How Do You Solve and Plot g(z) = 0 for Complex Roots on an Argand Diagram?

In summary, This conversation discusses the functions f(z) = z^3 - 8 and g(z) = f(z-1), and how they apply to solving questions 1-5. The conversation also mentions the use of factorization and the equation i^2 = -1. The attempt at a solution involves solving for g(z) and plotting the solutions on an Argand diagram, which is a graph where each complex number is represented by a point on the coordinate plane. The conversation also clarifies that a complex number can be represented by a line segment or arrow starting from the origin and terminating at the coordinates (a, b).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f(z) = z3-8 and g(z) = f(z-1). This information applies to questions 1-5.
1. Express g(z) in the form g(z) = z3+az2 +bz + c
2. Hence, solve g(z) = 0. Plot solutions on an Argand diagram.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I have done question 1.
g(z) = z3- 3z2 +3z - 9.
With question 2 I think z = 3 or z = √3i or -√3i. But (assuming I am correct) I am not sure what I do next. I am sure it is the simplest solution in the world but I have looked at it for so long I have confused myself.

Also as a side note, when plotting complex numbers is it a point or a line from the origin?
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  • #2
Those are not quite correct- you don't have the real part of the last two. If you write u= z- 1, then [itex]g(z)= f(z- 1)= f(u)= u^3- 8= 0[/itex]. So, in polar form, [itex]u^3= 8= 2^3= 2^3(e^{2\pi ni})[/itex] so [itex]u= 2e^{2\pi ni/3}= 2(cos(2npi/3)+ isin(2n\pi/3))[/itex] with n= 0, 1, and 2.

Those are the three points equally spaced around the circle with radius 2, centered on 0 with one (n= 0) the point 2 itself. In "a+ bi" terms, they are u= 2 (n= 0), [itex]u= -2+ (\sqrt{3})i[/itex] (n= 1), and [itex]u= -2- (\sqrt{3})i[/itex] (n= 2).

Of course, z= u+ 1.

Also as a side note, when plotting complex numbers is it a point or a line from the origin?
In other words, you are trying to do a problem involving an "Argand diagram" without knowing what an "Argand diagram" is! Didn't it occur to you look it up? Each complex number, a+ bi, is plotted as the point (a, b) on an Argand diagram.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
Those are not quite correct- you don't have the real part of the last two.

He does. It just cancels out when you add the 1.

If you write u= z- 1, then [itex]g(z)= f(z- 1)= f(u)= u^3- 8= 0[/itex]. So, in polar form, [itex]u^3= 8= 2^3= 2^3(e^{2\pi ni})[/itex] so [itex]u= 2e^{2\pi ni/3}= 2(cos(2npi/3)+ isin(2n\pi/3))[/itex] with n= 0, 1, and 2.

Those are the three points equally spaced around the circle with radius 2, centered on 0 with one (n= 0) the point 2 itself. In "a+ bi" terms, they are u= 2 (n= 0), [itex]u= -2+ (\sqrt{3})i[/itex] (n= 1), and [itex]u= -2- (\sqrt{3})i[/itex] (n= 2).

The complex roots are wrong. The real part should be -1 for each, since they start out as -1/2 before you multiply by 2.

Of course, z= u+ 1.

And so the real parts cancel out, giving what the threadstarter got.

EDIT: Thought better of it, while the question is ambiguous, it seems the De Moivre's solution is probably the insight they were looking for.

In other words, you are trying to do a problem involving an "Argand diagram" without knowing what an "Argand diagram" is! Didn't it occur to you look it up? Each complex number, a+ bi, is plotted as the point (a, b) on an Argand diagram.

In most of the places I've looked, the complex number is represented either by a line segment or an arrow pointing away from the origin. Not just a point. Of course, the line segment or arrow terminates at (a,b).
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Related to How Do You Solve and Plot g(z) = 0 for Complex Roots on an Argand Diagram?

What are complex numbers?

Complex numbers are numbers that contain both a real and imaginary component. They are typically written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part. For example, 3 + 4i is a complex number with a real part of 3 and an imaginary part of 4i.

How do I plot complex numbers?

To plot a complex number, you will need to use a complex coordinate plane. The horizontal axis represents the real component and the vertical axis represents the imaginary component. The complex number can then be plotted as a point on this plane.

What is the difference between a real and imaginary axis?

The real axis represents the real component of a complex number, while the imaginary axis represents the imaginary component. The two axes are perpendicular to each other and intersect at the origin (0,0).

What do the different shapes on a complex coordinate plane represent?

The different shapes on a complex coordinate plane, such as circles and lines, represent the magnitude and direction of the complex number. The distance from the origin to the point represents the magnitude, while the angle between the positive real axis and the line connecting the origin to the point represents the direction.

What are some applications of plotting complex numbers?

Plotting complex numbers is useful in fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. Some applications include analyzing electrical circuits, solving differential equations, and representing wave functions in quantum mechanics.

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