How Do You Handle 3D Vector Operations with Polar Coordinates?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of vectors in the form of r<θ to solve problems in math classes. The speaker is unfamiliar with this method and is seeking help. They also inquire about 3D coordinate systems and how to calculate dot and cross products in polar notation. The summary also includes additional clarifications and explanations provided by another participant. The conversation concludes with a question about calculating cross products in specific scenarios.
  • #1
Hi Guys,

At school a few of our classes this semester have begun using vectors in the form of r<θ to solve problems but I never learn this method of solving problems and I would really appreciate it if you guys would help me out with this! (:

I know that r<θ = r cosθ i + r sin j but what happens when you have a 3D based coordinate (i.e. vecotrs with i, j and k components)?

Also, I know that when you dot two vectors in the form of r<θ together, you get (r + r) cos (θ+θ) similarly when you cross you get (r + r) sin (θ+θ) right?

Now when you cross the vectors, how do you know what component you end up with? I know that if you cross 3i + 2j with 6i + 2j you end up with a vector with only a k component but how do you see this? How if I have like 4k x r<θ how do I solve it then?

I know it'a mouthful but I'm really hoping that someone can guide me on this or if possible direct me to a site or (preferbly) a youtube video that teaches this. I haven't been able to find anything at all. ):

Thanks guys!
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  • #2
I've not seen the notation r<θ before, however I've see the RHS before:

You understand that this is just r = xi + yj - which you should have seen before. All they've done is put x=rcosθ and y=rsinθ where r = |r| = √(x2+y2). This is a polar representation of Cartesian coordinates.

For 3D, you can just keep the z axis coordinate, which would be a cylindrical representation, or you can introduce a second angle (usually taken from the +z axis) for a spherical representation.

IRL: you are more likely to use polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems directly.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
I've not seen the notation r<θ before.

TS probably meant this [itex]r\angle\theta[/itex] which is common shorthand for polar notation.
  • #4
Yeah - makes sense, thanks.
Limitations of text only representations.
  • #5
u=(x,y) and v=(w,z) then [itex]\vec{u}\cdot \vec{v}=uv\cos(A)[/itex] where A is the angle between them.

Continuing, using cap letters for angles:

in polar notation, u=(r,B), v=(s,C) then surely A=|B-C| is the angle between them?

So [itex]\vec{u} \cdot \vec{v} = rs\cos(B-C)[/itex]

the cross product would be [itex]\vec{u} \times \vec{v} = rs\sin(C-B)[/itex] (final minus initial).

eg. when B=0, the angle between them is just C. As B increases, the angle between them decreases.
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
u=(x,y) and v=(w,z) then [itex]\vec{u}\cdot \vec{v}=uv\cos(A)[/itex] where A is the angle between them.

Continuing, using cap letters for angles:

in polar notation, u=(r,B), v=(s,C) then surely A=|B-C| is the angle between them?

So [itex]\vec{u} \cdot \vec{v} = rs\cos(B-C)[/itex]

the cross product would be [itex]\vec{u} \times \vec{v} = rs\sin(C-B)[/itex] (final minus initial).

eg. when B=0, the angle between them is just C. As B increases, the angle between them decreases.

Thank you so much for the clarifications Simon! It's really very much appriciated. Also can I ask how you calculate the cross products when you have something like let's say:

1. r<210 x r<150 - I know you get a vector that only has a k component vector but how do you know this?

2. r<210 x 4k? - Is there a method to do this or does r<210 have to be converted to cartician coordinates first?

Thank you guys!
  • #7
1. the cross product of two vectors is perpendicular to both and both example starting vectors are in the x-y plane ... the only perpendicular direction is in the k direction.

If you use the i-j notation, and multiply them out, you get terms in ixi, jxj, ixj, and jxi ... since the unit vectors are orthogonal ixi=jxj=0 and ixj=-jxi=k But to know "why the cross product is always perpendicular", you have to look into what the term means.

Wikipedia associates the cross product with "perpendicularness" but I tend to relate it to rotations ... momentum is a vector, angular momentum is also ... except it is a curly one. We use the right-hand-screw rule to unambiguously represent the rotation as a vector perpendicular to it.

2. It would be easiest to do directly by converting r<120 to cartesian ... or you can use cylindrical coordinates. But it is more likely that you will change coordinates so the vectors both lie in the x-y plane. For any two vectors, this is always possible - which will be partly why you are being taught it. (In general, the orientation of axis is arbitrary - so we pick the orientation that makes the math easiest.) There are many ways to skin a cat - pick the easy one for the situation.

Eventually you'll be understanding these in terms of matrix calculations. example

FAQ: How Do You Handle 3D Vector Operations with Polar Coordinates?

1. What is the meaning of "r<θ" in vectors?

The notation "r<θ" represents a vector in polar coordinates, where r is the magnitude or length of the vector, and θ is the angle between the vector and the reference axis. It is an alternative way of representing a vector compared to the more common Cartesian coordinates (x,y).

2. How do you convert a vector from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates?

To convert a vector from Cartesian coordinates (x,y) to polar coordinates (r<θ), you can use the following formulas:

r = √(x^2 + y^2)
θ = tan^-1 (y/x)

3. Can you add or subtract vectors in the form r<θ?

Yes, you can add or subtract vectors in the form r<θ by simply adding or subtracting their magnitudes and adding or subtracting their angles. However, it is important to note that the result will be in polar coordinates and may need to be converted back to Cartesian coordinates for some applications.

4. What is the relationship between r and θ in vectors in the form r<θ?

The magnitude r represents the length of the vector, while the angle θ represents the direction of the vector. Together, they fully describe the position and direction of the vector in space.

5. How are vectors in the form r<θ used in physics and engineering?

Vectors in the form r<θ are commonly used in physics and engineering to represent forces, velocities, and other physical quantities. They are particularly useful in situations where the direction of a vector is more important than its specific coordinates, such as in circular motion or projectile motion.
