How Does a Mosquito's Wing Flapping Create Sound Waves?

In summary, the annoying buzzing sound produced by a mosquito is caused by the rapid flapping of its wings at an average rate of 600 flaps per second. This results in a frequency of 600 Hz and a period of 1/600 seconds. The frequency of the sound can vary between 180 and 800 Hz, depending on species, sex, age, and temperature. Sources show a range of 250 to 1000 Hz for the frequency at which mosquitoes beat their wings. This information can also be confirmed by listening to a .wav file of the buzzing sound.
  • #1
I was wondering that the annoying buzzing sound from a mosquito is produced when it flaps its wongs at an average rate of 600 flaps per second.
a) what is the frequency of the sound waves?
b) what is the period of these sound waves?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Frequency is the number of cycles (flaps) per second. Unit is Hz.
Period is 1/frequency. Unit is s.
  • #3
"All human beings with normal audition detect, the annoying for us, buzz produced by mosquitoes while flying. This sound is the by-product of their wing beat, and its fundamental frequency is in the range between 180 and 800 cycles per second (Hz), varying with species, sex, age and temperature."

"There are variations in the values of the frequency at which mosquitoes beat their wings. Sources show this value ranging from 250 to 1000 Hz."

For a .wav file you can listen to:
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  • #4
The frequency is = to the number of vib. per sec. so the f of the buzzing sound is 600 Hz
and the period is 1/f =1/600

Your welcome.
  • #5

a) The frequency of the sound waves produced by the mosquito's wing flapping would be 600 Hz (hertz), as it is flapping at an average rate of 600 times per second.
b) The period of these sound waves would be 1/600 seconds, or approximately 0.0016 seconds. This is the time it takes for one complete cycle of the sound wave to occur.

FAQ: How Does a Mosquito's Wing Flapping Create Sound Waves?

1. What is frequency?

Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is often measured in hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to one cycle per second.

2. How is frequency related to period?

Frequency and period are inversely related. This means that as frequency increases, period decreases, and vice versa. The mathematical relationship between the two is: frequency = 1/period or period = 1/frequency.

3. What is the difference between frequency and wavelength?

Frequency and wavelength are two different ways of measuring the same phenomenon - the oscillation of a wave. Frequency measures the number of cycles of a wave per unit of time, while wavelength measures the distance between two corresponding points on a wave.

4. What is the unit of measurement for frequency?

The unit of measurement for frequency is hertz (Hz), named after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. Other common units include kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), and gigahertz (GHz).

5. How is frequency measured?

Frequency can be measured using various instruments, such as an oscilloscope or a frequency counter. It can also be calculated by counting the number of cycles of a wave that occur in a certain amount of time.
