How Do You Determine the Load Resistor Value for Maximum Power Dissipation?

In summary: And you don't need to do that, because you know that at least one solution is r=R, just by inspection. :wink: The factored form would be useful if there were other solutions, but there aren't...You're done! :smile: But, to be sure, you should check that P''(R) < 0 for R > r. You can do that easily with the product rule for derivatives. All you need to show is that the numerator (R+r)^3 is always positive for R > r... :wink:
  • #1

Homework Statement

A constant voltage source V with internal resistance r is connected to a load resistor R. The dissipated power by the resistor R is P=RV^2/(R+r)^2. Show that the maximum power dissipated by the resistor R is achieved when R = r. The maximum of P with respect to R is achieved when dP/dR = 0.

Homework Equations

P = RV^2/(R+r)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, I think that I need to find the absolute maximum. That means I need to find the first derivative, find the critical points, evaluate the equation at the critical points and find the absolute maximum. And somehow show that R = r.

To find the first derivative, I used the chain rule and came up with this:

f(g(x)) -> f'(g(x))g'(x)

P = RV^2/(R+r)^2 f = RV^2/x^2 g = R+r
f' = (2Vx - 2xRV^2)/x^4 g' = 0

P'= (2V(R+r) - 2(R+r)RV^2)/(R+r)^4
= (2V - 2RV^2)/(R+r)^3

(2V - 2RV^2)/(R+r)^3 = 0

I don't know if this is correct and I don't know how to go on from here. The denominator can't be zero because the derivative won't exist at those points. But if I set the nominator to zero, it doesn't really help me because there's no r, only R. What am I doing wrong?

All help is appreciated, thanks!

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  • #2
chocolatecake said:
(2V - 2RV^2)/(R+r)^3 = 0

I don't know if this is correct
Welcome to the PF. :smile:

I don't think it's correct, because at least the units don't match. I also don't quite follow your approach at the derivative. Certainly your thoughts to take the derivative and set it equal to zero are correct...

Let me post my work in a couple of minutes to see if it helps...
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  • #3
(using LaTeX to post the math -- you can find the tutorial for LaTeX here:

[tex]P(R) = R\frac{V^2}{(R+r)^2} = (RV^2)(R+r)^{-2}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{dP(R)}{dR} = (RV^2)(-2)(R+r)^{-3}(1) + (R+r)^{-2}(V^2) = 0[/tex]
(Distribute, simplify, simplify...)
[tex]-R^3-R^2r+Rr^2+r^3 =0[/tex]
Which you should be able to solve. By inspection, one solution is r=R:
[tex]-r^3-r^3+r^3+r^3= 0[/tex]
But maybe there are other solutions? :wink:
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  • #4
BTW, I've never liked the quotient rule for derivatives. I always prefer to convert the equation into a product, and apply that differentiation rule instead. It's simpler for my tiny brain... :smile:
  • #5
Thank you so much for your help!

I thought that the derivative might be wrong. Thanks for the idea to convert the equation into a product. It's so much easier, I'm always going to do that from now on.
Anyways, I tried it on my own, but I got something different than you have. I'm not sure if my solution is correct:##P'(R) = V^2 (R+r)^{-2 }+ (RV^2)(-2)(R+r)^{-3} = 0##

if R = r:

##V^2 (r+r)^{-2} + (rV^2)(-2)(r+r)^{-3} = 0##

##(rV^2)(-2)(r+r)^{-3} = \frac{-V^2}{(r+r)^2}##

##(rV^2)(-2)(2r)^{-3} = \frac{-V^2}{(2r)^2}##

##\frac{(rV^2)}{(2r)^3} = \frac{V^2}{2(2r)^2}##

##rV{^2} = \frac{V^2(2r)^3}{2(2r)^2}##

##rV{^2} = \frac{V^2(2r)}{2}##

##rV{^2} = \frac{2V^2 rV^2}{2}##

##rV{^2} = V^2 rV^2##

##0 = \frac{V^2 rV^2}{rV^2}##

##0 = V^2##

##0 = V##

So technically, if R = r, the derivative is zero when V is zero. But is that enough to show that the maximum power is dissipated when R = r?

Also, thank you for the link to the LaTeX tutorial! :)
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  • #6
chocolatecake said:
P′(R)=V2(R+r)−2+(RV2)(−2)(R+r)−3=0P'(R) = V^2 (R+r)^{-2 }+ (RV^2)(-2)(R+r)^{-3} = 0

if R = r:

I wouldn't set r=R so early. Just see if you can simplify the derivative down to the final form that I showed, and then see if you can solve for R in terms of r then...
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  • #7
I understand now how to find the derivative but I don't understand how to simplify to ##-R^3-R^2r+Rr^2+r^3 =0##
How did you get R^2r or Rr^2? I tried using the binomial theorem for (R+r)^2 and (R+r)^3 but that made everything even more confusing.
What I ended up with is basically this:


But this doesn't look right.

So I decided to pick random values for R and V instead:

R = 3
V = 4







Therefore, r = R

Is that correct?
  • #8
chocolatecake said:
I understand now how to find the derivative but I don't understand how to simplify to −R3−R2r+Rr2+r3=0-R^3-R^2r+Rr^2+r^3 =0
How did you get R^2r or Rr^2?
[tex]P(R) = R\frac{V^2}{(R+r)^2} = (RV^2)(R+r)^{-2}[/tex]
[tex]\frac{dP(R)}{dR} = (RV^2)(-2)(R+r)^{-3}(1) + (R+r)^{-2}(V^2) = 0[/tex]
[tex]\frac{-2RV^2}{(R+r)^3} + \frac{V^2}{(R+r)^2} = 0[/tex]
Divide both sides by V^2 to get rid of the voltage dependence (it is not needed), put both of the LHS terms over a common denominator, multiply both sides by that denominator to get rid of it, distribute terms, gather terms, and I get to:
[tex]-R^3-R^2r+Rr^2+r^3 =0[/tex]
I think it can be factored, but I haven't gotten that to work right away. I'll give it another shot. Can you work through simplifying the derivative and eliminating the voltage V now?
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  • #9
berkeman said:
I think it can be factored, but I haven't gotten that to work right away.
See if ##(r - R)(r + R)^2## fills the bill :smile:
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Likes chocolatecake and berkeman
  • #10
gneill said:
See if ##(r - R)(r + R)^2## fills the bill :smile:
Lordy, I was off in the weeds with 6 unknowns and 4 equations in the factoring... Thanks for the help!
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  • #11
berkeman said:
But maybe there are other solutions?
An easier way is to make the denominator simpler by substituting S=R+r:
Differentiating wrt S, and multiplying by S4 to get rid of the denominator: ##S^2=2S(S-r)##.
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  • #12
berkeman said:
Divide both sides by V^2 to get rid of the voltage dependence (it is not needed), put both of the LHS terms over a common denominator, multiply both sides by that denominator to get rid of it

Ok, that makes sense to me now. If I do it, it looks like this:


divide by ##V^2## :

common denominator:

multiply by common denominator:

but after that it looks different from what you have:

expand the terms:

and I end up with:

Where did I go wrong? Where are the negative signs in your equation coming from?
  • #13
haruspex said:
An easier way is to make the denominator simpler by substituting S=R+r:
Differentiating wrt S, and multiplying by S4 to get rid of the denominator: S2=2S(S−r)S^2=2S(S-r).

But if I substitute R+r with S, then I have three variables. And I don't understand where the ##\frac{P}{V^2}## is coming from. If we have a P there, then there are four variables (S, V, P and R).
  • #14
chocolatecake said:
Ok, that makes sense to me now. If I do it, it looks like this:

Where did the extra -2 come from in the numerator of the first term?
  • #15
berkeman said:
Where did the extra -2 come from in the numerator of the first term?

Well, the numerator was ##-2RV^2##, so I rewrote it as ##-2R(-2)V^2##.
But I just realized that this was nonsense because it would only work if the numerator was ##-2(R+V^2)##.
I'll try it again, give me a few minutes.
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  • #16
Now I got it! :partytime:


and then if I substitute R=r, I get the same as you did: ##-R^3-R^3+R^3+R^3=0##
Thank you!

But now I still have to find the absolute maximum, or is this sufficient to show that R = r at the max. dissipated power?
  • #17
chocolatecake said:
But now I still have to find the absolute maximum, or is this sufficient to show that R = r at the max. dissipated power?
Given the help we got from @gneill in factoring, it looks like there is only one value of R that makes that equation equal to zero, right?
gneill said:
See if ##(r - R)(r + R)^2## fills the bill :smile:
And to show that it maximizes power, you could either evaluate the 2nd derivative at that point to verify that it is negative, or you could plug R = 1.1r and R = 0.9r into the original power equation to show that you get less power delivered to R when it's slightly more or less than matching r.

Good job, and way to hang in there! :smile:
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Likes chocolatecake
  • #18
Great, I will try that!
Thank you for your help and your time! :smile:
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Likes berkeman
  • #19
And thank you to the others who helped as well of course! :smile:
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Likes berkeman
  • #20
berkeman said:
But maybe there are other solutions? :wink:

I came up with a total of 5 solutions.
Though, R = r was the only one that made sense.
The others were kind of impractical.
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Likes chocolatecake
  • #21
chocolatecake said:
But if I substitute R+r with S, then I have three variables.
No, S is instead of R, so still only two variables.
chocolatecake said:
I don't understand where the ##\frac{P}{V^2}## is coming from
You started with ##P=\frac{RV^2}{(R+r)^2}##. I just divided through by V2 then replaced R by S-r everywhere.
In physical terms, I am keeping r fixed and varying the total resistance. The maximum P occurs when the sum, S, is 2r.
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  • #22

For dP/dR=0,
the numerator of the above equation should be 0, which gives r=R.
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  • #23
cnh1995 said:

For dP/dR=0,
the numerator of the above equation should be 0, which gives r=R.
That looks like a nice reason to use the quotient rule for the differentiation in this case, I guess (I still dislike it in general). :smile:

But you still have to distribute and factor the numerator to be sure r=R is the only solution, don't you?
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  • #24
berkeman said:
But you still have to distribute and factor the numerator to be sure r=R is the only solution, don't you?
Yeah, the numerator beomes
r2+2rR+R2-2rR-2R2=0, which simplifies to
So r=R is the only sensible solution.
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Likes chocolatecake and berkeman
  • #25
cnh1995 said:
But that's a different equation from the one in the problem, isn't it?
  • #26
chocolatecake said:
But that's a different equation from the one in the problem, isn't it?
No, the equation for the power is the same as in the OP.
For finding dP/dR, the quotient rule is used.

Related to How Do You Determine the Load Resistor Value for Maximum Power Dissipation?

1. What is meant by "maximum dissipated power"?

Maximum dissipated power refers to the maximum amount of energy that can be converted into heat and released from a system. It is an important concept in engineering and physics, as it helps determine the efficiency and performance of various devices and systems.

2. How is the maximum dissipated power calculated?

The maximum dissipated power can be calculated by finding the product of the voltage across a system and the current passing through it, using the formula P=VI. This calculation assumes that the voltage and current are both constant, and that the system is functioning at its optimal operating point.

3. Why is it important to find the maximum dissipated power?

It is important to find the maximum dissipated power because it helps engineers and scientists determine the maximum potential performance of a system. This information can then be used to optimize the design and improve the efficiency of the system.

4. What factors can affect the maximum dissipated power?

Several factors can affect the maximum dissipated power, including the type and quality of the materials used, the temperature and pressure of the environment, and the design and configuration of the system. In addition, external factors such as humidity, dust, and other environmental conditions can also impact the dissipated power.

5. How can the maximum dissipated power be increased?

The maximum dissipated power can be increased by optimizing the system's design, using high-quality materials, and minimizing external factors that can affect the system's performance. Additionally, using efficient components and regular maintenance can also help increase the maximum dissipated power of a system.

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