How Do You Find the Particular Solution for Second Order Linear Equations?

In summary, The conversation discusses finding the general solution for linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters are mentioned as ways to find the particular solution. The speaker advises paying attention to the complimentary solution when using these methods. They also discuss the special cases for forming the particular solution, including exponentials, powers of x, sine and cosine, and products of these functions. It is noted that if one of these functions is also a solution to the homogeneous equation, it will need to be multiplied by x in the particular solution.
  • #1
I need some help on finding the general solution.

I can find the complimentary solution, I'm having trouble finding the particular solution. Can anyone give me any tips.

Physics news on
  • #2
What method are you supposed to employ? Undetermined Coefficients or Variation of parameters.
  • #3
Undetermined coefficients
  • #4
1) [tex] (At^2 +Bt + C)e^{3t} + D [/tex]

2) Pay attention to the complimentary solution, because there's already [itex] e^{-t} [/itex], therefore you must use:

[tex] Ate^{-t} + Bt^{2} e^{-t} [/tex]

3) Pay attention to the complimentary solution, because there's already a constant, therefore you must use:

[tex] At + B \sin 2t + C \cos 2t [/tex]
  • #5
I don't mean to be asking too much, but could you list the special cases for putting together the form for the particular solutions.
  • #6
hbomb said:
I don't mean to be asking too much, but could you list the special cases for putting together the form for the particular solutions.

Well, they come from inspecting independent term.
  • #7
The types of functions you can expect to find as solutions to "linear differential equations with constant coefficients are:
exponentials: eax
powers of x: xn
sine and cosine: sin(ax) and cos(ax)
and products of those.
Generally speaking, if the right hand side of the equation has
exponentials, try the same exponentials.
power of x, try that and lower powers of x
sine and/or cosine, try sine AND cosine
products of those, products of what you would try for each

BUT if one of those is also a solution to the homogeneous equation, you will have to multiply by x.

Related to How Do You Find the Particular Solution for Second Order Linear Equations?

What is a second order linear equation?

A second order linear equation is a mathematical equation that contains a second derivative, or a second degree polynomial, and has a linear relationship between the dependent variable and its derivatives.

How do you solve a second order linear equation?

To solve a second order linear equation, we first need to rearrange the equation to the standard form, which is in the form of y'' + p(x)y' + q(x)y = g(x). Then, we can use various methods such as the method of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, or Laplace transforms to find the solution.

What is the characteristic equation of a second order linear equation?

The characteristic equation of a second order linear equation is obtained by setting the coefficient of the second derivative to 0. It is used to find the roots of the equation, which are then used to determine the general solution.

What is the difference between homogeneous and non-homogeneous second order linear equations?

A homogeneous second order linear equation has a zero value for the constant term g(x), while a non-homogeneous equation has a non-zero value for g(x). This difference affects the methods used to solve the equations, with the non-homogeneous equation requiring an additional particular solution.

What are the applications of second order linear equations in science?

Second order linear equations have various applications in science, such as in physics, engineering, and economics. They can be used to model systems with acceleration, oscillations, and other dynamic behaviors. Examples include the motion of a spring-mass system, electrical circuits, and population growth models.
