How Do You Find a Basis for the Subspace Orthogonal to a Given Vector in ℝ3?

In summary: To describe it, you could say it is the set of all vectors in R^3 that are perpendicular to the vector <1, 2, 3>. Another way to think about it is that it is the set of all vectors that lie in the plane with normal vector <1, 2, 3>.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let S, a subspace of ℝ3 be the set of vectors orthogonal to vector (1,2,3)
a)describe Set S
b) find a basis for Set S

2. Relevant Equations

That a basis has to be linearly independent and span R^3

The Attempt at a Solution

I would do this:
I know that vector (1,2,3) is the cross product of 2 vectors v1xv2
so I could put it in a matrix (where v1=a,b,c and v2=d,e,f)

a b c
d e f

But I am lost as to describe set S... Wouldn't I need to row reduce to see which variable is free, and then I could say whether or not it is a line or a plane ( well the dimension)
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  • #2
MarcL said:

Homework Statement

Let S, a subspace of ℝ3 be the set of vectors orthogonal to vector (1,2,3)
a)describe Set S
b) find a basis for Set S

2. Relevant Equations

That a basis has to be linearly independent and span R^3

The Attempt at a Solution

I would do this:
I know that vector (1,2,3) is the cross product of 2 vectors v1xv2
so I could put it in a matrix (where v1=a,b,c and v2=d,e,f)

a b c
d e f
What's another way to show that an arbitrary vector <x, y, z> is orthogonal to a given vector <1, 2, 3>?
MarcL said:
But I am lost as to describe set S... Wouldn't I need to row reduce to see which variable is free, and then I could say whether or not it is a line or a plane ( well the dimension)
If you take constant multiples of the given vector <1, 2, 3>, what sort of geometric object do you get? What's the dimension of this subspace?
  • #3
What you attempt is to find a,b,c,d,e,f such that (a,b,c) x (d,e,f) = (1,2,3)
Might seem reasonable, but it's a bit tedious: you want to find six variables from three equations. And you don't really need the lengths (that comes in part b).

Orthogonal to a vector ##\vec v## is anything that has ##\vec a \cdot \vec v = 0 ## with ##|\vec a| > 0\;##. That's only one equation with three unknowns.
Pick a vector v1 that satisfies that equation.
Pick a different one and call that v2.
I think then you have a basis already according to this link (exercise doesn't ask for orthogonal or orthonormal basis !)

But if you do want them orthonormal you can do v1 x (1,2,3) to get a v2 that is perpendicular to both.
Then normalize v1 and v2.

Re describing S: Why do you think there is the possibility that S is a line ?
  • #4
Ah I see what you're getting at, once I've found two indepedent solutions i can just put it in a matrix and solve it. I see what you mean by not spanning R^3 too. it will span R^2 if I understand correctly.

Mark44 said:
What's another way to show that an arbitrary vector <x, y, z> is orthogonal to a given vector <1, 2, 3>?

I could also find the dot product, apart from that I am not too sure what I could use to prove the orthogonality. Geometrically speaking it is a plane, so the vector would be the normal.

As for the post above me, I meant in any case ( wasn't solved and I wasn't entirely sure). However, I expected it to be a plane.
  • #5
The dot product is the primary tool to show orthogonality.

Yes, set S is a plane.

FAQ: How Do You Find a Basis for the Subspace Orthogonal to a Given Vector in ℝ3?

1. What is subspace?

A subspace is a subset of a vector space that satisfies certain properties, such as being closed under addition and scalar multiplication. It can also be thought of as a smaller space within a larger space.

2. What is the basis of a subspace?

The basis of a subspace is a set of vectors that span the entire subspace and are linearly independent. This means that any vector in the subspace can be written as a unique linear combination of the basis vectors.

3. How do you determine if a set of vectors is a basis for a subspace?

To determine if a set of vectors is a basis for a subspace, you can use the following steps:1. Verify that the vectors span the subspace by checking if every vector in the subspace can be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors.2. Check if the basis vectors are linearly independent by setting up a system of equations and solving for the coefficients. If there is only one solution, the vectors are linearly independent and therefore form a basis for the subspace.

4. Can a subspace have more than one basis?

Yes, a subspace can have multiple bases. This is because there may be more than one set of vectors that span the subspace and are linearly independent. However, all bases for a given subspace will have the same number of vectors.

5. How can the subspace / basis problem be applied in real-world situations?

The subspace / basis problem is commonly used in fields such as linear algebra, physics, and engineering to represent and solve problems involving systems of linear equations. It can also be applied in data analysis and machine learning to identify important features or dimensions within a dataset.

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