How do you remember it all at once?

  • Thread starter Cruikshank
  • Start date
In summary, the author struggled to learn physics, but eventually became a professional tutor. He found that he could not learn the material by studying it himself, and needed to be taught by someone else. He found that the material was boring and difficult, and that he was not suited for physics.
  • #1
Background: BS physics MIT, 4 attempts at graduate school, including Ph.D. math, Ph.D. physics, and MA Math (which I finally got, mostly to demonstrate that I can finish things.) 20 years as a professional tutor, full time, math and physics etc.

When I was 6 I knew I wanted to be a scientist. By age 10, it was physics. By age 12, it was fundamental theoretical physics. At age 28 I gave up. Apparently I'm not smart enough to be a physicist. Not being rich, being shy, and developing chronic disabling hand pain was just three strikes against me.

I review linear algebra, and find I've forgotten complex calculus. I relearn that, and differential equations are rusty. I practice that, and I forget differential geometry. I relearn that, and the linear algebra is rusty again.

Part of the problem is that I never get to USE any of this. It's as if I were studying a dozen foreign languages while never being allowed to speak any of them. My job allows me to stay sharp on all the basics: calculus, vector calculus, basic diff eqs and basic linear algebra and probability and statistics. No problem.

How do you actually get all the way to an interesting problem? I have lots of questions, curiosity about physics, but if I actually try to read something, I find that I must first study some subject as a prerequisite. Then that prerequisite has a prerequisite. Then that has two prerequisites. Eventually I find a place to make progress, but I'm so far away from anything interesting that I only get anywhere via tedious grind. I left graduate school because I felt that I was losing my MIT education faster than graduate school was adding anything, and decided that however badly I would do on my own, it couldn't be worse than grad "school," which felt like an active impediment to learning any physics.

I'll die of old age before I feel ready to learn QFT. I own hundreds of textbooks and have probably mastered chapter 1 of half of them, some farther. I feel as if I can ace anything facing freshmen, and have to struggle with anything more advanced.

I have worked nearly every problem in the first 6 chapters of Bransden and Joachain (graduate QM, though it felt about equal to my undergraduate QM at MIT.) I had to teach myself generalized distributions in order to make any sense out of the sloppy Dirac deltas used. I have worked through nearly every page of Shilov's Linear Algebra. I filled three binders with notes, expanding Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds into something comprehensible by mere mortals. I have put on my hip waders and slogged through philosophy of physics. I taught myself optics, electronics, the first four chapters of Group Theory by Hammermesh.

But I quit Hammermesh, for example, because it was some of the dullest and most tedious junk I've ever seen--despite the chapter titles sounding exciting! I keep seeing that--every physics and math subject seems to be a mix of the absolutely fascinating and the mind-numbingly boring. I drag myself through the boring parts for the sake of the good parts, but sometimes, the good part was just a mirage, or the carrot moved, putting another prerequisite in the way.

I teach for a living. I help other people learn, get them past roadblocks, show them what they need to do. But just as doctors make the worst patients, I find that watching a typical physics lecture, they might as well be writing the equations with their fingernails. Years ago I resolved NEVER to try to learn math from a physicist ever again, for sanity's sake.

I know that by actually talking to physicists and physics students (more than I ever managed while I was in college), I am probably endangering my qualifications as a crackpot. But I really do want to do you do it?

How can you stand to wade through the boring bits?
How do you ever GET to the good bits?
How do you ever get to USE any of this material?
Am I just completely unsuited for physics? And if so, how was I supposed to figure that out?

I know my fate is most probably to be a dabbler for the rest of my life. I have hopes of writing textbooks to save others some of the grief I had to go through. I'm told I have a gift for teaching. But I really don't know what was so wrong with me, that I couldn't be a physicist.
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  • #2
I understand your struggle, and though I'm less experienced than you, I can relate to the feeling of being stuck with learning prereqs. I think the important piece that you are missing, without which everything seems disconnected, boring and hard to remember is "unification". What I mean is that what makes things truly click for me is making connections between what I've already learned and internalized, and what I'm trying to learn. For example, you say you've learned Linear Algebra using a pure math book. It's still entirely possible that even after that, the first chapter of Shankar may seem foreign, since the notation and terminology used is completely different. What made things clear to me is making sort of a (mental) translation table which translates bras, kets, inner products and completeness relations and how physicists use them to the linear algebra I had already learned. If I didn't sit down and make this effort, it would be like "Oh f*ck I just waded through a semester of difficult proof based LA, but this physicsy version of LA still makes no sense. I guess I'll just have to relearn it the physics way. I'm stuck forever learning the prereqs, will I ever get to QM?"

The same process holds for differential geometry and general relativity, representation theory and quantum field theory, etc. An important thing not to miss is to treat everything as building upon each other. As another example, say you wanted to learn differential geometry properly. Among the first things you would learn would be things like differential forms and tensors etc. However a proper intro to these things heavily uses concepts from linear algebra. Similarly, theorems from multivariable calculus and analysis will show up frequently. So in your effort to learn diff geo, you've refreshed your memory of analysis and linear algebra. Now you think you have a good idea of diff geo. Move on to Wald or Carroll and learn about general relativity. Again, you make the effort to connect your understanding of diff geo to how Wald or Carroll present it and as a result your understanding of diff geo is also enhanced, and you'll get to use it in exciting ways when you do GR. This will also make GR click better, since you've now formulated it in a language you were already fairly familiar with, from your previous study of diff geo.

So the important thing is to always try and keep making connections. Do something like drawing big charts and try to see where everything fits in the bigger picture. This process is what keeps learning math and theoretical physics an enjoyable process for me.

And once you get to an advanced enough topic, since you'll be using a lot of these tools simultaneously, they'll be pretty much ingrained to your head:

Let's say you were doing a calculation in quantum field theory. You start with the lagrangian, and attempt to deduce the Feynman rules. Finding the propagator, which is the inverse of a differential operator acting on a space of functions (linear algebra), will have you solve a differential equation (by using Fourier transforms, greens functions). After you have those, you attempt to do a calculation to a certain order in perturbation theory. This will require doing a ton of integrals, some of which will certainly involve doing some contour integration (complex analysis). And of course, you have to remember that at the end of the day, you're working with states and operators which live on the Hilbert space of your QFT (again, linear algebra). And if you're dealing with a theory like QED or non-abelian gauge theory, or basically any relativisitically covariant theory, you'll also have to know your tensors well too.
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  • #3
Cruikshank said:
Am I just completely unsuited for physics? And if so, how was I supposed to figure that out?

I figured it out when I wasn't able to get a PhD. Honestly, I think its silly to pursue something that you thought of when you were 12. You were just a kid, you didn't know crap about the world and the world of work. Most people go through many changes between 12 and being an adult. Now you are an adult and can choose a number of things. I work in a restaurant now, the pay is low but its something I can do. There are many choices out there, you don't need to stick to what you thought was good when you were 12. Most people in developed countries do just fine without math and science.
  • #4
Cruikshank said:
How can you stand to wade through the boring bits?

So part of the problem here might be that you don't actually like physics, or haven't found what you like. I legitimately enjoyed most of my physics courses, and most of the topics. While there were the occasional excruciatingly boring bits (crystallographic point groups come to mind), they were fairly rare.

If you find so much of physics utterly boring, what exactly is it you are interested in?

How do you ever GET to the good bits?

Have you tried simply grabbing an intro quantum field theory text and diving in? Don't worry about your diff-eq or group theory being rusty, you'll pick it back up and cement what you need while fighting through the "good bits." Knowing some of the physics can help focus your math study.

Start by figuring out the "good bit" you want to know, and then use that to focus your study.

How do you ever get to USE any of this material?

I used it for about 4 years while working on my phd thesis and have literally never had an opportunity to use any physics knowledge ever again.

I know my fate is most probably to be a dabbler for the rest of my life.

I went all the way through a phd and never held a job in physics after my phd program. Most of my cohort from grad school never held a job in physics after their phd. If you are making a good living tutoring physics, you actually probably use more physics knowledge in your day-to-day work than the majority of physics phds, so I wouldn't worry too much about dabbling.
  • #5

First of all, I want to commend you for your determination and perseverance in pursuing your passion for physics and mathematics. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to continue learning and mastering these subjects, especially when faced with challenges and setbacks.

I can relate to your struggles with remembering and mastering complex concepts and equations. It is a never-ending process of learning and relearning, and it can be frustrating at times. However, I believe that the key to remembering and understanding complex material is through constant practice and application.

In my own experience, I have found that it is important to not only study the material, but also to actively engage with it. This could mean solving practice problems, discussing concepts with others, or even trying to apply the material to real-world problems. This not only helps with retention, but also allows for a deeper understanding of the material.

Additionally, it is important to focus on the fundamental principles and concepts rather than trying to memorize everything at once. By understanding the core principles, it becomes easier to apply them to new and more complex problems.

As for getting to the "good bits," I think it is important to have a strong foundation in the basics before delving into more advanced topics. This may require going back and reviewing concepts that may have become rusty over time. But with a solid foundation, it becomes easier to progress and tackle more challenging material.

In terms of using the material, I understand your frustration with not being able to apply what you have learned. I believe that it is important to actively seek out opportunities to use the material, whether through research projects, collaborations, or even just discussing concepts with others. This not only helps with retention, but also allows for a deeper understanding of the material.

Finally, I want to assure you that you are not unsuited for physics. You have demonstrated a strong passion and dedication towards learning and understanding these subjects. Perhaps the traditional academic path may not have worked out for you, but that does not mean you cannot continue to learn and contribute to the field. As a professional tutor, you have already shown that you have valuable skills and knowledge to share with others. I encourage you to continue pursuing your interests and finding ways to apply your knowledge and skills.

Related to How do you remember it all at once?

1. How does the brain remember information?

The brain remembers information through a process called encoding, where new information is transformed into a form that can be stored in the brain's memory. This information is then organized and stored in different areas of the brain for later retrieval.

2. Can people improve their memory?

Yes, people can improve their memory through various techniques such as mnemonic devices, repetition, and association. Regularly exercising the brain through activities like puzzles and learning new skills can also help improve memory.

3. Is it possible to remember everything?

No, it is not possible to remember everything. The brain has a limited capacity for storing information, and not all information is deemed important enough to be stored in long-term memory. In fact, forgetting is a natural and necessary process for the brain to function efficiently.

4. Why do some people have better memory than others?

There are various factors that can affect one's memory, such as genetics, age, lifestyle, and overall brain health. Some individuals may also have developed effective memory strategies or have a higher level of motivation and interest in remembering certain information.

5. Can stress affect memory?

Yes, stress can have a negative impact on memory. Chronic stress can lead to structural changes in the brain and impair the functioning of the hippocampus, an area responsible for memory formation. Additionally, stress can also affect an individual's ability to focus and pay attention, making it harder to remember information.

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