How do you draw a spacetime diagram and what equation describes it?

In summary, according to Minkowski, spacetime for non-accelerated systems is a four dimensional continuum which has four axes (three space, one time) set mutually at right angles to each other. The velocity of a body moving in a straight line will be the resultant of the component velocities along the three space axes. Its direction of motion will clearly not be at right angles to any of those axes. This would seem to imply that the direction of motion of the body through space cannot be at right angles to the time axis either.
  • #1
According to Minkowski, spacetime for non-accelerated systems is a four dimensional continuum which has four axes (three space, one time) set mutually at right angles to each other. The velocity of a body moving in a straight line will be the resultant of the component velocities along the three space axes. Its direction of motion will clearly not be at right angles to any of those axes. This would seem to imply that the direction of motion of the body through space cannot be at right angles to the time axis either. Any comments?
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  • #2
Trying to represent 4 dimensions in 3 dimensional space will make your head hurt. It can't be done. That is why most space-time diagrams use only one spatial dimension + the time dimension. But using a 4 dimensional vectorspace, it is easy to express 4 mutually orthogonal basis vectors mathematically - just not geometrically. If you do that, there is no problem: any vector in the 3 dimensional physical space is perpendicular to the time axis.

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  • #3
What do you mean by "angles" here? The geometry of Minkowski space is not Euclidean (nor Riemannian) and works differently. The 4-velocity is certainly not in the spatial plane (that would make it space-like and not time-like).
  • #4
runningc said:
Its direction of motion will clearly not be at right angles to any of those axes.
It will if the velocity is zero in this frame. Or if it has no component in the direction of a chosen axis (e.g. motion in the x-y plane is perpendicular to the z axis).
runningc said:
This would seem to imply that the direction of motion of the body through space cannot be at right angles to the time axis either.
I'm not sure this makes any sense. Did you mean "the direction of motion of the body through spacetime"?
  • #5
runningc said:
This would seem to imply that the direction of motion of the body through space cannot be at right angles to the time axis either. Any comments?
I may have misinterpreted your question. If you meant to say that "the direction of the path of a body through space-time" cannot be at right angles to the time axis, you would be correct. That is because it takes time for a body to change its position in space as measured in any inertial reference frame. So the path of a body through space-time will always have a time component.

  • #6
runningc said:
According to Minkowski, spacetime for non-accelerated systems is a four dimensional continuum which has four axes (three space, one time) set mutually at right angles to each other.

runningc said:
The velocity of a body moving in a straight line will be the resultant of the component velocities along the three space axes.
Not if you are using Minkowski spacetime. In spacetime the four-velocity is a four dimensional vector with (potentially) components on all four axes. At a minimum it will have a component on the time axis.

runningc said:
Its direction of motion will clearly not be at right angles to any of those axes.
It cannot be at right angles with the time axis, but it could be at right angles with all of the space axes. This would be an object at rest in that frame.

runningc said:
This would seem to imply that the direction of motion of the body through space cannot be at right angles to the time axis either.
No, this implication does not follow at all.
  • #7
Dale said:
It cannot be at right angles with the time axis
I am very uncomfortable with the use of the word "right angle" here. It may be fine for the projection onto a simultaneity, where there is a Riemannian notion of angles, but certainly not in Minkowski space, where the relevant tilt from the time axis would instead be given by a hyperbolic angle. I would be fine with the nomenclature "orthogonal", i.e., "it cannot be orthogonal to the time axis" as this is standard nomenclature regardless of the signature of the metric. The word "angle" to me is intimately tied to a positive definite metric.
  • #8
Orodruin said:
I would be fine with the nomenclature "orthogonal",
I agree that would be better terminology.
  • #9
Dale said:

It cannot be at right angles with the time axis,

How, therefore, should a spacetime diagram showing the three vectors,: velocity through space, velocity through spacetime, and velocity through time be drawn and what equation would describe it?

<Mentor's note, edited to get the quotes right>
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  • #10
Note: please don't reply inside the quote tag. It makes it hard to quote you and looks like you are falsely attributing your own comments to Dale.
runningc said:
How, therefore, should a spacetime diagram showing the three vectors,: velocity through space, velocity through spacetime, and velocity through time be drawn?
Velocity through spacetime is a somewhat sloppy notation for the four-velocity. Once you choose that and pick a frame, any meaning of "velocity through space" and "velocity through time" is completely constrained. Usually you'd interpret "velocity through space" as the spacelike components of the four vector (give or take a factor of gamma) and "velocity through time" as the timelike component (I have seen more complicated interpretations).

So what that means is that you draw a Minkowski diagram. The four-velocity is tangent to the object's worldline, and its spatial and timelike components give you everything else you asked for.
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  • #11
runningc said:
How, therefore, should a spacetime diagram showing the three vectors,: velocity through space, velocity through spacetime, and velocity through time be drawn and what equation would describe it?
You wouldn't show three vectors, you would show one four-vector. You would draw it at less than a 45 degree angle from the time axis and with the arrow pointing towards the future.

See here for the equations/math:
  • #12
runningc said:
How, therefore, should a spacetime diagram showing the three vectors,: velocity through space, velocity through spacetime, and velocity through time be drawn and what equation would describe it?

Quoting myself from a post earlier this month

robphy said:
Here's a spacetime diagram
View attachment 231852
In trigonometric form,
[itex]v/c\quad\ =\tanh\theta=\frac{opp}{adj}[/itex]
[itex]\gamma\qquad \ =\cosh\theta =\frac{adj}{hyp} [/itex]
[itex]\gamma(v/c)=\sinh\theta =\frac{opp}{hyp} [/itex]

(I updated the diagram by indicating the rapidity [itex]\theta[/itex] (the Minkowski-analogue of the angle).
By the way, the rapidity of the Minkowski-right-angle is infinity.
I also added the interpretation of "tangent" as "opposite over adjacent", etc...

Also note: the tangent-line to the Minkowski-circle is Minkowski-perpendicular to the radius.)


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Related to How do you draw a spacetime diagram and what equation describes it?

1. What is spacetime?

Spacetime is the four-dimensional continuum in which all physical events take place. It combines the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) with the dimension of time.

2. How are angles measured in spacetime?

In spacetime, angles are measured using the metric tensor, which takes into account the curvature of space and time. This allows for the calculation of angles in a four-dimensional space.

3. What are spacetime angles?

Spacetime angles are the angles formed by the intersection of two world lines in four-dimensional spacetime. They can be thought of as the angles between two objects at different points in time and space.

4. Can spacetime angles be observed?

No, spacetime angles cannot be directly observed. They are a mathematical concept used to understand the relationships between events in spacetime, but they do not have a physical representation that can be observed.

5. How do spacetime angles affect our understanding of the universe?

Spacetime angles are a fundamental concept in the theory of relativity, which has greatly expanded our understanding of the universe. They help us to understand how time and space are interconnected and how they are affected by the presence of mass and energy.

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