How Do You Determine Infinite Significant Digits in Calculations?

In summary: In this case, the uncertainty interval is wider than it could be theoretically because the instrument is not able to measure every single detail of the particle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1) how do I know if the significant digit is supposed to be of " infinite sig-digs" ? If it is a constant value that is universally known, ike density then i understand that. But let's say i were to do ...


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

when adding, you go to the least amount of decimal places. so does that mean I just use a whole number?
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  • #2
Whole numbers, given without the decimal point, usually indicate that they are completely exact, which would mean an infinite number of zeros after the decimal point. So treat them accordingly. If you see, on the other hand, 35.00 or something like that, that would mean only the first two digits after the decimal point are known accurately.
  • #3
My textbook says otherwise. says that hte number 843 has 3 significant digits, so 35 has 2 sig digs, so i count them. rite?
  • #4
The book may be formally right. Practically, there is an ambiguity because the method "by the book" is no good for exact whole numbers, which do occur in practice. In a formula for kinetic energy, for example, there is "2", and that "2" is exact. No one is going to write that as 2.(0) which is probably the right way by the book.
  • #5
How do I know if a number has unlimited significant digits? Do values of density and molar mass have unlimited sigdigs? Do I ignore them?
  • #6
Significant digits are, in my opinion, closely related to the accuracy of the answer. Let's play with the number 25, for example:

25 has two significant digits. Adding zeros in front of 25, i.e. 025 or 0025, does not add any significant digits as it doesn't have any practical meaning.

An answer of 25 could mean anything greater or equal to 25 and less than or equal to 25.4999. Hence, if you instead write 25.0, you add another significant digit, as you give a closer indication of what the answer really is, as 25.0 means that the answer is smaller than 25.04999ad instead of 25.499999.

In response to the last part of your question, any exact number could thus be said to have unlimited significant digits (although this has no practical meaning). 25 could be written as 25.00000000000000000000000 (infinity of zeros).
  • #7
Depends what the "35" in your equation really represents. If it represents a physical quantity then it surely comes with an experimental error and the 5 should be considered a least significant digit. If, on the other hand, it comes from some exact mathematical calculation, then it is a mathematical constant and it has "infinite number of significant figures".
  • #8
I don't know. someone else told me density/molar masses and exact mathmatical quantitiesdo not have infinite sig-digs. So I guess ill just red omy math and carry them along
  • #9
Is the 35 the numerical value of some quantity (like t :smile:) that is represented by a letter in your formula?
  • #10
yess it is
  • #11
Then, it was measured by a thermometer in Celsius degrees and has a finite precision.
  • #12
At the same time 273.15 is an example of an exact value.
  • #13
I should remark that "the number of significant digits" notation is by no means unambiguous. When one needs to denote the true accuracy in a number, it can be done, for example, through the ± notation. E.g., 35 ± 10^-5. The ± notation is also not the ultimate answer; the accuracy may be unsymmetrical, and there is also some notation to express that.

Bottom line, use common sense when given some numbers no matter how they are expressed. If in doubt, ask.
  • #14
I would say something that many people might disagree with. I think the asymmetrical uncertainty interval is something that is forced upon by people doing fitting in experimental particle physics, and trying to get more information than is actually available from a scattering experiment.

FAQ: How Do You Determine Infinite Significant Digits in Calculations?

What are significant digits?

Significant digits, also known as significant figures, are the digits in a number that carry meaning and contribute to the precision of the number.

How do you determine the number of significant digits in a number?

The number of significant digits in a number can be determined by counting all non-zero digits and any zero digits between two non-zero digits. Trailing zeros without a decimal point are not significant, but trailing zeros after a decimal point are significant.

Why are significant digits important in scientific calculations?

Significant digits are important in scientific calculations because they indicate the precision of the results. Using the correct number of significant digits ensures that the final result is not more precise than the original measurements or data used in the calculation.

What are the rules for rounding numbers based on significant digits?

The general rule for rounding based on significant digits is to round to the last significant digit. If the next digit is less than 5, round down, and if it is 5 or more, round up. However, there are specific rules for situations such as when the last significant digit is a 5, and when rounding involves addition or subtraction.

How do significant digits affect the accuracy of a measurement?

The number of significant digits in a measurement reflects the precision of the measurement. A measurement with more significant digits is considered more precise and therefore more accurate. However, the accuracy of a measurement also depends on the equipment used and the skill of the measurement taker.
