How Do You Prove \(2^{k+1} < (k+1)!\) Using Induction?

In summary, the problem is that n! is defined to be 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n-1 * n for any positive integer n, but 2^k<k! for k>=4.
  • #1
I am trying to understand induction and not having much luck. Here is my problem as I understand it

n > or equal to 4, 2^n < n!

Step 1) Prove it works for n=1 no, n=2 no, n=3 no, n=4 yes 16 < 24

step 2) assume it works for n=k 2^k < k!

Step 3) prove it works for n= (k+1)
2^(k+1) < (k+1)!

So now I don't know what to do. I am unsure what I am proving. I have successfully figured other problems but not with exponents, inequalities, and factorials.

Can you give me a push in the right direction?
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  • #2
Start with 2^(k+1) this is equal to 2*2^k do you understand this step?
Then you know 2^k<k!, this was your induction hypothesis.
So then 2^(k+1)<2*k! and you want that to be less than (k+1)! So how can you get (k+1)! form k!? And remember that k>=4.
  • #3
I don't understand how 2^(k+1) is = to 2*2^k
  • #4
How does it become 2*2^k
  • #5
ngluth said:
I don't understand how 2^(k+1) is = to 2*2^k
That's basic arithmetic - you're probably just not recognizing it when it's typed this way. How about this:
Do you know to re-express that in terms of 2 raised to single powers? I'm guessing you do, if you're doing a problem of this level.
  • #6
2*2^k means
[tex]2\ast2^{k}[/tex] - did you get that?
  • #7
OKay Now I see it. Now you asked How I get (k+1)! form k! I have to admit I have no idea.
  • #8
ngluth said:
OKay Now I see it. Now you asked How I get (k+1)! form k! I have to admit I have no idea.
I think you must be making this harder than it is ... just think of the definition of exponentiation.
What does the left side of this expression mean, anyway? In words?
  • #9
Left side means 2^k * 2^1 Got it Sorry In the last part are you asking me how to get (k+1)! and k! to equal each other?
  • #10
How are (k+1)! and k! related? What is the definition of k!?
  • #11
k! would be k * k+1 * k+2 * k+3 etc. and (k+1)! would be (K+1) * (k+2) * (k+3) etc
  • #12
ngluth said:
k! would be k * k+1 * k+2 * k+3 etc. and (k+1)! would be (K+1) * (k+2) * (k+3) etc

No, then 1! would be 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14... which is greater than 1... so obviously that is not the defnition.
  • #13
k! = k(k-1)...2 * 1

I am really searching here I have been out of school for 35 years. I don't think they taught this stuff back then.
  • #14
ngluth ... where did you think k * k+1 * k+2 * k+3 etc. was going to end?

n! is defined to be 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n-1 * n for any positive integer n.
  • #15
BTW ... they certainly did teach this stuff 35 years ago ... that's when I first learned it! Luckily for me, I've continued to use it in the mean time. I've forgotten much else, though, so I sympathize.
  • #16
Thank you for all your time and patience. Now I can finish the rest of the assignment. This was the hardest one and I just could not understand what they were asking. Thanks
  • #17
I'm sending this again. Don't think it went the first time. Thanks for all your time and patience. I can now finish the assignment. This was the hardest problem. I just could not understand what was going on with it. Thanks. This is an awesome service you are providing. Thanks
  • #18
No problem. Induction is actually quite difficult to grasp at first - many people seem to be unable ever to get it. I've had problems trying to teach it to people who were never able to accept that it was logically sound - they just kept insisting that I'd proved only one case. Oh, well.

Good luck with the rest of your studies - it sounds like you're turning some cranks that might have gathered a little rust over the years!

FAQ: How Do You Prove \(2^{k+1} < (k+1)!\) Using Induction?

What is mathematical induction?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique used to prove statements that are dependent on a natural number n. It involves showing that the statement is true for the base case, typically n=1, and then proving that if the statement is true for some arbitrary n=k, it must also be true for n=k+1.

When is mathematical induction used?

Mathematical induction is commonly used in mathematics and computer science to prove theorems and properties that depend on a natural number n. It is particularly useful for proving statements about sequences, series, and recursive definitions.

What is the difference between weak and strong induction?

Weak induction, also known as induction by standard or complete induction, is the standard form of mathematical induction described above. Strong induction, also known as induction by complete hypothesis, is a variant that allows the induction hypothesis to depend on all previous cases, rather than just the previous case.

What is the importance of the inductive step in mathematical induction?

The inductive step is crucial in mathematical induction as it establishes the link between the base case and the general case. It ensures that if the statement holds for one value of n, it also holds for the next value. Without the inductive step, we cannot extend the proof to all natural numbers and the induction is not complete.

What are some common mistakes when using mathematical induction?

Some common mistakes when using mathematical induction include assuming the statement is true for all values of n without proving it, using the wrong base case, and failing to properly carry out the inductive step. It is also important to check that the statement holds for the base case and that the inductive hypothesis is used correctly in the inductive step.

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