How Does a Canister's Speed Change Along a Frictionless Incline?

In summary: Hi Tim!Good morning! :smile: Oh, I did forget the "0.2" at the end... (silly me...)As for the angle, I am using 40. It was 37 in the original problem but after speaking with someone else about the problem they suggested I try using 40 b/c the normal force would be the same as the force of gravity in the X direction then. I just tried it again using the correct angle and I still get the same answer. mv2= 1/2 k (0.2)^2 + (2)(9.8)sin (37)*1v2= (3.4 + 12.4308)/2
  • #1

Homework Statement

In Fig. 8-44, a spring with k = 170 N/m is at the top of a frictionless incline of angle θ = 37.0°. The lower end of the incline is distance D = 1.00 m from the end of the spring, which is at its relaxed length. A 2.00 kg canister is pushed against the spring until the spring is compressed 0.200 m and released from rest. (a) What is the speed of the canister at the instant the spring returns to its relaxed length (which is when the canister loses contact with the spring)? (b) What is the speed of the canister when it reaches the lower end of the incline?


The answer from the book is:
(a) 2.40 m/s; (b) 4.19 m/s

Homework Equations

Emec1 = Emec2
Us = 1/2 k x^2
kE =1/2 m v^2
Ug = mgh
h = sin@*D

k=170 N/m

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) What is the speed of the canister at the instant the spring
returns to its relaxed length ?

My answer is close to the correct answer at 2.9m/s but I
think it should be closer...

Emec1 = Emec2
Ke + U = KE + U
0 + 1/2 kd^2 = 1/2mv^2 +mgh
h = sin@*D
1/2 kd^2 = 1/2mv^2 +mg sin (40)*D
mv^2= 1/2 k(0.2)^2 - (2)(9.8)sin (40)*1
v= sq(-16.79/2)
I also think I did something wrong b/c had to eliminate negative sign...
v= 2.9m/s

What could I have done differently?

(b) What is the speed of the canister when it reaches the lower end of the incline?
u bottom = 0; b/c h = 0
Emec1 = Emec2
Ke + U = KEb + Ub
1/2mv^2 +mg sin (40)*D = 1/2mv^2 + 0
cancel "m" and multiply by 2
v^2 + 2g sin (40)*1 = v^2
2.4^2 + 12.5986 = v^2
v = sq(18.358)
v = 4.28 m/s

This is still very close to the right answer but slightly different. (I Used
the books value for velocity to calculate part B) Sigh, I wish I was good
at this...
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  • #2
Hi Gold3nlily! :smile:

(have a theta: θ and try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)
Gold3nlily said:
0 + 1/2 kd^2 = 1/2mv^2 +mgh

Hint: if you increase h, will that increase v, or decrease it? :wink:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi Gold3nlily! :smile:

Hint: if you increase h, will that increase v, or decrease it? :wink:

Hello Tim. Thank you for answering my question! :biggrin:

Thank you also for the tips to put [tex]\theta[/tex] and x2.

Okay, so do you mean that it would be
0 + 1/2 kd2 = 1/2mv2 - mgh??

This way when h gets bigger, more of the spring potential energy will have to go into KE to balance and then velocity would get bigger. Yes? That makes sense, but can I also think of h as being negative becasue the block is moving down? If I did that would it mean that I am supposed to set my reference level (y=0) at the top?

When I do it this way I still don't get the exact answer.
mv2= 1/2 k (0.2)2 + (2)(9.8)sin (40)*1
v = sq(7.99932) (YAY! this is real result!)
v = 2.83 m/s
(answer should be 2.4 m/s. Its closer, but am I making any other mistakes? ...I am not rounding any intermediates or anything.)

Thank you again Tim!
  • #4
Gold3nlily said:
mv2= 1/2 k (0.2)2 + (2)(9.8)sin (40)*1
v = sq(7.99932)

How exactly do you get 7.99932 ? :confused:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
How exactly do you get 7.99932 ? :confused:

mv2= 1/2 k (0.2)2 + (2)(9.8)sin (40)*1
v2= (3.4 + 12.5986)/2 = 15.99983/2 = 7.99932
(b/c the mass is 2 kg and i divided by that?)
v = 2.83 m/s
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  • #6
Hi Gold3nlily! :smile:

(just got up :zzz: …)
Gold3nlily said:
mv2= 1/2 k (0.2)2 + (2)(9.8)sin (40)*1

ah, those 2s are confusing you :redface:

you've left out a 0.2 at the end :wink:

(oh, and is it 37° or 40° ? :confused:)

Related to How Does a Canister's Speed Change Along a Frictionless Incline?

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The conservation of energy in a spring refers to the principle that the total energy of a spring system remains constant, meaning that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but rather transferred between different forms.

How does the conservation of energy apply to a spring?

In a spring system, the conservation of energy applies through the interplay of potential and kinetic energy. As a spring is stretched or compressed, potential energy is stored in the spring. When the spring is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring returns to its original position.

Why is the conservation of energy important in spring design?

The conservation of energy is important in spring design because it allows for the prediction and control of a spring's behavior. By understanding how energy is transferred within the spring system, engineers can design springs that meet specific requirements for strength, durability, and functionality.

What factors affect the conservation of energy in a spring?

The conservation of energy in a spring is affected by several factors, including the material and shape of the spring, the amount of force applied to the spring, and any external forces acting on the spring system. These factors can impact the amount of potential and kinetic energy within the spring system.

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In a spring demonstration, the conservation of energy can be demonstrated by measuring the potential and kinetic energy of the spring at different points in its motion. The total energy of the system should remain constant, even as the spring undergoes changes in potential and kinetic energy. This demonstrates the principle of energy conservation in a spring system.

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