How Does a Delta Wing Create Lift?

In summary, a delta wing creates lift by creating vortices on the upper wing surface. These vortices impart more energy to the flow and maintain the boundary layer attached to the surface of wing.
  • #1
I understand how an ordinary wing works but I cannot find anything on how a delta wing works, the only thing I know is that it creates vortices on the upper wing surface, but how do these vortices create lift?
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  • #2
A delta wing creates lift in the same way an ordinary wing creates lift.

The vortices created at the wing root only have a big impact at high angles of attack, where they help the airflow stay attached to the wing, delaying a stall.
  • #3
these vorticities impart more energy to the flow and maintain the boundary layer attached to the surface of wing. you might have seen if a ring is imposed on a sphere facing the flow in a flow, boundary layer separation is delayed
  • #4
Is that a bit like the seam on say a baseball if I am right in thinking that can help reduce the turbulent wake, or maybe the fluff on a tennis ball?

Is the cross section of a Delta Wing similar to that of a normal aerofoil? Does anyone have a link to a picture of it?
  • #5
I think you have a misunderstanding of wings and airfoils. The wing cross section IS an airfoil shape. The difference is that airfoils are essentially infinitely long wings because an airfoil is only 2D (two dimensional).
  • #6
Also, wings can be made up of the airfoil shape needed. A wing doesn't have a predefined cross section. The cross section is whatever the engineers decide it needs to be for various reasons.
  • #7
bumfluff said:
Is that a bit like the seam on say a baseball if I am right in thinking that can help reduce the turbulent wake, or maybe the fluff on a tennis ball?

dimpled golf ball.
  • #8
i didnt give much thought to this problem last time around.
delta wing is used to keep the craft inside the shockwave cone. that's the reason its is swept back so much to resemble a delta.
  • #9
Since asking the question I found that out, thanks. Sorry for causing confusion, basically I intendted it to be, is the cross section of a delta wing an airfoil? Which it is, I understand that you can have plenty of different designs of airfoils for different purposes.
  • #10
yes, the cross section of a delta wing, too is an airfoil only. but the airfoil changes from a round leading edge to the sharp edge(wedge profile) as we move from subsonic to supersonic flights. but since the wedge shape airfoil is useless for subsonic flights, a supersonic craft designer sweeps the wing back to keep the craft in the shockwave bow, and still have a round leading edge, because even a supersonic crsft starts with a subsonic speed

FAQ: How Does a Delta Wing Create Lift?

1. How does the shape of a delta wing contribute to lift?

The shape of a delta wing, with its triangular structure and swept-back design, creates a high aspect ratio and a large surface area for air to flow over. This allows for greater lift generation, as air is forced to travel a longer distance over the wing, resulting in a lower pressure zone on the top of the wing and a higher pressure zone on the bottom. This pressure difference creates lift.

2. What is the angle of attack for a delta wing?

The angle of attack for a delta wing is the angle at which the wing meets the relative wind. This angle is typically higher than that of a traditional straight-wing design, as the swept-back shape of the delta wing allows for a higher angle of attack without stalling. This angle is critical in generating lift and determining the efficiency of the wing.

3. How do vortices play a role in the lift created by a delta wing?

Vortices, or rotating air currents, are created at the wingtips of a delta wing due to the sharp corners of the triangle shape. These vortices help to energize the airflow over the wing and create a downward force, resulting in additional lift. They also help to prevent flow separation and stalling at high angles of attack.

4. What other factors besides shape contribute to lift on a delta wing?

In addition to the unique shape, other factors that contribute to lift on a delta wing include the speed and density of the air, the angle of attack, and the size and shape of the wing itself. The engine power and weight distribution of the aircraft also play a role in the overall lift generation.

5. Can a delta wing produce lift at low speeds?

Yes, a delta wing can produce lift at low speeds, but it may require a higher angle of attack to do so. The swept-back design of the wing allows for a higher angle of attack without stalling, making it more efficient at lower speeds compared to traditional straight-wing designs. However, this also means that delta wings may not perform as well at higher speeds, as they can generate too much lift and cause the aircraft to become unstable.

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