How Does a Pendulum React in Freefall? CN Tower Experiment

In summary, the conversation discusses the scenario of being in an elevator at the top of the CN tower and allowing a pendulum to oscillate. The question arises of what the pendulum will do when the elevator falls to the ground after its support cables are cut. The concept of air resistance is disregarded. The conversation also touches on the force of gravity inside the falling elevator and how it may affect the pendulum's movement. It is noted that the pendulum's behavior may vary depending on the type of string or cable it is attached to.
  • #1
hi there, first post, hopefully not many more to come, i can usually do these problems but I am swamped, but then so is everyone else, just can't think about this stuff...

You are in an elevator at the top of the CN tower. You have a pendulum and allow it to oscillate. The elevator falls to the ground after someone cuts its support cables. What does the pendulum do? Ignore the air resistance acting on the pendulum and the elevator. (the CN tower is the worlds tallest free-standing structure (not for long) in Toronto, Canada)

the only thing i can come up with is that since the elevator is moving down at a great speed, does the pendulum move slower relative to a pendulum on the earth?

thanks for any help you can provide
Physics news on
  • #2
Think about the force of gravity inside the elevator. Is it the same as something that isn't in free fall?

It is a weird problem because there's a lot of things the pendulum can do, depending on the string / cable.
  • #3

Hi there, thank you for sharing your question with us. The answer to this question lies in the concept of freefall and the principles of physics that govern it. In freefall, an object experiences a constant acceleration towards the ground due to the force of gravity. This means that all objects, regardless of their mass, will fall at the same rate in a vacuum.

In the scenario you described, the elevator is in a state of freefall after the support cables are cut. This means that the elevator, and everything inside it, including the pendulum, will fall towards the ground at the same rate. This also means that the pendulum will continue to oscillate at a constant rate, as the acceleration due to gravity does not affect the pendulum's motion.

However, if we were to consider the effects of air resistance, the pendulum's motion may be slightly affected. Air resistance is the force exerted by the air on an object as it moves through it. In this case, the pendulum would experience a slight drag force as it moves through the air in the elevator. This may cause the pendulum to oscillate slightly slower than it would on the ground, but the overall motion would still be the same.

In conclusion, in a vacuum or in a state of freefall, the pendulum will continue to oscillate at a constant rate regardless of the elevator's motion. I hope this helps to clarify your understanding. Best of luck with your studies!

FAQ: How Does a Pendulum React in Freefall? CN Tower Experiment

1. What is a pendulum and how does it work?

A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot point that is able to swing freely. It works by utilizing the force of gravity to move back and forth in a regular motion.

2. How does a pendulum behave in freefall?

In freefall, a pendulum will continue to swing back and forth in its regular motion, unaffected by the force of gravity. This is because both the pendulum and the observer are falling at the same rate, creating the illusion of weightlessness.

3. What is the CN Tower Experiment and how does it relate to pendulum freefall?

The CN Tower Experiment was a scientific experiment conducted in 1996, where a pendulum was dropped from the top of the CN Tower to observe its behavior in freefall. This experiment helps us understand the principles of pendulum motion in a weightless environment.

4. Can the CN Tower Experiment be replicated in a classroom setting?

Yes, the CN Tower Experiment can be replicated in a classroom setting by using a long string and a weight as the pendulum. The height of the drop can be adjusted to simulate different levels of freefall.

5. What can we learn from studying pendulum freefall?

Studying pendulum freefall can help us understand the principles of gravity and motion, as well as the concept of weightlessness. It also has practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and space exploration.
