How Do You Use Lagrange Multipliers to Maximize Box Volume in an Ellipsoid?

In summary, AlphaZero explains that Lagrange multipliers can be used to find the volume of a box with faces parallel to the coordinate system that can be inscribed in an ellipsoid. He then provides an equation for solving this system, and explains that because the constraint equation is 6x+ y+ 3z= 2, the x and z coordinates of the box can be found by solving for y.
  • #1
1. Problem Statement:

Use Lagrange multipliers to find the volume of the largest box with faces parallel to the coordinate system that can be inscribed in the ellipsoid: 6x2 + y2 + 3z2 = 2

2. Homework Equations :

f(x,y,z) = [tex]\lambda[/tex]g(x,y,z)

3. Attempt at a solution

f(x,y,z) is the box of dimensions xyz
g(x,y,x) is the constraint: 6x2 + y2 + 3z2 = 2


fx = yz
fy = xz
fz = xy

gx = 12x
gy = 2y
gz = 6z

<fx, fy, fz> = [tex]\lambda[/tex]<gx, gy, gz> = <[tex]\lambda[/tex]gx, [tex]\lambda[/tex]gy, [tex]\lambda[/tex]gz>

Which gives us these equations:

yz = [tex]\lambda[/tex]12x (1)
xz = [tex]\lambda[/tex]2y (2)
xy = [tex]\lambda[/tex]6z (3)
6x2 + y2 + 3z2 = 2 (4)

Multiplying Eq 1 by x, Eq 2 by y and Eq 3 by z we get:

xyz = x[tex]\lambda[/tex]12x or [tex]\lambda[/tex]12x2
xyz = y[tex]\lambda[/tex]2y or [tex]\lambda[/tex]2y2
xyz = z[tex]\lambda[/tex]6z or [tex]\lambda[/tex]6z2

Now because [tex]\lambda[/tex] [tex]\neq[/tex] 0 (this would give the sides of the boxes as xz=yz=xy=0) we can divide [tex]\lambda[/tex] out:

and we have 12x2 = 2y2 = 6z2

This is the point where I am running into trouble. I need to solve the system of equations and I also know that the solution is staring me in the face I just can't seen to be able to figure it out.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
6x2 + y2 + 3z2 = 2 (4)
and we have 12x2 = 2y2 = 6z2
which means that 6x2 = y2 = 3z2 = t, say

Substitute into (4) to find t.
  • #3
Well explained, AlphaZero.

But, because that last part depended on that very nice form for the constraint, you could have done this:
[tex]12x^2= 2y^2= 6z^2[/tex]
dividing through by 2 gives, as AlphaZero said
[tex]6x^2= y^2= 3z^2[/tex]
so that [itex]x= \pm y/\sqrt{6}[/itex] and [itex]z= \pm y/\sqrt{3}[/itex]
and you can replace x and z in whatever constraint you have to get a single equation in y.

Here, of course, you just get [itex]y^2+ y^2+ y^2= 3y^2= 2[/itex] and can solve for y. When finding x and z, don't forget the [itex]\pm[/itex]
  • #4
AlephZero said:
which means that 6x2 = y2 = 3z2 = t, say

Substitute into (4) to find t.

Please forgive me but I'm not following what you are saying here. I just don't see how 6x2 = y2 = 3z2 = t fits into the equation for the constraint.
  • #5
He is saying that the common value in the equation 6x= y= 3z can be set equal to t: 6x= y= 3x= t. Now, the constraint equation just happens to be 6x+ y+ 3z= 2. Replacing each of those with t you have t+ t+ t= 3t= 2.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
He is saying that the common value in the equation 6x= y= 3z can be set equal to t: 6x= y= 3x= t. Now, the constraint equation just happens to be 6x+ y+ 3z= 2. Replacing each of those with t you have t+ t+ t= 3t= 2.

I can't believe I didn't catch the dividing out the common!

THanks guys I got it now!

FAQ: How Do You Use Lagrange Multipliers to Maximize Box Volume in an Ellipsoid?

1. What is a Lagrange multiplier?

A Lagrange multiplier is a mathematical tool used to find the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to one or more constraints.

2. How do you use a Lagrange multiplier?

To use a Lagrange multiplier, you first set up the original function and the constraints as equations. Then, you use the Lagrange multiplier to create a new equation by adding the product of the multiplier and the constraint equations. Finally, you solve the new equation to find the maximum or minimum value.

3. When do you use a Lagrange multiplier?

A Lagrange multiplier is typically used when optimizing a function with multiple constraints. It is also useful when the constraints are not easily solved for one variable in terms of the others.

4. Can a Lagrange multiplier be used for both minimization and maximization?

Yes, a Lagrange multiplier can be used for both minimization and maximization problems. It depends on the specific constraints and objective function in each case.

5. What are some real-world applications of Lagrange multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers have various applications in fields such as economics, physics, and engineering. Some examples include optimizing production levels in a factory, finding the shortest distance between two points with obstacles, and maximizing the area of a rectangle with a fixed perimeter.
