How Do You Determine Burger Vector Orientations in HCP Metals?

orientations on the slip plane (0 0 0 1) and visualize them in order to understand their arrangement.
  • #1

Homework Statement

sketch atomic arrangement, label coordinate axes, determine miller indices of the plane and the burger orientations in the slip plane of an HCP metal.

Homework Equations

no equations neeeded

The Attempt at a Solution

I know the atomic arrangement, a close packed hexagon on top and bottom and a triangle in the middle.

Coordinate axis are simple, a1, a2, a3, c

Miller indices of slip plane, (0 0 0 1) this is the close packed plane (it has the highest linear density) and it does not intersect any of the a axes

I am having trouble with the orientation of the burger vectors. My book gives that there are 3 "slip systems" , the slip plane is (0 0 0 1) and the slip direction is <1 1 -2 0>

My issue is, how do I find and draw the Burger vector orientations?
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  • #2

To determine the Burger vector orientations, we can use the following formula:

B = n1a1 + n2a2 + n3a3

where n1, n2, and n3 are integers that represent the number of unit cell translations in each direction, and a1, a2, and a3 are the lattice vectors.

In the case of an HCP metal, the a1 and a2 lattice vectors are in the basal plane, and the a3 lattice vector is perpendicular to the basal plane. Therefore, the Burger vector orientations will also be in the basal plane.

To find the Burger vector orientations for the given slip direction <1 1 -2 0>, we can first find the magnitude of the slip direction:

|<1 1 -2 0>| = sqrt(1^2 + 1^2 + (-2)^2 + 0^2) = sqrt(6)

Next, we can use the formula for the Burger vector to find the different orientations that correspond to this slip direction:

B = n1a1 + n2a2 + n3a3

We can set n1 = n2 = 1 and n3 = -2 to represent the slip direction <1 1 -2 0>.

So, B = a1 + a2 - 2a3

This means that there are three possible Burger vector orientations for this slip direction, which are:

B1 = a1 + a2 - 2a3
B2 = -a1 + a2 - 2a3
B3 = a1 - a2 - 2a3

We can sketch these three orientations on the slip plane (0 0 0 1) to visualize them.

Furthermore, since there are three slip systems in an HCP metal, there will also be three different slip planes (0 0 0 1) for each system. This means that there will be a total of nine possible Burger vector orientations in an HCP metal.

In summary, the Burger vector orientations for the given slip direction <1 1 -2 0> in an HCP metal are:

B1 = a1 + a2 - 2a3
B2 = -a1 + a2 - 2a3
B3 = a1 - a2 - 2a3

We can label these

Related to How Do You Determine Burger Vector Orientations in HCP Metals?

1. What is the significance of Burger vectors in HCP metals?

Burger vectors are important in HCP (hexagonal close-packed) metals because they represent the direction and magnitude of dislocations, which are defects in the crystal structure. These defects play a crucial role in the mechanical properties of HCP metals, such as their strength and ductility.

2. How are Burger vectors determined in HCP metals?

Burger vectors in HCP metals can be determined through various techniques such as transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. These methods allow for the visualization and measurement of the crystal structure and defects, including dislocations.

3. Can Burger vectors change in HCP metals?

Yes, Burger vectors can change in HCP metals due to plastic deformation, which occurs when stress is applied to the material. This leads to the movement and rearrangement of atoms, resulting in changes to the dislocations and Burger vectors.

4. What is the relationship between Burger vectors and slip systems in HCP metals?

Burger vectors are closely related to slip systems in HCP metals. Slip systems are specific crystallographic planes and directions that are favorable for dislocation motion. Burger vectors are perpendicular to the slip plane and indicate the direction of dislocation motion along the slip direction.

5. How do Burger vectors affect the mechanical properties of HCP metals?

Burger vectors play a critical role in the mechanical properties of HCP metals. The presence and movement of dislocations, represented by Burger vectors, can affect the strength, ductility, and other mechanical properties of the material. These vectors can also influence the response of HCP metals to external stresses and their ability to deform plastically.

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