How Do You Find the Closest Point on a Surface Using Lagrange Multipliers?

In summary, Lagrange Multipliers can be used to find points on a surface that are closest to a given point outside the surface by setting up a problem where the distance function is minimized subject to the constraint that the point must also lie on the surface. This is achieved by equating the gradient of the distance function to a scalar multiple of the normal vector of the surface, and solving for the coordinates of the point. This method can be applied to various surfaces and constraints, making it a useful tool in optimization problems.
  • #1
hi, i just learned about lagrange multipliers and i am very confused about how to derive and use them. another thing, how would you use them to find points on a surface that are closest to a given point outside the surface
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  • #2
CalcDude said:
hi, i just learned about lagrange multipliers and i am very confused about how to derive and use them. another thing, how would you use them to find points on a surface that are closest to a given point outside the surface

Let [tex]z=f(x,y)[/tex] be your (well-behaved) surface. And without lose of generality let us find the closet point to the origin. Now the distance is [tex]s(x,y) = x^2+y^2+z^2[/tex] (I removed the square root, because it is minimized the distance squared rather than distance itself).

So the problem is:
1)Minimized [tex]s(x,y,z)[/tex]
2)Subject to [tex]z=f(x,y) \implies z - f(x,y) = 0[/tex]

[tex]\left< \frac{\partial s}{\partial x} , \frac{\partial s}{\partial y}, \frac{\partial s}{\partial z} \right> = k\left< - \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} , - \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}, 1 \right>[/tex]
And, [tex]z-f(x,y)=0[/tex]

That is the general approach to this problem.
  • #3
One way to think about Lagrange Multipliers is this: In order to find a maximum point of a function of several variable, pick some "starting point" at random, find the gradient vector of the function, and move in the direction it points (for minimum move in the opposite direction). Keep doing that until you get gradient equal to 0 and have no direction to follow.

If you are required to stay on a given surface, and so can't "follow" the gradient vector, take its projection onto the surface and move in that direction. You can keep doing that until there is no projection: the gradient vector is perpendicular to the surface and so is parallel to the normal vector of the surface- one must be a scalar multiple of the other.

The two vectors Kummer uses are exactly the gradient of the distance (squared) function and the normal vector of the surface (if z= f(x,y), then F(x,y,z)= z- f(x,y) = 0 gives a "level surface" of F(x,y,z) and its gradient is normal to the level surface.)
  • #4
max min occurs where the derivative is zero. if you restruct to a surface tht means the derivative is zero on thr tangent plane to that surface, i.e. the gradient is parallel to the normal vector to thag surface. so lagrange multipliers amount to finding where the graient of your function is parallel to, hen ce a multiple of, the normal to the given surface.

so to find a point nearest a given surface g=0, you look for a point where the distance function has grDIENT PARALLEL TO THE GRADIENT OF G.

FAQ: How Do You Find the Closest Point on a Surface Using Lagrange Multipliers?

What is the concept of Lagrange multipliers?

The concept of Lagrange multipliers is a mathematical method used to find the extreme values of a function subject to a set of constraints. It involves finding the stationary points of a multivariable function by introducing a new variable, known as the Lagrange multiplier, to incorporate the constraints into the function.

Why is it called Lagrange multipliers?

The method is named after the mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who first developed it in the late 18th century. He used this method to solve optimization problems in calculus.

What are the applications of Lagrange multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers have various applications in physics, economics, engineering, and other fields. They are used to solve optimization problems, such as maximizing profit or minimizing cost, subject to certain constraints. They are also used in calculus of variations, which involves finding the path or shape that minimizes or maximizes a certain quantity.

How do I solve problems using Lagrange multipliers?

To solve a problem using Lagrange multipliers, you first need to set up the function you want to optimize and the constraints that need to be met. Then, you can use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the stationary points of the function. Finally, you can use these points to determine the extreme values of the function.

What are the advantages of using Lagrange multipliers?

The use of Lagrange multipliers allows for the optimization of functions subject to a set of constraints, which may be difficult to solve using other methods. It also provides a systematic and efficient approach to solving optimization problems in various fields. Additionally, it can handle both equality and inequality constraints, making it a versatile tool for solving a wide range of problems.

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