How Do You Solve Tarzan's Two Dimensional Motion Problem?

In summary, Tarzan, weighing 790 N, swings from a cliff using a 24.2 m vine that makes an angle of 26.3° with the vertical. Immediately after stepping off the cliff, the tension in the vine is 708 N. The force from the vine on Tarzan is (a) 155N in the horizontal direction and (b) -314N in the vertical direction. The net force acting on Tarzan is (c) 350N with (d) a direction of -63.7 degrees counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. Tarzan's acceleration is (e) 0.44m/s2 with (f) a direction of -63.7 degrees count
  • #1
1. Tarzan, who weighs 790 N, swings from a cliff at the end of a 24.2 m vine that hangs from a high tree limb and initially makes an angle of 26.3° with the vertical. Assume that an x-axis points horizontally away from the cliff edge and a y-axis extends upward. Immediately after Tarzan steps off the cliff, the tension in the vine is 708 N. Just then, what are (a) the force from the vine on Tarzan in unit-vector notation, and (b) the net force acting on Tarzan in unit-vector notation? What are (c) the magnitude and (d) the direction (measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis) of the net force acting on Tarzan? What are (e) the magnitude and (f) the direction of Tarzan's acceleration?

2. F=ma Fx=ma-Fcos(theta) Fy=-Fsin(theta)

3. I really don't understand how to do any of these because the two forces and the length of the rope threw me off. I wasn't sure which force to use where. This is as much as I've done but I don't know what parts they relate to. I would really appreciate it if someone would help me:

Fx= 790N -708Ncos26.3= 155N
Fy = -708sin26.3= -314N
magnitude= SQRT1552+-3142= 350N
inversetan(-314N/155N)= -63.7 degrees
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  • #2
direction= -63.7 degrees counterclockwise from the positive x axis acceleration magnitude= 350N/790N= 0.44m/s2 acceleration direction= -63.7 degrees counterclockwise from the positive x axis

Related to How Do You Solve Tarzan's Two Dimensional Motion Problem?

1. What is two dimensional motion?

Two dimensional motion refers to the movement of an object in two directions, typically represented by the x and y axes on a coordinate plane. This type of motion involves both horizontal and vertical components and can be described using equations and graphs.

2. How is two dimensional motion different from one dimensional motion?

One dimensional motion involves movement in only one direction, whereas two dimensional motion involves movement in two directions. This means that two dimensional motion requires the use of vectors to represent both magnitude and direction, while one dimensional motion can be described using only scalars.

3. What are some common examples of two dimensional motion?

Some common examples of two dimensional motion include projectiles, such as a ball being thrown or a bullet being fired, and circular motion, such as a car driving around a curved track. Additionally, objects moving in a curved path, such as a roller coaster or a pendulum, also exhibit two dimensional motion.

4. How do you calculate the velocity and acceleration of an object in two dimensional motion?

In two dimensional motion, velocity and acceleration are vectors, meaning they have both magnitude and direction. The velocity can be calculated by finding the change in position in both the x and y directions over a given time interval, while acceleration can be calculated by finding the change in velocity in both directions over a given time interval.

5. How can the equations of motion be used to solve two dimensional motion problems?

The equations of motion, such as the kinematic equations, can be used to solve two dimensional motion problems by breaking down the motion into its horizontal and vertical components and applying the appropriate equations to each direction. This allows for the determination of various parameters such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration in both directions.
