How Do You Solve Laplace's Equation on a Ring?

Expert SummarizerIn summary, solving Laplace's equation on a ring in the plane with r_1<r<r_2 and arbitrary functions on the edges requires separating the variables and solving for the radial part. The solutions given in the book for n=0 and n>0 are only valid for r_1=0 and r_2=1, so they need to be modified for our case. The general solution will be a combination of ln(r) and power functions of r, with constants determined by the boundary conditions.
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Homework Statement

Solve Laplace's equation on a ring in the plane with r_1<r<r_2. And arbitrary functions on the edges of the ring.

The Attempt at a Solution

After separation of variables the solution to the radial factor is an often-seen problem. It's eigenvalues are λ=n² the eigenfunctions Θ(θ)~sin(nθ) + cos(nθ).

The differential equation for the radial part becomes

r²R" + rR' - n²R = 0

I don't know how to solve this thing but my book gives solutions:

n=0: r → 1 and r → ln(r)
n>0: r → r^n and r → r^(-n)

In my book the functions ln(r) and r^(-n) are thrown away because they are singular in r=0. But for this problem r=0 is not part of the domain, so I should keep all these solutions.

Now I wonder, since ln(r) and r^(-n) can both be written as a Taylor series on the interval [r_1,r_2], can I throw them away anyways?

If so, the solution will be of the form

u(r,θ) = Ʃ A_n r^n cos(nθ) + Ʃ B_n r^n sin(nθ)

Boundary condtions

u(r_1,θ) = Ʃ A_n r_1^n cos(nθ) + Ʃ B_n r_1^n sin(nθ)
u(r_2,θ) = Ʃ A_n r_2^n cos(nθ) + Ʃ B_n r_2^n sin(nθ)

But this seems to be fixing A_n and B_n twice, since both are Fourier series.
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  • #2

Dear A_B,

Thank you for your post. Solving Laplace's equation on a ring in the plane with arbitrary functions on the edges can be challenging, but it can also be a very interesting problem.

Firstly, I agree with your approach of separating the variables and solving for the radial part first. However, I would like to point out that the solutions given in your book for n=0 and n>0 are only valid for the case where r_1=0 and r_2=1. Since we have a ring with r_1<r<r_2, we need to modify these solutions accordingly.

For n=0, the solution will be of the form u(r,θ) = A + B ln(r), where A and B are constants determined by the boundary conditions. This solution is valid for all values of r within the ring, including r=0.

For n>0, the solution will be of the form u(r,θ) = A_n r^n + B_n r^(-n), where A_n and B_n are constants determined by the boundary conditions. As you mentioned, these solutions are singular at r=0, but they can still be used within the ring, as long as we exclude r=0 from our domain.

Therefore, the general solution for Laplace's equation on a ring with arbitrary functions on the edges will be of the form

u(r,θ) = A + B ln(r) + Ʃ (A_n r^n + B_n r^(-n)) cos(nθ) + Ʃ (C_n r^n + D_n r^(-n)) sin(nθ)

where A, B, A_n, B_n, C_n, and D_n are constants determined by the boundary conditions.

I hope this helps. Keep up the good work in your studies!

FAQ: How Do You Solve Laplace's Equation on a Ring?

1. What is Laplace's equation on a ring?

Laplace's equation on a ring is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a physical system on a circular ring or loop. It is a special case of Laplace's equation, which is a fundamental mathematical equation used to model various physical phenomena.

2. How is Laplace's equation on a ring different from Laplace's equation on a plane?

Laplace's equation on a ring differs from Laplace's equation on a plane in that it is restricted to a circular region rather than a rectangular region. This means that the solutions to Laplace's equation on a ring exhibit circular symmetry, while the solutions to Laplace's equation on a plane do not.

3. What are the boundary conditions for Laplace's equation on a ring?

The boundary conditions for Laplace's equation on a ring typically involve specifying the value of the solution at certain points along the ring's circumference. These boundary conditions are essential for determining the unique solution to the equation.

4. What are some real-world applications of Laplace's equation on a ring?

Laplace's equation on a ring has many applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. It can be used to model the electric potential and magnetic field of a circularly symmetric system, such as a current-carrying wire or a circular capacitor. It is also used in fluid dynamics to model the velocity field of a swirling flow.

5. How is Laplace's equation on a ring solved?

Solving Laplace's equation on a ring involves finding the unique solution that satisfies the boundary conditions. This can be done analytically for simple geometries or numerically using computational methods for more complex systems. Some common techniques for solving Laplace's equation on a ring include separation of variables, conformal mapping, and finite difference methods.

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