How Do You Solve These Challenging Physics Problems?

In summary: Correct?In summary, for these three dynamic physics problems, we need to use Newton's second law (f=ma) and the equation for force of gravity (fg=mg) to find the necessary force and acceleration in each situation. It is important to consider all the forces acting on an object, including friction and the normal force, in order to accurately determine the net force and solve the problems.
  • #1
3 Dynamic Physics Questions Urgent Help Needed!

Homework Statement


An object of 6kg is moving towards the south. The resulting force that the object has is 12 Newtons towards the north. What is the acceleration of the object?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The question is wrong?

Homework Statement


A kid is pulling a wagon of 10kg with 40 Newtons of force at an acceleration 3.5m/s^2. There is 3 Newtons of friction.

How do you find the angle at which the child is pulling the wagon at?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

don't even know where to start

Homework Statement


There is a helicopter that weighs 15000kg lifting a car of 4500kg with a cable below it. If it where to move upwards at acceleration of 1.4m/s^2 what would be the necessary force required by the helicopters blades?
What is the force on the cable lifting the car?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

add the two weights find the force of gravity and then find the resulting force and add them?

Any help at all is greatly appreciated thanks for your time and effort!
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  • #2
You must have some thoughts on how to solve these. What does Newton's second law state?
  • #3
f=ma ( i go to a french school its kinda hard to translate )
  • #4
bump update
  • #5
You know the force acting on the object, and you know its mass. So you can find the acceleration by using that equation.
  • #6
if its moving towards the south how is it possible that the resulting force is towards the north?
  • #7
Problem 2 is my biggest problem i have no clue at all how to get that angle someone please help
  • #8
mix said:
if its moving towards the south how is it possible that the resulting force is towards the north?

When the force is acting opposite to the direction of motion, it is decelerating. Deceleration is negative acceleration. So the object is slowing down.
  • #9
so is it moving towards the north or the south and what exactly is the acceleration?
  • #10
mix, imagine slide a box across a floor. It stops after a little bit. Why? Because friction accelerated it in the opposite direction of motion.

velocity and acceleration don't need to be in the same direction. Another example is a car coming to a stop... the acceleration is in the backwards direction, while the velocity is forward.

For number two, given the acceleration, you can find the net force. This is going to be a combination of the force the kid pulls in the horizontal direction, and the force of friction. The force of friction is proportional to the normal force, which is equal (in absolute value) to the force of gravity minus (or plus if the kid is pushing down) the vertical force of the kid

EDIT: So it's moving south, and accelerating north for number 1 (like a car moving south coming to a stop... though depending on the situation, it might start going backwards afterwards)
  • #11
So for problem two, (40N)
__________ /
(3N) | |/ ) <--- Angle X
<-------| 10kg |----------

Net force = 3.5*10 = 35N Now i am stuck?!?
  • #12
That was my attempt to draw the free body diagram of the problem it didnt work out someone please help what he said was close to jibberish to me
  • #13
The forces are:

Gravity going down
Normal force going up
Kid pulling on wagon going up
Friction force going backwards
Kid pulling on wagon going forward

If the net force of the kid is F, and he's pulling at an angle x wrt to the normal (positive x means he's pulling up),then
Kid pulling on wagon going up = Fsin(x)
Kid pulling on wagon going forward = Fcos(x)

So Fcos(x) - friction force = 35N as you described above.

So we know F=40N We need x and friction force

But friction force = 3. So 40cos(x) - 3 = 35

and cos(x) = 38/40
  • #14
So the angle is 18.1 degrees? Correct?
  • #15
I didn't bother checking it, but at that point it's just using a calculator, so you're probably right.

Now try number three (same idea... list out all the forces, and every equation you know. Your answer should just fall out)
  • #16
okay so first i add the two weights 15000 + 4500 = 19500kg

force of gravity fg=mg = (19500)(9.8) = 191100

force net F=ma = (19500)(1.4) = 27300 Newtons

So the force that the blades need to put out in order to lift the helicopter and the car at a acceleration of 1.4m/s^2 is 27300+191100 = 218400N

Look right?
  • #17
and for the cable holding the car

force of gravity

4500(9.8) = 44100

F net = 4500*1.4 = 6300

44100+6300 = 50400N

FAQ: How Do You Solve These Challenging Physics Problems?

1. What are the 3 dynamic physics questions?

The 3 dynamic physics questions are specific problems or scenarios that require an understanding of the principles of physics to be solved.

2. Can you provide some examples of dynamic physics questions?

Examples of dynamic physics questions include calculating the force required to lift an object, determining the velocity of a moving object, or finding the acceleration of a falling object.

3. How do I approach solving dynamic physics questions?

To solve a dynamic physics question, you should first identify the known and unknown variables, and then apply relevant equations and principles to find the solution. It is also important to draw diagrams and clearly label all variables.

4. What are the key principles of physics that are important for solving dynamic physics questions?

The key principles of physics that are important for solving dynamic physics questions include Newton's laws of motion, kinematics, energy, and momentum.

5. Are there any resources available to help with solving dynamic physics questions?

Yes, there are many resources available such as textbooks, online tutorials, and practice problems that can help with solving dynamic physics questions. You can also seek help from a physics teacher or tutor for additional assistance.
