How Do You Solve for Vector x and Scalar λ in Vector Equations?

In summary, the vector x and scalar λ that satisfy the equations are λ = -1 and x = (-5/6, 5/6, 1/6). They can be found by using scalar and vector multiplication with c and then substituting the value of λ into the equation to solve for x.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Find the vector x and the scalar λ which satisfy the equations
[tex]x \wedge b = b-λc,\; x.c=-2[/tex]where b = (-2, 1, -1) and c = (1, -2, 2)

Homework Equations

Vector algebra.

The Attempt at a Solution

First, i worked on x.c=-2
Let vector [itex]x = (x_1, x_2, x_3)[/itex]
So, i got the first equation: [itex]x_1-2x_2+2x_3=-2[/itex]

Now, working with: [itex]x \wedge b = b-λc[/itex]
First, i evaluated the L.H.S. and i found the determinant: [itex](-x_2-x_3)\hat i - (-x_1+2x_3)\hat j +(x_1+2x_2)\hat k[/itex]

Next, i found the R.H.S. and i equated both sides, and added them up to get the second equation: [itex]2x_1+x_2-3x_3=-2-λ[/itex]

But how to solve both equations to get x and λ? Maybe I've overlooked something...

I also tried vector algebra on: [itex]x \wedge b = b-λc[/itex] by first doing scalar multiplication by b and then vector multiplication by b.
I got: [tex]x=\frac{-λ(b\wedge c)}{(b^2-λbc)}[/tex]

Well, i think i got it. I had to look closer at my scalar multiplication, which gives:
Then, i just have to use the value of λ to find vector x.
λ=-1 and then it seems that i messed up as in finding x, i got the denominator = 0.
Any suggestions?

EDIT: OK... Instead of scalar and vector multiplication by b, i tried the same steps with c.
I got λ=-1 and x=(-5/6, 5/6, 1/6)
Is it correct?
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  • #2

Yes, your solution is correct! Great job working through the equations and using vector algebra to solve for x and λ. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: How Do You Solve for Vector x and Scalar λ in Vector Equations?

What is the meaning of "Find vector x and scalar λ"?

"Find vector x and scalar λ" is a phrase commonly used in mathematics and physics. It refers to the process of solving for a vector (represented by the variable x) and a scalar (represented by the Greek letter λ) in a given equation or system of equations.

What is a vector?

A vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude (size) and direction. It is often represented as an arrow with a specific length and direction in a coordinate system.

What is a scalar?

A scalar is a mathematical quantity that only has magnitude (size) and no direction. It can be represented by a single number and is often used to scale or modify a vector.

How do I solve for vector x and scalar λ?

The process for solving for vector x and scalar λ depends on the specific equation or system of equations given. In general, you will need to use algebraic methods such as substitution, elimination, or matrix operations to isolate and solve for the variables.

Why is it important to find vector x and scalar λ?

Finding vector x and scalar λ is important in many fields of science, including physics, engineering, and statistics. It allows us to understand and describe the direction and magnitude of physical quantities, as well as make predictions and solve real-world problems.

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