How Does a Direct-Mapped Cache Organization Work with Read and Write Accesses?

In summary, the given conversation discusses a Direct-Mapped cache organization with a capacity of 4 blocks and the contents of the cache and memory locations after each access. The notation used includes Read/Write followed by a number to indicate the type of access and superscripting to indicate modification. Assuming Write-Allocate and Write-Through are used, the content of the cache and memory are shown after each access.
  • #1
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Consider a Direct-Mapped cache organization with the capacity of 4 blocks. Show the content of the cache and the content of the memory locations for each block after each access. As a notation, for each access, the word Read/Write followed by a number indicates the type of access for that block number. For example, Read 5 indicates that the cache needs to read a word within block 5. As a further notation, a modification (write) to a block is indicated by superscripting it with the prime character.
For example, the first modification to block 5 is indicated as 5’, the second as 5”, etc.
Assuming that Write-Allocate and Write-Through are used, show the content of cache and memory after each access. If an entry is left blank, it is assumed that the value of the entry will be the block that occupied the entry most recently.

Block Access C0 C1 C2 C3 M0 M3 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Read 5
Read 8
Write 9
Read 7
Write 5
Write 7
Write 6
Read 3
Write 8
Write 0
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  • #2
C0 C1 C2 C3 M0 M3 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 5 8 - - - - - - - - -5 8 - - 5 - - - - - -5' 8 - - 5 - 9 - - - -5' 8 - - 5 7 9 - - - -5'' 8 - - 5' 7 9 - - - -5'' 8 - - 5'' 7' 9 6 - - -5'' 8 - 3 5'' 7'' 9 6 - - -5'' 8' - 3 5'' 7'' 9 6 - 8 -5'' 8'' - 3 5'' 7'' 9 6 0 8 -
  • #3

Thank you for reaching out for help with your problem. I am happy to assist you with understanding this computer architecture concept.

First, let's review the basics of a Direct-Mapped cache organization. This type of cache is organized into blocks, with each block containing multiple words of data. The cache has a limited capacity, which in this case is 4 blocks. When data is requested, the cache checks if the block containing the requested data is present. If it is, the data is retrieved from the cache. If not, the block is brought into the cache from main memory and the requested data is retrieved.

Now, let's go through each access and see how the cache and memory are affected.

Access 1: Read 5
Since this is the first access, the cache is empty. The requested data, which is located in block 5, is brought into the cache from main memory. The cache now looks like this: C0 = 5, C1 = empty, C2 = empty, C3 = empty. The memory locations remain unchanged.

Access 2: Read 8
Again, the requested data is not present in the cache, so it is brought in from main memory. The cache now looks like this: C0 = 5, C1 = 8, C2 = empty, C3 = empty. The memory locations remain unchanged.

Access 3: Write 9
Since Write-Allocate is used, the entire block containing data at memory location M9 is brought into the cache. This block will replace the least recently used block, which in this case is block 5. The cache now looks like this: C0 = 9, C1 = 8, C2 = empty, C3 = empty. The memory location M9 is now modified to 9'.

Access 4: Read 7
The requested data is located in block 7, which is already present in the cache. Therefore, no changes are made to the cache or memory locations.

Access 5: Write 5
Since Write-Through is used, the data is written to both the cache and main memory. The cache now looks like this: C0 = 9, C1 = 8, C2 = empty, C3 = empty. The memory location M5 is now modified to 5'.

Access 6: Write 7
Again, the data is written to both the

FAQ: How Does a Direct-Mapped Cache Organization Work with Read and Write Accesses?

What is computer architecture?

Computer architecture refers to the design and organization of the various hardware components of a computer system. This includes the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output devices, and storage units. It is the foundation of a computer system and determines how efficiently and effectively the system can carry out tasks.

What is the role of computer architecture?

The role of computer architecture is to provide a blueprint for how a computer system should be designed and organized in order to meet the needs and requirements of its intended use. It involves making decisions about the type of hardware components to use, the connections between them, and how they will work together to process and store data.

What are the main components of computer architecture?

The main components of computer architecture include the central processing unit (CPU), which is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations; memory, which stores data and instructions temporarily; input/output devices, which allow for communication between the computer and the user or other devices; and storage units, which store data and programs for long-term use.

What is the difference between Von Neumann and Harvard architecture?

Von Neumann architecture is a type of computer architecture where the instructions and data share the same memory space. This means that the processor must alternate between fetching instructions and data from memory, which can slow down the system. In contrast, Harvard architecture has separate memory spaces for instructions and data, allowing for simultaneous access and faster processing.

How does computer architecture impact performance?

The design and organization of computer architecture can have a significant impact on the performance of a computer system. A well-designed architecture can improve the speed and efficiency of data processing, while a poorly designed architecture can result in slower processing and bottlenecks. Additionally, advances in computer architecture, such as the use of parallel processing, can greatly increase performance capabilities.
