How do you determine the direction of velocity?

In summary, the conversation discusses various concepts related to magnetism, including drawing magnetic field lines, determining the force and velocity of charged particles in a magnetic field, and using the right-hand rule. There is also a question about labeling the poles of a metal rod with wires looped around it.
  • #1
URGENT: Magnet Stuff...

I have this quiz tommorrow on magnetism (not even sure if that's what it is, lol), but anyway, if someone could guide me with these problems (or at least one or something) below then I will greatly appreciate it!

There are four magnet diagrams that you need to draw the field and direction for:

1. First magnet is a north/south bar.
2. Second one is two south ends of a magnet close together.
3. Third is a wire with current.
4. Fourth is the wire but shown as if you were looking into the wire.

5. Find the force if there's 6 microcoulombs, 15 m/s, and 100 Teslas given.

(What I have so far for that one: First find the force, then at parallel which is just zero (the rule), and then at 30 degrees
F = qvBsin0. Am I right on this? What's the answer?)

6. There is a picture that shows a metal rod with wires looped around it. Label the north and south pole.

7. There are two magnets between a rod, maybe metal. The magnets poles are reversed on each side. You have some arrows showing magnetic field. The pole has a negative and positive end. You're suppose to draw an arrow for deflection...

(Right Hand Rule Stuff):

8. How do you determine the direction of force?

9. How do you determine the direction of velocity?
Physics news on
  • #2

Greetings !
Originally posted by Caldus
There are four magnet diagrams that you need to draw
the field and direction for:

1. First magnet is a north/south bar.
2. Second one is two south ends of a magnet close together.
3. Third is a wire with current.
4. Fourth is the wire but shown as if you were looking
into the wire.
1. Magnetic field lines go from north to south pole.
2. Magnetic field lines do not intersect and since
they're going in the same direction they do not
connect. They just "circle back" towards their
north poles and you can see from their form
that the two poles repel each other.
3. According to the left-hand rule (curve your fingers
to see the circuilar field and your thumb shows the current).
4. The same (the field lines' around the wire).
Originally posted by Caldus
5. Find the force if there's 6 microcoulombs, 15 m/s,
and 100 Teslas given.

(What I have so far for that one: First find the force, then at parallel which is just zero (the rule), and then at 30 degrees
F = qvBsin0. Am I right on this? What's the answer?)
I think you are. (Answer: F = qvBsin30 = 4.5 * 10^-3 N)
This is right-hand rule stuff.
Originally posted by Caldus
6. There is a picture that shows a metal rod with wires
looped around it. Label the north and south pole.
It depends on the direction of the current
flow through the loop. Basicly you have a magnetic
field within the rode from each loop and that occumulates
into the total field of the rod that is what you're
asked to discribe. Outside the rod the field lines
go from north to south pole as a normal magnet.
(You can use the left-hand rule and follow the first
loop to see where the field is pointed inside the coil.)
Originally posted by Caldus
7. There are two magnets between a rod, maybe metal. The magnets poles are reversed on each side. You have some arrows showing magnetic field. The pole has a negative and positive end. You're suppose to draw an arrow for deflection...
I don't understand what you mean in this one.
Originally posted by Caldus
(Right Hand Rule Stuff):

8. How do you determine the direction of force?

9. How do you determine the direction of velocity?
According to the rule. :wink:
You fingers (streight hand) are the velocity of
the charge, the magnetic field lines enter your
open palm and exit on the other side and the
thumb (perpendicuilar to the other fingers
in the 3rd plane) is the force. The force
on an electric charge in a magnetic field is
thus always perpenduilar to the velocity of
the charge.

Live long and prosper.
  • #3

To determine the direction of velocity, you need to consider the direction of the object's motion. If the object is moving in a straight line, the direction of velocity will be in the same direction as the motion. If the object is moving in a curved path, the direction of velocity will be tangent to the curve at any given point. You can also determine the direction of velocity by using the right hand rule, which states that if you point your thumb in the direction of the current or motion, and curl your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field, your palm will face in the direction of the resulting velocity. This rule can be applied to the third and fourth magnet diagrams given in the question.

FAQ: How do you determine the direction of velocity?

1. How is velocity direction determined?

The direction of velocity is determined by using a coordinate system. The direction is typically measured in degrees or radians, with 0 degrees or 0 radians representing the positive x-axis. The direction can also be described using compass directions such as north, south, east, and west.

2. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving, while velocity is a measure of how fast an object is moving in a specific direction. This means that two objects can have the same speed, but different velocities if they are moving in different directions.

3. How do you calculate the direction of velocity?

To calculate the direction of velocity, you will need to know the x and y components of the velocity vector. The direction can then be determined using trigonometric functions such as tangent or arctangent.

4. Can velocity have a negative direction?

Yes, velocity can have a negative direction. A negative direction simply means that the object is moving in the opposite direction of the positive x-axis. This can also be represented as a negative angle in degrees or radians.

5. How does direction of velocity affect motion?

The direction of velocity is a crucial factor in determining an object's motion. For example, if an object is moving in a straight line, a change in the direction of velocity will result in a change in the object's trajectory. Additionally, the direction of velocity can also impact the amount of force and energy required to change an object's motion.
