How Do You Solve Particle Motion and Collision Problems in Physics?

In summary: … but you didn't need to do it that way … all you needed to do was to integrate the acceleration to get the velocity, and then integrate the velocity to get the position :wink:(oh, and don't forget the constant of integration)
  • #1
(a) A particle of mass 4 kg moves under a force: F = 6t^2i - tj - 4k in Newtons.
Assuming that the particle is initially at the origin with velocity v = i + k in m/s, find its position after 1s.

(b) A ball of mass m travels with velocity 3 m/s and collides with a second ball with mass 2m at rest. After the collision the 2m ball moves with speed 1 m/s in a direction 60degrees to the original direction of the ball m.
(i) What is the final velocity of the ball m ?
(ii) What is the angle between the paths of the two balls after the collision ?

If you could answer and explain how to do either or even both of these it will possibly save me from failing an exam tommorow .Hope you can help, Thanks !
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi Appliedmaths! Welcome to PF! :wink:

For (a), integrate; for (b), use conservation of momentum

show us what yout get. :smile:
  • #3

I don't know how to integrate so is there any way around that for part 1 ?

I know how to do conservation of momentum but how do i take into account the angle 60 degrees ?

I never should have chosen applied maths as I have discovered maths is definitely not my thing but inh this test tommorow I have to get at least 30 percent to pass and I can drop the subject. If I fail its 200euro to repeat. I can do all the short questions and a one dimensional kinematic question on my test but I don't know how to do this one.
It has come up every year for the last 4 years so if i can understand this it will probably enable me to pass. Please understand where I am coming from. Thats why I don't have a good attempt at the question for you. Its less than a day to the exam.
  • #4
(a) F=ma, so find the acceleration of the particle by dividing your equation for F by m.
You know that d = d0 + v0*t + (1/2)*a*t^2, depending upon which direction you're considering. In this case, you must consider every direction separately, at least that's what I think the equation for F hints at. So take every direction and use the formula for d and insert t=1. This will give you the end coordinates in x, y and z.

(i) Remember that momentum is conserved, so the momentum of the ball of mass m must equal the momentum of both of the balls afterwards, so mv = mv' + 2mv_2. Find v'!
(ii) Use the fact that some vertical motion has been initiated from the collision. Before impact the vertical motion was zero, so the momentum for each ball and energy for each ball must be equal in the vertical motion. The vertical velocity is given by v*sin(angle). Equate the two expressions and solve for the angle.

Hope this could help a little.
  • #5
Hi Appliedmaths! :smile:
Appliedmaths said:
I don't know how to integrate so is there any way around that for part 1 ?

Nooo. :redface:
I know how to do conservation of momentum but how do i take into account the angle 60 degrees ?

You need to do it twice, once for the x direction and once for the y direction.

That gives you two equations for two unknowns, so you can solve it! :wink:

Please show us what you get …

you obviously need the practice. :smile:
Hixy said:
(a) F=ma, so find the acceleration of the particle by dividing your equation for F by m.
You know that d = d0 + v0*t + (1/2)*a*t^2

no, that's only for constant acceleration

this isn't constant :redface:
  • #6
Ah, that's right.. Integration from t=0 to t=1 it is. Sorry for the misleading previous comment :/
  • #7
So is this wrong then ??

F = ma
F = ti - 6t^2j + 3k
v = j + 2k
mass = 4 kg

ti - 6t^2j + 3k = (4)a

ti - 6t^2j + 3k / 4 = a

V = u + at

j + 2k = 0 + (ti - 6t^2j + 3k / 4) 1

4(j + 2k) = ti - 6t^2j + 3k
4j + 8k = ti - 6t^2j + 3k
= ti - 6t^2j - 4j + 3k - 8k
= ti - 6t^2j - 4j - 5k
  • #8
yes :redface:

Related to How Do You Solve Particle Motion and Collision Problems in Physics?

1. What is an applied maths question?

An applied maths question is a problem or calculation that requires the use of mathematical concepts and techniques in a real-world scenario, typically in a scientific or engineering context.

2. How do I approach an applied maths question?

The best way to approach an applied maths question is to carefully read and understand the problem, identify the relevant mathematical concepts and formulas, and then systematically apply them to find a solution. It is also helpful to break the problem down into smaller, more manageable steps.

3. What if I don't understand the mathematical concepts needed for the question?

If you are struggling with the mathematical concepts needed for an applied maths question, it is important to seek help from a teacher, tutor, or classmate. You can also use online resources or textbooks to review and practice the necessary concepts.

4. Can I use a calculator for an applied maths question?

It depends on the specific question and the instructions given. In some cases, a calculator may be allowed or even necessary to solve the problem. However, it is important to also show your work and understand the underlying mathematical principles, rather than just relying on a calculator.

5. Are there any tips for solving applied maths questions more efficiently?

Yes, here are a few tips that can help you solve applied maths questions more efficiently: 1) Practice regularly to improve your mathematical skills and speed, 2) Break the problem down into smaller, more manageable steps, 3) Use diagrams or visual aids to help you understand the problem, and 4) Check your answers and work for errors.

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