How Do You Solve Accelerated Linear Motion Problems in Physics?

In summary, the juggler throws up six balls, each of which has an initial velocity of 9.81 m/s. After a certain amount of time has passed, each ball returns to the juggler's hand at a height of 3 m.
  • #1
Im having some trouble with this Accelerated Linear Motion question. I don't have any clue where i should even start with part (B).
(A) A particle moving in a straight line with constant acceleration passes three points, p, q and r and has speeds u and 7u and p and r respecitively.
(I) Find its speed at q, the midpoint of pr, in terms o u
(II)Show that the time from p to q is twice that from q to r

(B) A juggler throws up six balls, one after the other at equal intervals of time t, each to a height of 3m. The first ball returns to his hand t seconds after the sixth was thrown up and is immediately thrown to the same height, and so on continually. You may assume that each ball moves vertically.
(i) the initial velocity of each ball
(ii) the time t
(iii) the heights of the other balls when anyone reaches the jugglers hand.

Im just lost, don't have a clue where to start. My head just starts to go into overload when i even think about it. Please help!
Physics news on
  • #2
Your formula

V(final) = V (original) + acceleration * time


Vf - Vo + at

You have only 3 points but 4 velocities, so I assume, your original or initial velocity would be u.

Have you tried this formula?

  • #3
Yes, I've used the formulae before, I am having trouble with part two, the juggler question.
  • #4
Part two is relatively simple.

Each ball has acceleration -g= -9.81 m/s2. If we take "v" to be the initial velocity of each ball, then v(T)= v- 9.81T in m/s where T is measured in seconds since the ball was thrown.
In addition, the height of each ball after T seconds is given by
h(T)= vT- (9.81/2)T2.
The ball will continue upward until its velocity is 0: v- 9.81T= 0 so
T= v/9.81. We are told that the height at that time is 3 m:
v(v/9.81)- (9.81/2)(v/9.81)2= v2/(2*9.81)= 3 so
v2= 2*3*9.81 and v= &radi;(2*3*9.81).

You can find t in either of two ways: directly- The ball comes back to the person's had (assumed same height) exactly t seconds after the sixth ball is throne up and there is and interval of t seconds between each one: the first ball comes back to the person's had after 6t seconds: h(6t)= v(6t)- (9.81/2)(6t)2= 0. You know v from the previous problem. Solve for t.
Less directly: because of the symmetry of the motion, each ball attains it highest point exactly half way through its motion: 3t.
Since you calculated that time, T, in the first problem, 3t= T. Solve for t.

You know that when the first ball is again in the juggler's hand, time 6t has passed. Its height is0. The second ball is exactly "t" behind. Its height will be given by h(5t), the third ball's height will be h(4t), the fourth ball's height by h(3t), the fifth ball's height by h(2t), and the sixth ball's height by h(t). If the juggler throws the first ball up again the instant he catches it, each ball will have one of those 6 heights each time a ball is caught.

FAQ: How Do You Solve Accelerated Linear Motion Problems in Physics?

What is accelerated linear motion?

Accelerated linear motion is the movement of an object along a straight line with a change in velocity over time. This means that the object is experiencing a change in speed or direction as it moves along the line.

How is accelerated linear motion different from uniform linear motion?

Uniform linear motion is when an object moves at a constant speed along a straight line, while accelerated linear motion involves a change in speed over time. In accelerated linear motion, the object's velocity is not constant and can be increasing or decreasing.

What causes accelerated linear motion?

Accelerated linear motion is caused by a force acting on an object. This force can be applied by an external source, such as a push or pull, or can be a result of the object's own inertia.

What is the difference between positive and negative acceleration in linear motion?

Positive acceleration means that the object is speeding up, while negative acceleration (also known as deceleration) means that the object is slowing down. Both positive and negative acceleration involve a change in velocity, but in opposite directions.

Can an object experience both positive and negative acceleration in linear motion?

Yes, an object can experience both positive and negative acceleration in linear motion. This is known as changing acceleration and occurs when the direction of the object's velocity changes. An example of this is when a car speeds up and then slows down as it approaches a stop sign.
