How do you get a mousetrap car to go forward and then backward?

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics project involving a mousetrap car. The car must travel seven meters forward and then seven meters back, using only two mousetraps. The two proposed methods for achieving this are using the mousetraps as catapults or using a string to transfer the energy from the mousetrap to the wheels. The second method involves using a 7m long string connected to a bobbin that activates the second mousetrap. The bobbin size can be determined through trial and error. There is also a suggestion to use a string to directly transfer the energy from the spring to the wheels instead of relying on the kick back approach.
  • #1
I have a physics project and my mousetrap car has to go forward seven meters and then back seven meters. I can only use two mousetraps.
Physics news on
  • #2
clphysics said:
I have a physics project and my mousetrap car has to go forward seven meters and then back seven meters. I can only use two mousetraps.
Use the mouse traps as catapults to shoot some mass horizontally, so the kick back accelerates the car. The second trap is opposed to the first, and fires when the car hits a wall 7 meters away.
  • #3
Use a 7m long piece of string that wraps itself around a bobbin connected to the wheels. When the string is pulled all the way onto the bobbin it pulls out a pin to activate the second mouse trap. The bobbin size can be worked out through trial and error unless you want calculate the changing diameter matched to wheel size !
  • #4
Speaking of strings. It might be more effective to use a string to translate the energy stored in the spring to the wheels, than the back kick approach.

FAQ: How do you get a mousetrap car to go forward and then backward?

1. How does a mousetrap car move forward and backward?

A mousetrap car moves forward and backward by utilizing the potential energy stored in the mousetrap. The spring in the mousetrap is pulled back and when released, it converts the potential energy into kinetic energy, propelling the car forward. To move backward, the car needs to have a reverse mechanism such as a lever or rubber band that can be activated to release the energy in the opposite direction.

2. What materials are needed to build a mousetrap car that can go both forward and backward?

The materials needed to build a mousetrap car that can go both forward and backward include a mousetrap, wooden or plastic wheels, axles, a body of the car made from cardboard or other lightweight material, and a reverse mechanism such as a lever or rubber band. Additionally, you may need tools such as scissors, glue, and a drill to assemble the car.

3. How do you adjust the mousetrap to make the car go further or shorter distances?

The distance the mousetrap car will travel depends on the amount of tension in the spring of the mousetrap. To adjust the distance, you can either increase or decrease the tension by adjusting the position of the mousetrap's spring. Moving the spring closer to the edge of the mousetrap will increase the tension and make the car go further, while moving it closer to the center will decrease the tension and make the car go a shorter distance.

4. Can the weight of the car affect its ability to go both forward and backward?

Yes, the weight of the car can affect its ability to go both forward and backward. If the car is too heavy, it may not have enough momentum to overcome the friction and move backward. It is important to find a balance between weight and momentum to ensure the car can move in both directions effectively.

5. Are there any safety precautions that should be taken when building and testing a mousetrap car?

Yes, it is important to take safety precautions when building and testing a mousetrap car. The mousetrap's spring can snap back and cause injury, so it is important to handle it carefully. Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling the mousetrap and make sure to keep your fingers away from the spring when setting it. Additionally, make sure to test the car in an open and clear area to avoid any accidents or damage to property.
