How Do You Solve EM Wave Transmission Through Multiple Media?

In summary, the problem involves calculating the transmission coefficient T for a plane EM wave traveling through three media with different refraction indices. The incident wave is split into reflected and transmitted waves at the boundaries, and the goal is to solve for the unknowns using boundary conditions. However, it seems that there may be errors in the equations provided, which need to be corrected in order to find the solution.
  • #1
Hi there, I'm stuck with this problem, I've already worked out some algebra but I can't seem to get what I am asked, when trying to solve the equations I simply can't get the answer, so I was hoping you could help me. Here we go

Homework Statement

Calculate the transmission coefficient T if you have a plane EM wave that travels from right to left through the three media shown, each one with its respective refraction index shown in the figure. Assume you know the incident wave E field.

The wave incides on the frontier I-II, part of it gets refflected and part of it gets transmitted. The transmitted wave, when getting to the frontier II-III, gets split in 2, part of it gets refflected and the rest transmitted. Is this treatment okay?

Here goes the figure and my vectors (the problem doesn't ask you to complicate more than this according to my teacher). Sorry if it's not neat, I'm very sloppy.

Homework Equations

After writing down the 10 equations for the E's and H's, we use the boundary conditions:
E (tangential in medium i) = E (tangential in medium j)
(that is, the continuity of the tangential component of the E field)
H (tangential in medium i) = H (tangential in medium j)
(continuity of the tangential component of H)

The Attempt at a Solution

We then use these equations in the boundaries at x=0 and x=d, which gives the next four equations (in which our unknowns are E1r, E2r, E2t and E3t) (remember, E1i is a given):

E1i - E1r = E2t - E2r

n1(E1i + E1r) = n2(E2t + E2r)

E2t*e^(i*k2*d) - E2r*e^-(i*k2*d) = E3t*e^(i*k3*d)

n2*(E2t*e^(i*k2*d) + E2r*e^-(i*k2*d) ) = n3*E3t*e^(i*k3*d)

The thing is, I'm not sure how to get through these equations. I tried two different ways: expressing the last 2 eqns by expanding the imaginary exponential, then trying to compare coefficients but something goes wrong and I wind up with contradictions; then I tried dividing the two last equations by the term that multiplies E3t on the RHS of the eqns but I also winded up with some ugly stuff: it would either make me impose an apparently unnecessary constraint that doesn't get me anywhere or it gives me inconsisten results. I hope I'm doing something wrong, any help would be appreciated. Also, sorry for not posting my whole procedure but it gets pretty ugly after a few steps.

I'm sorry if I'm not following the template correctly or if I am not typing correctly or doing something wrong, this is my first post in this forum. I'm just looking for some help :) Also, sorry for not using LaTeX, I know some but I'm not sure how to use it on this forum, yet.


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  • #2

Hi there,

First of all, don't worry about not using LaTeX, it's not necessary for this forum. Now, let's take a look at your problem. It seems like you have the right idea in terms of using boundary conditions to solve for the unknowns. However, I think you may have made a mistake in your equations.

In your second equation, you have n1(E1i + E1r) = n2(E2t + E2r). However, this should actually be n1(E1i - E1r) = n2(E2t + E2r). This is because when the wave is incident on the boundary, it is traveling in the opposite direction of the reflected wave, so the sign of E1r should be negative.

Similarly, in your third equation, you have E2t*e^(i*k2*d) - E2r*e^-(i*k2*d) = E3t*e^(i*k3*d). However, this should actually be E2t*e^(i*k2*d) - E2r*e^-(i*k2*d) = E3t*e^-(i*k3*d). Again, this is because when the wave is transmitted from medium 2 to medium 3, the transmitted wave is traveling in the opposite direction of the reflected wave, so the sign of E3t should be negative.

I would recommend checking your other equations as well to make sure they are correct. Once you have the correct equations, you should be able to solve for the unknowns using the boundary conditions. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Related to How Do You Solve EM Wave Transmission Through Multiple Media?

What are EM waves and how are they transmitted?

EM waves, or electromagnetic waves, are a form of energy that is produced by the acceleration of electrically charged particles. They are transmitted through the interaction of electric and magnetic fields. This process is known as electromagnetic radiation.

What is the transmission problem for EM waves?

The transmission problem for EM waves refers to the difficulty in transmitting these waves over long distances without significant loss of energy. This is due to factors such as absorption, scattering, and reflection of the waves by various materials and obstacles in their path.

How is the transmission of EM waves affected by the medium they travel through?

The transmission of EM waves is affected by the properties of the medium they travel through, such as its density, composition, and conductivity. These factors can cause the waves to be absorbed, reflected, or scattered, leading to a decrease in their strength and possibly hindering their transmission.

What are some methods used to improve EM wave transmission?

One method to improve EM wave transmission is to use materials with low absorption and scattering properties, such as optical fibers. Another approach is to use techniques such as amplification, refraction, and frequency modulation to strengthen and direct the waves towards their intended destination.

How are EM waves used in modern technology and communication?

EM waves are used in a wide range of modern technologies and communication systems, including radio and television broadcasting, cellular and satellite communication, radar, and medical imaging. They also play a crucial role in wireless internet, GPS, and various forms of remote sensing.

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