crush proof from all sides as well...
Thank you for replying to my post.
  • #4
I did this once, although it was an egg and bunch of plastic straws from third floor.
  • #5
What about the geometry of the situation. Can you think of any shapes that are crush-resistant?
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  • #6
Put the egg in a box and fill it up with that expanding hardware foam they use to fill up gaps in walls.
  • #7
taylor92 said:
1st thoughts were something to wrap the egg in (foam padding or bubblewrap) to protect it and place inside of a box. This would more than likely be ok on the fall but not crush proof. My father recommended popcicle sticks glued together around the foam covered egg with some weight added to the box for it to drop flat. However, I forgot to mention our instructor said he would also after dropping them attempt to roll them down our gym bleachers. In this case, you cannot guarantee which side would be up when he does the crush test. If I enclose the egg in some sort of protective case it would be hard to check it after impact for damage. I had also though of making a batch of clear jello and then put the egg inside while it sat up. I don't think he will allow me to bring in 3 jello encapsulated eggs to class. Again, the drop part isn't stumping me as much as making it crush proof from all sides as well...
Thank you for replying to my post.

slider is on to something.

The less force the box has to withstand, the better the chances it will withstand the force.
  • #8
Only balls and pyramids.
  • #9
My newest idea (or rather my dad's) is putting it in a foam ball and putting wooden pegs around it across from each other that will bump each other when being crushed, preventing it from crushing. But, we have not tested it yet.
  • #10
taylor92 said:
Only balls and pyramids.

What are the odds the teacher could drop the books so their exact center would land on the tip of the pyramid?
  • #11
Hummingbird cages create a net that is suspended inside of a box. The suspended net makes it impossible for the captured bird to hit anything hard. Maybe a rigid container with an inner suspended container could do the trick.
  • #12
As Hokie says, you want some kind of soft padding within a hard container. Think about how you might accomplish that.

Are there any restrictions on the materials you are allowed to use?

FAQ: How Do You Design an Egg Drop Container That Is Also Crush-Resistant?

1. How do you add a new twist to the traditional egg drop project?

The traditional egg drop project involves creating a container that will protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a certain height. To add a new twist, you can change the materials used, modify the height of the drop, or add additional challenges such as wind or water.

2. What materials can be used for the new twist to the egg drop project?

There are many materials that could be used for the new twist, such as cardboard, bubble wrap, cotton balls, straws, or even paper cups. The key is to choose materials that are lightweight but also strong enough to withstand the impact of the drop.

3. How does changing the height of the drop affect the egg drop project?

The higher the drop, the more force the egg will experience upon impact. This means that the container must be able to withstand a greater impact force in order to protect the egg. Changing the height of the drop can make the project more challenging and require more advanced designs.

4. Can multiple eggs be used in the new twist to the egg drop project?

Yes, multiple eggs can be used in the project. This can add an extra level of difficulty as the container must protect all of the eggs and not just one. It also allows for more experimentation and testing of different designs.

5. What are some creative challenges that can be added to the new twist to the egg drop project?

Some creative challenges that can be added include incorporating a water element, such as dropping the container into a pool or testing it in a rain simulation. Another challenge could be to add wind by using a fan or blowing machine. You could also add a time limit for building the container or limit the materials that can be used.
