How Do You Use Lagrange Multipliers to Find the Closest Points to the Origin?

In summary, the conversation is about using the Lagrange multiplier method to find the points on the surface 3xy-z^2=1 that are closest to the origin. The person asking for help tried using the gradient method but was unsure if their solution was correct. Another person suggests minimizing f(x,y,z)=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} subject to the constraint g(x,y,z)=3xy-z^2=1 and provides a solution using a vector equation. They also mention that the minimum of f is the same as the minimum of f^2. The conversation ends with the person offering help saying to have fun and providing a simplified solution.
  • #1
LaGrange Multipliers! Help!

Use the Lagrange multiplier method for 3 variables to find the points on the surface 3xy-z^2=1 that are closest to the origin.

I tried using the gradient= lamda(granient) and ended up getting (-3/2,0,-1). but i think i did it way wrong. Can someone please help? Thanks!
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  • #2
the gradient should be parallel to the radius vector, no?
  • #3
Minimize [tex]f(x,y,z)=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}[/tex] subject to the constraint [tex]g(x,y,z)=3xy-z^2=1[/tex]

and note that the min of f is also the min of f^2, so the vector eqn is

[tex] 2<x,y,z> = \lambda <3y,3x,-2z>[/tex] and [tex]3xy-z^2=1[/tex]

the z-component gives [tex]z=-\lambda z[/tex] and hence [tex]\lambda=-1[/tex] iff [tex]z\neq 0[/tex] and plugging [tex]\lambda=-1[/tex] into the vector eqn quickly gives both 2y=-3x and 2x=-3y so x=y=0, however this is an extraneous solution since (0,0,z) is not on the given suface (for real z anyhow). Therefore z=0 by contradiction and now it is easy.

Have fun,

FAQ: How Do You Use Lagrange Multipliers to Find the Closest Points to the Origin?

What are Lagrange multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers are a mathematical technique used to find the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to a set of constraints.

Why are Lagrange multipliers important?

Lagrange multipliers are important because they allow us to optimize a function subject to constraints in a more efficient and systematic way.

How do you use Lagrange multipliers?

To use Lagrange multipliers, you first need to set up the Lagrangian function, which combines the objective function and the constraints. Then, you take the partial derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to each variable and set them equal to 0. Finally, you solve the resulting system of equations to find the optimal values of the variables.

What are some real-world applications of Lagrange multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers have many applications in physics, economics, engineering, and other fields. For example, they can be used to optimize resource allocation, find the optimal path for a spaceship traveling between planets, and solve optimization problems in machine learning.

What are the limitations of Lagrange multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers may not always be able to find the global optimal solution, as they only consider local extrema. They also require the constraints to be differentiable, which may not always be the case in real-world problems.

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