How Do You Prove Two Spans Are Equal?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Dethrone
  • Start date
In summary, if we can represent all the elements of $X$ as a linear combination of the elements of $Y$, then $\text{span}(X) \subseteq \text{span}(Y)$ and if we can show all the elements of $Y$ can be represented as a linear combination of the elements of $X$, then $\text{span}(Y) \subseteq \text{span}(X)$.
  • #1
I just want to make sure I'm understand this. If I want to show to spans are equal, say $\text{span}(X)=\text{span}(Y)$, then I think I read that if we can represent all the elements of $X$ as a linear combination of the elements of $Y$, then $\text{span}(X) \subseteq \text{span}(Y)$ and if we can show all the elements of $Y$ can be represented as a linear combination of the elements of $X$, then $\text{span}(Y) \subseteq \text{span}(X)$. Therefore, the spans are equal.

Now, this is my understanding on why that is true, can you let me know if it is right? If we can show that all the elements of $X$ can be represented as a linear combination of the elements of $Y$, that would mean that $X_{i}\in \text{span}(Y)$, where $X_i$ is an element of $X$. Furthermore, all linear combinations of $X_i$ are also in $\text{span}(Y)$, since the elements themselves are linear combinations of the elements in $Y$. Thus, $\text{span}(X) \subseteq \text{span}(Y)$. The same reasoning holds for the other way around...
Is this correct, and is there any better way to think about this? It hurts my brain :(
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  • #2
Maybe an easier way to imagine it is that if you can express each vector in $X$ as a linear combination of vectors in $Y$, then any vector that can be expressed as a linear combination of $X$ can be expressed as a linear combination of $Y$, by simply expanding out the $x_i$'s as their representation as a linear combination of elements of $Y$, and collecting terms. So any vector that is in the span of $X$ is automatically in the span of $Y$.

For instance suppose that you have $X = \{ x_1, x_2, x_3 \}$ and $Y = \{ y_1, y_2 \}$. Furthermore suppose that:
$$x_1 = 2y_1 + y_2$$
$$x_2 = y_1 + (-3)y_2$$
$$x_3 = 2y_1 + 2y_2$$
Now let $u$ be any vector in the span of $X$, so that:
$$u = c_1 x_1 + c_2 x_2 + c_3 x_3$$
Then we expand out to get:
$$u = c_1 (2y_1 + y_2) + c_2(y_1 + (-3)y_2) + c_3 (2y_1 + 2y_2)$$
$$u = 2 c_1 y_1 + c_1 y_2 + c_2 y_1 + (-3) c_2 y_2 + 2 c_3 y_1 + 2 c_3 y_2$$
$$u = (2 c_1 + c_2 + 2 c_3) y_1 + ( c_1 - 3c_2 + 2 c_3) y_2$$
And so $u$ can be expressed as a linear combination of $y_1$ and $y_2$ and so is in the span of $Y$.

From there your reasoning on expressing $X$ in terms of $Y$ and $Y$ in terms of $X$ to show that their spans are equal is perfectly valid. Of course, if you think on it a bit you will find that $X$ and $Y$ can be linearly independent without loss of generality, and so for their spans to be equal there must be the same number of (linearly independent) vectors in $X$ and $Y$ anyway, which leads you straight to the idea of a linear transformation between $X$ and $Y$ representable as a square invertible matrix $A$, from which you can establish a bijection between the coefficients in the linear combinations of vectors in either span... or something like that. I need to go now, I might add more details later if someone else hasn't.​
  • #3
Thanks Bacterius for the well-written answer! Your reasoning makes complete sense. I was worried that I might have had the wrong idea, but it seems that my ideas conform with yours, which is a great feeling. :D

Related to How Do You Prove Two Spans Are Equal?

1. What is the purpose of verifying equality of spans?

The purpose of verifying equality of spans is to determine whether two sets of vectors in a vector space span the same subspace. This is important in linear algebra and other fields of mathematics to ensure that proofs and calculations are accurate and valid.

2. How do you verify equality of spans?

To verify equality of spans, you must first determine the span of each set of vectors. This can be done by finding a basis for each set and then checking if the bases are the same. If they are the same, then the spans are equal. If not, you can use other methods such as row reduction or linear transformations to determine whether the spans are equal.

3. What are some common mistakes when verifying equality of spans?

One common mistake is assuming that if two sets of vectors contain the same number of vectors, then their spans must be equal. This is not always the case, as the vectors themselves and their arrangement can also affect the span. Another mistake is not fully understanding the concept of linear independence and how it relates to span equality.

4. Can you provide an example of verifying equality of spans?

Yes, for example, if we have two sets of vectors in R3: {(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)} and {(2,0,0), (0,2,0), (0,0,2)}, we can determine their spans are equal by finding the basis for each set (which is the same in this case) and then checking if the bases are equal. Since they are equal, we can conclude that the spans are also equal.

5. Are there any real-world applications of verifying equality of spans?

Yes, verifying equality of spans is important in fields such as computer graphics, where linear transformations are used to manipulate objects. By verifying equality of spans, we can ensure that the transformations are accurate and that the objects are displayed correctly on the screen.

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