How Do You Find the Inverse of 5 in Z12?

  • Thread starter Rectifier
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In summary, the problem involves finding the inverse of 5 in the ring (Z12, ⊕, ⊗). The attempt includes searching for an integer x that when multiplied by the inverse of 5 results in a residue of 1. The use of gcd and Euclid's identity is required to solve the equation 5n + 12m = 1 and find the additive inverse. Additionally, understanding properties of addition and multiplication in modulo n can provide helpful strategies.
  • #1
Gold Member
The problem
Consider a ring ##(Z_{12}, \oplus, \otimes)##
Find ##5^{-1}##.

The attempt
I am basically searching for an inverse to ##5^{-1}## (if I am correct then judging from previous examples in my book, 5 wouldn't qualify)

Since rings are about residues (the set ##Z_{12}## includes residues as integer elements from 0 to 11) we are basically searching for an integer ##x## that when multiplied by ##5^{-1}## and for which ## R_{12}(x \cdot 5^{-1}) = 1 ## so if ##x =65## would produce that result sine ##65/5=13## and the residue when dividing by ##12## is ##1##, ##65## is an inverse to ##a## since its residue product is ##1##.

Now, for some reason we are supposed to search for ##gcd(12, 5)## I don't really understand why and why there is 5 there and not ##5^{-1}## (well, I get that ##5^{-1}## is less between 0 and 1, thus it is not included since it is not an integer but why is it 5?). Somehow they know that the integer is going to be 1 so they want to express that integer as a Bezout's identity (Euclides algorithm backwards) and finally get an expression for (something). I have not figured it out yet since I don't know why we don't take ##x## from before into consideration yet.

I hope that this was not too long and not many questions. Please help, I have really been trying to figure this stuff out but got stuck at this.
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  • #2
Rectifier said:
The problem
Consider a ring ##(Z_{12}, \oplus, \otimes)##
Find ##5^{-1}##.

The attempt
I am basically searching for an inverse to ##5^{-1}##
No, I don't think so. Above, you have "Find 5-1"
Presumably this means that you want to find a number x in Z12 such that 5x = 1. If you do a multiplication table with a row of all of the possible products with 5, you should find an inverse.
Rectifier said:
(if I am correct then judging from previous examples in my book, 5 wouldn't qualify)

Since rings are about residues (the set ##Z_{12}## includes residues as integer elements from 0 to 11) we are basically searching for an integer ##x## that when multiplied by ##5^{-1}## and for which ## R_{12}(x \cdot 5^{-1}) = 1 ## so if ##x =65## would produce that result sine ##65/5=13## and the residue when dividing by ##12## is ##1##, ##65## is an inverse to ##a## since its residue product is ##1##.

Now, for some reason we are supposed to search for ##gcd(12, 5)## I don't really understand why and why there is 5 there and not ##5^{-1}## (well, I get that ##5^{-1}## is less between 0 and 1, thus it is not included since it is not an integer but why is it 5?). Somehow they know that the integer is going to be 1 so they want to express that integer as a Bezout's identity (Euclides algorithm backwards) and finally get an expression for (something). I have not figured it out yet since I don't know why we don't take ##x## from before into consideration yet.

I hope that this was not too long and not many questions. Please help, I have really been trying to figure this stuff out but got stuck at this.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply but unfortunately it didnt make my life easier.I should have specified that in the question above but I am supposed to solve it using gcd and Euclids identity.
  • #4
Rectifier said:
Thank you for your reply but unfortunately it didnt make my life easier.I should have specified that in the question above but I am supposed to solve it using gcd and Euclids identity.
Well, gdc(12, 5) = 1, which means that 12 and 5 are relatively prime. It has been a long time since I studied number theory, so I'm not sure what you need to do with this.

However, there are four numbers in Z12 that are relatively prime to 12: 1, 5, 7, and 11. All of these numbers have inverses in this ring. None of the other numbers (that aren't relatively prime to 12) do.

You have a couple of mistakes in what you have posted, that I believe are making things more difficult for you. First, you are not searching for an inverse for 5-1 -- you are trying to find the number in Z12 that is the (multiplicative) inverse of 5. IOW, the number x such that 5x ≡ 1 (mod 12).

Second, you mentioned something about "if x = 65" -- 65 is not in Z12. This set of numbers contains equivalence classes for 0 through 11.
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Likes Rectifier
  • #6
Thank you for your comment. I will try digest the contents of it later this day.

Hmm, sorry for posting a misleading title, I didnt do it on purpose. Thought that they talked about boolean rings in the problem sinte the chapter in my book is abiut boolean operators, rings, groups and fields.
  • #7
Rectifier said:
Thank you for your reply but unfortunately it didnt make my life easier.I should have specified that in the question above but I am supposed to solve it using gcd and Euclids identity.
You want to solve an equation ##5n + 12m = 1## with any ##m## and the solution ##n##.
You should use the Euclidean algorithm here. (The Euclidean identity is something else, AFAIK.)
##1 = (13-12) = (2\,\cdot\,5 + \underline{3})-12##
##\underline{3} = (15-12)= (3\,\cdot\,5+\underline{0})-12## and thus
##1= ((2+3)\,\cdot\,5) - 2\,\cdot\,12 \equiv 5\,\cdot\,5 \; (12)##.
  • #8
Understanding gcd(n, 12) = 1, might help you limit which numbers are possible solutions. Understanding properties of addition and multiplication in modulo n can provide some tricks to finding the inverse. With the extended Euclidean strategy, (provided gcd is 1) you can set up

##12 = 1 \cdot 12 + 0 \cdot 5##
##5 = 0 \cdot 12 + 1 \cdot 5##

You would then try to do row manipulations so that you have ## -1 = n \cdot 12 + m \cdot 5##. You then have to find the additive inverse, since there are no negative numbers in the integer ring.
  • #9
thelema418 said:
You would then try to do row manipulations so that you have −1=n⋅12+m⋅5. You then have to find the additive inverse, since there are no negative numbers in the integer ring.
The OP didn't explicitly say so, but I have assumed that by 5-1 he meant the multiplicative inverse.
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Likes Rectifier
  • #10
Mark44 said:
The OP didn't explicitly say so, but I have assumed that by 5-1 he meant the multiplicative inverse.

The OP means the multiplicative inverse. The strategy I am explaining yields -m = 1/5. So you have to find the additive inverse at that point to find the multiplicative inverse solution.

EDIT: Since everyone is giving the OP the solution to the problem. The solution process ends with -7 = 1/5. 7 is the additive inverse of 5, so 5 is the solution.
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  • #11
5-1 mod 12 is the multiplicative inverse of 5 mod 12. I'm wondering if the extended Euclid algorithm was supposed to be used here.

Since the answer was already given, including a Euclid like series of steps, this is what the extended Euclid algorithm would produce:

   i     q      r    s     t
|  0  |     |  12 |  1  |  0  |
|  1  |     |   5 |  0  |  1  |
|  2  |  2  |   2 |  1  | -2  |
|  3  |  2  |   1 | -2  |  5  |
|  4  |  2  |   0 |     |     |

(12 x -2) + (5 x 5) = 1

inverse of 5 mod 12 = 5

Note s[ ... ] is not needed, so the algorithm can just work with q[], r[] and t[].
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  • #12
Thank you all for your replies. Let's say that we then find this multiplicative inverse to 5 which is x then. What if I were to construct my own problem and ask for the number 5 which we know is the inverse of x. Would I then ask for "find multiplicative inverse to ##x##" or "find multiplicative inverse to ##x^{-1}##" or something else?

I hope that I am not asking too many dumb questions here. :s
  • #13
Rectifier said:
Thank you all for your replies. Let's say that we then find this multiplicative inverse to 5 which is x then. What if I were to construct my own problem and ask for the number 5 which we know is the inverse of x. Would I then ask for "find multiplicative inverse to ##x##" or "find multiplicative inverse to ##x^{-1}##" or something else?

I hope that I am not asking too many dumb questions here. :s

In English, I believe we more often use the preposition "of." E.g. "Find the multiplicative inverse of to ##x##."

##x^{-1}## represents the multiplicative inverse of ##x##. The phrase ""Find the multiplicative inverse of ##x##" tells us to find ##x^{-1}## . On the other hand, "Find the multiplicative inverse of ##x^{-1}##" tells us to find ##(x^{-1})^{-1}##. As part of your course work, you may be required to prove that ##(x^{-1})^{-1} = x##.

Related to How Do You Find the Inverse of 5 in Z12?

What is a Boolean ring?

A Boolean ring is a mathematical structure that consists of a set together with two binary operations, addition and multiplication. These operations must satisfy certain axioms, including closure, associativity, commutativity, and distributivity. In a Boolean ring, the addition operation behaves like the logical OR operation, while the multiplication operation behaves like the logical AND operation.

What are residues in a Boolean ring?

In a Boolean ring, a residue is an element that remains after dividing another element by a fixed element. More formally, given a Boolean ring R and a fixed element a in R, the residue class of a is the set {x in R : x = a + n for some n in R}. In simpler terms, a residue class is the set of all elements that have the same remainder when divided by a.

How do you add and multiply residues in a Boolean ring?

In a Boolean ring, addition and multiplication of residues is defined as follows: given two residues a and b, their sum is denoted as a + b and is equal to the residue class of a + b, while their product is denoted as ab and is equal to the residue class of ab. These operations follow the same rules as addition and multiplication of integers, but with the logical OR and AND operations instead.

What is the identity element in a Boolean ring?

In a Boolean ring, the identity element for addition is 0, which is the additive identity for integers. This means that for any element a in the ring, a + 0 = a. The identity element for multiplication is 1, which is the multiplicative identity for integers. This means that for any element a in the ring, a * 1 = a.

What are the properties of a Boolean ring?

A Boolean ring has several important properties, including:

  • Every element is its own additive inverse, meaning that a + a = 0 for all a in the ring.
  • The product of any two elements is equal to their logical AND, meaning that ab = a AND b.
  • The ring has no zero divisors, meaning that if ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0 (or both).
  • The ring is commutative, meaning that a + b = b + a and ab = ba for all elements a and b in the ring.

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