How Does a Frictionless Piston Behave in a Vacuum-Sealed Cylinder?

  • Thread starter itr
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In summary, the conversation discusses a scenario where a frictionless piston of mass m is fitted in a vertical cylinder neck of a container filled with gas. The pressure of the gas in the container is derived using Boyle's law. The equation for the restoring force on the piston when displaced and the differential equation for small displacements are also derived. It is shown that the angular frequency of oscillation is independent of the piston's mass, and an example calculation for a specific volume and area is provided.
  • #1
A frictionless piston of mass m is at a precise fit in the vertical cylinder neck of a large container of volume V. The container is filled with a gas and there is a vacuum above the piston. THe cross sectional area of the neck(and thereby the piston) is A.
a) Derive an equation for the pressure of the gas in the container when the piston is in equilibrium.
b) Assuming that the pressure and volume of the gas are related by boyle's law, derive an equation for the restoring force on the piston when it is displaced by a small amount of x.
c) assuming that the motion of the piston is small enough for boyle's law to be valid, obtain the differential equation for small displacements of the piston about its equilibrium position.
d) show that the angular frequency of oscillation, omega, is independent of m.
e) calculate omega for V=2000 liters and A= 1E-4 meters squared.

I am not to sure where to begin...I know boyle's law is PV = k where...

P denotes the pressure of the system.
V is the volume of the gas.
k is a constant value representative of the pressure and volume of the system

If you could help me in a direction to go that would be great thank you
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  • #2
does anyone know what to do?
  • #3

Sure, let's break down the problem one step at a time.

a) To derive an equation for the pressure of the gas in the container when the piston is in equilibrium, we can use the equation for pressure, P = F/A, where F is the force exerted by the gas on the piston and A is the cross-sectional area of the piston. The force exerted by the gas is equal to the weight of the piston, which is mg, where m is the mass of the piston and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Therefore, the equation for pressure can be written as P = mg/A. Since the piston is in equilibrium, the weight of the piston is balanced by the force of the gas pushing up on it, so we can set mg equal to the force of the gas and rearrange the equation to solve for P. This gives us P = mg/A = (mVg)/A, where V is the volume of the gas in the container. This is the equation for pressure when the piston is in equilibrium.

b) Assuming that the pressure and volume of the gas are related by Boyle's law, we can use the equation PV = k to solve for the restoring force on the piston when it is displaced by a small amount x. We know that the initial volume of the gas is V, and when the piston is displaced by x, the new volume becomes V + xA, where A is the cross-sectional area of the piston. Using Boyle's law, we can write (P + dP)(V + xA) = k, where dP is the change in pressure due to the displacement of the piston. Expanding this equation and neglecting higher order terms, we get PV + xAP + VdP = k. Since we are assuming that the motion is small enough for Boyle's law to be valid, we can neglect the term VdP, which gives us PV + xAP = k. Solving for dP, we get dP = -PV/(V + xA). This is the change in pressure due to the displacement of the piston. The restoring force is equal to the negative of this change in pressure, so we can write F = -dP*A = -(-PV/(V + xA))*A = PV^2/(V + xA).

c) To obtain the differential equation for small displacements of the piston about its equilibrium position, we can use Newton

Related to How Does a Frictionless Piston Behave in a Vacuum-Sealed Cylinder?

1. What is the relationship between pressure, volume, and area?

The relationship between pressure, volume, and area is described by Boyle's Law, which states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, as long as the temperature and amount of gas remain constant. This means that as pressure increases, volume decreases, and vice versa.

2. How does pressure affect the volume of a gas?

As the pressure of a gas increases, the volume decreases. This is because the gas particles are being pushed closer together, resulting in less space between them. On the other hand, when the pressure decreases, the volume increases because there is less force pushing the particles together, allowing them to spread out more.

3. How do you calculate pressure, volume, and area?

The formula for pressure is P = F/A, where P represents pressure, F represents force, and A represents area. The formula for volume is V = lwh, where V represents volume, l represents length, w represents width, and h represents height. The formula for area is A = lw, where A represents area, l represents length, and w represents width.

4. What units are used to measure pressure, volume, and area?

Pressure is typically measured in units such as Pascals (Pa), atmospheres (atm), or pounds per square inch (psi). Volume can be measured in units such as liters (L), cubic meters (m^3), or cubic feet (ft^3). Area is usually measured in units such as square meters (m^2) or square feet (ft^2).

5. How does the change in area affect pressure and volume?

The change in area does not directly affect pressure and volume, as they are primarily influenced by changes in force and length/width/height, respectively. However, if the area of a container is increased or decreased, it can indirectly affect pressure and volume by allowing for more or less space for the gas particles to expand or contract, resulting in changes in pressure and volume according to Boyle's Law.

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