How Do You Prove the Equation and Find the Block’s Speed at Position L?

In summary, the block moves with a speed proportional to the force applied and the distance traveled.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A block of mass m is at rest at the origin at t = 0. It is pushed
with constant force Fo from x = 0 to x = L across a horizontal
surface whose coefficient of kinetic friction is μk = μ0(1 - x/L).
That is, the coefficient of friction decreases from μ0 at x = 0 to
zero at x = L.

Prove that:

ax = vx dvx/dx

Then, find an expression for the block’s speed as it reaches position L.

Homework Equations

F = ma
Fk = μkn

The Attempt at a Solution

I actually have no idea how to even approach this question, it was in the challenge problem set of my class year 1 physics textbook.

I know that vx = dx/dt, and if I was to sub that into the equation I have to prove, it makes sense, but I do not know how to actually prove it. For the second part, I actually have no idea whatsoever. Thanks for helping the poor new engineering student.

-Question taken from Physics for Scientists and Engineers 3rd Ed, Knight-
Physics news on
  • #2
Ruinmaniac said:
I know that vx = dx/dt,
... and ax = dvx/dt.
What do you get if you combine the two equations so as to eliminate dt?

Note that if you integrate the target equation and multiply both sides by the mass you will get a conservation of energy equation. You can use this to answer the question.
  • #3
Thanks, I think I got it. Sorry for the bad quality photos, my webcam is the only camera I have when doing late night physics :P


Can you tell me if my final answer is right? There is no answer for this question in the textbook. The true final answer (after that factoring error I have) is:

vx = root(L(Fo/m - uog))


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FAQ: How Do You Prove the Equation and Find the Block’s Speed at Position L?

What is the difference between calculus and dynamics?

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of continuous change, while dynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the forces that cause it. In other words, calculus helps us understand how things change over time, while dynamics helps us understand why things move the way they do.

What is the importance of calculus in dynamics?

Calculus is a fundamental tool in understanding and analyzing the motion of objects in dynamics. It allows us to calculate the rates of change of various physical quantities, such as velocity and acceleration, which are essential in predicting and explaining the behavior of objects in motion.

What are the main concepts in calculus that are applied in dynamics?

The main concepts in calculus that are applied in dynamics include derivatives, integrals, and differential equations. Derivatives are used to calculate instantaneous rates of change, integrals are used to calculate the total change over a given interval, and differential equations are used to model and solve problems involving changing quantities.

How is calculus used in real-life applications of dynamics?

Calculus is used in a wide range of real-life applications of dynamics, such as engineering, physics, economics, and even biology. It is used to study and predict the behavior of moving objects, design structures that can withstand forces, optimize systems for efficiency, and model natural phenomena like population growth and fluid flow.

What are the different branches of calculus and how are they related to dynamics?

The different branches of calculus, such as differential calculus and integral calculus, are all interconnected and used in various ways in dynamics. For example, differential calculus is used to study rates of change and motion, while integral calculus is used to calculate total change and area under curves, both of which are important in dynamics.
