How Do You Find the Inner Product of Vectors in Polar Coordinates?

In summary, to find the inner product of ⃗a = (1, 45◦) and ⃗b = (2, 90◦) in polar coordinates, you can use the formula (r_1,θ_1) ⋅ (r_2,θ_2) = r_1r_2 cos(θ_1-θ_2). Another option is to convert the vectors to Cartesian coordinates and use the normal dot product definition. The angle between the two vectors is 45 degrees, with lengths of 1 and 2 respectively.
  • #1
Just starting up school again and having trouble remembering some mathematics. Here's the problem.

Find the inner product of ⃗a = (1, 45◦) and ⃗b = (2, 90◦), where these vectors are in polar coordinates (r, θ).

Thanks =) 1st post here btw.
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  • #2

About midway down this page you can see that the dot product in polar coordinates is [itex]\small (r_1,\theta_1) \tiny \bullet \small (r_2,\theta_2) = r_1r_2 \cos(\theta_1-\theta_2)[/itex]. One solution is to use this formula.

The other one is just to represent the vectors in normal cartesian coordinates as [itex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,1)[/itex] (the factor 1/sqrt(2) is there to make the vector have length 1) and [itex](2,0)[/itex] and then use the normal dot product.
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  • #3
This is more calculus than "linear algebra". There are two ways to go:
1) The "non-coordinate" definition of the dot product: [itex]u\cdot v= |u||v|cos(\theta)[/itex], where [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle between the two vectors. Here, |u|= 1, |v|= 2 and angle between them is 45 degrees.

2) Convert to Cartesian coordinates. The vector at 45 degrees with length 1 is [itex]<\sqrt{2}/2, \sqrt{2}/2>[/itex]. The vector at 90 degrees, with length 2, is <0, 1>.
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FAQ: How Do You Find the Inner Product of Vectors in Polar Coordinates?

What is a polar coordinate inner product?

A polar coordinate inner product is a mathematical operation that takes two points in polar coordinates and calculates their inner product, which is a measure of the angle between the two points. It is used in vector calculus and is closely related to the dot product.

How is a polar coordinate inner product calculated?

The polar coordinate inner product is calculated by multiplying the lengths of the two vectors and then multiplying that by the cosine of the angle between them. It can also be represented using the polar coordinate formula r1r2cos(θ1-θ2), where r1 and r2 are the lengths of the vectors and θ1 and θ2 are the angles they make with the positive x-axis.

What are some applications of the polar coordinate inner product?

The polar coordinate inner product is used in various fields of science and engineering, such as physics, astronomy, and computer graphics. It is particularly useful in calculating forces and torques in three-dimensional space and in determining the direction of movement of celestial bodies.

What is the difference between the polar coordinate inner product and the dot product?

While both the polar coordinate inner product and the dot product are measures of the angle between two vectors, they differ in the coordinate system in which they are calculated. The polar coordinate inner product uses polar coordinates, while the dot product uses Cartesian coordinates. Additionally, the dot product also takes into account the perpendicular components of the vectors, while the polar coordinate inner product only considers the parallel components.

How is the polar coordinate inner product related to the cross product?

The polar coordinate inner product and the cross product are both used to calculate the angle between two vectors. However, while the polar coordinate inner product gives a scalar value, the cross product gives a vector value that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. Additionally, the cross product is only defined in three dimensions, while the polar coordinate inner product can be calculated in any number of dimensions.

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