How Does a Photon Get Absorbed at t=0?

  • Thread starter Dead RAM
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In summary: That's correct. Time is a concept that humans use to organize events. Time for a photon is meaningless because it has no concept of it.
  • #1
Dead RAM
There are many things that confuse me, my wife, my job, but at the moment, mostly a photon.

I am a photon, t=0, since v=c. Ok, but t=0 is accurate to infinity to the power of infinity, for a photon. it doesn't even aproche infinity, it starts there.

To be causal, in any other inertial frame (and for simplicity, let's say all frames are inertial in this thought expiriment) t= time for photon to get to some destination for that destinations observer (or electron, maybe). In other words, the light cone of the photon.

=== edit for clarity ===
inertial frame, as i understand it, is a non-accelerating frame
=== end edit ===

So that kind of explains wave particle duality of photons, the photon experiances being everywhere it could be, until it interacts with something (decay, electron, etc...)

*BUT* if t=0, how in the physics does it manage to do anything? are photons the same sort of thing as shadows (for instance, cast by a planet, onto a moon, traveling at ftl speed)? if not, should they be subject to a slowdown, even of less then a plank length, to allow their clocks to tick, for some interaction?

If t=0, and v=c, isn't your experience equal to being the aether, or maybe the vacuum energy? and isn't any observer going to at best notice an increase or decrease (depending on the math) in vacuum energe, over time - as more and more photons (gravitrons, etc...) become the aether across their light cone.

Shouldn't c be some "perfect speed", and the actual speed of light in a perfect vacuum be something slightly smaller?

Maybe it's because they interact in space, while t=0, but in that case, shouldn't light always interact with the first potential suitor?

Anywho, my first post here, many internet searches deep, minimal university experience in the field, but please include both formulas and plain explinations or examples... no need to turn on spell check thoguh :P Appologies :)

Also, not interested in 'you can't go luminal' replies, we are talking zero rest mass here, and my confution comes from zero ~time~ to interact, or be causal. For both photons, and wife XD
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  • #2
Dead RAM said:
There are many things that confuse me, my wife, my job, but at the moment, mostly a photon.

I am a photon, t=0, since v=c. Ok, but t=0 is accurate to infinity to the power of infinity, for a photon. it doesn't even aproche infinity, it starts there.

To be causal, in any other inertial frame (and for simplicity, let's say all frames are inertial in this thought expiriment) t= time for photon to get to some destination for that destinations observer (or electron, maybe). In other words, the light cone of the photon.

=== edit for clarity ===
inertial frame, as i understand it, is a non-accelerating frame
=== end edit ===

So that kind of explains wave particle duality of photons, the photon experiances being everywhere it could be, until it interacts with something (decay, electron, etc...)

*BUT* if t=0, how in the physics does it manage to do anything? are photons the same sort of thing as shadows (for instance, cast by a planet, onto a moon, traveling at ftl speed)? if not, should they be subject to a slowdown, even of less then a plank length, to allow their clocks to tick, for some interaction?

If t=0, and v=c, isn't your experience equal to being the aether, or maybe the vacuum energy? and isn't any observer going to at best notice an increase or decrease (depending on the math) in vacuum energe, over time - as more and more photons (gravitrons, etc...) become the aether across their light cone.

Shouldn't c be some "perfect speed", and the actual speed of light in a perfect vacuum be something slightly smaller?

Maybe it's because they interact in space, while t=0, but in that case, shouldn't light always interact with the first potential suitor?

Anywho, my first post here, many internet searches deep, minimal university experience in the field, but please include both formulas and plain explinations or examples... no need to turn on spell check thoguh :p Appologies :)

Also, not interested in 'you can't go luminal' replies, we are talking zero rest mass here, and my confution comes from zero ~time~ to interact, or be causal. For both photons, and wife XD
Time is what a clock measures. You can't build a clock out of just photons, you need something with mass to build a clock. Something with mass cannot go at the speed of light. Therefore, time does not apply to a photon. It's not that time is zero for a photon, the concept is meaningless. So don't waste your time trying to analyze time for a photon. (You cannot be a photon.)
  • #3
If I understand you correctly, the photon has no understanding of time, but the X that absorbes it, at least has an understanding of space, related to that photon, and causal enough... So a photon will travel it's light cone at it's t=0, and an absorber of the photon willl simply be the first "space" that a photon could be causal too.

In that case, shouldn't every atom in the visible universe contribute to distortions of light, and other causal effects?

Perhaps that question answers my dilemma.
  • #5
Dead RAM said:
If I understand you correctly, the photon has no understanding of time, but the X that absorbes it, at least has an understanding of space, related to that photon, and causal enough... So a photon will travel it's light cone at it's t=0,
If you understood me correctly, you wouldn't repeat your mistake in bold.

Dead RAM said:
and an absorber of the photon willl simply be the first "space" that a photon could be causal too.

In that case, shouldn't every atom in the visible universe contribute to distortions of light, and other causal effects?

Perhaps that question answers my dilemma.
That question is incomprehensible to me. Even without considering what you said before your question, why do you bring up "every atom in the visible universe" and what are "distortions of light"?

It seems to me that you are really trying to understand an issue with quantum mechanics using Special Relativity, is that correct?
  • #6
Thanks DaleSpam, your reply explains why it's an unusual question.

And thanks ghwellsjr, I was unable to understand your first attempt, but I think I get it now :) If t=0, or v=v=c=0 (as in Dale's link), then a lot of non-sense happends.

Related to How Does a Photon Get Absorbed at t=0?

1. How does a photon get absorbed?

When a photon, which is a small packet of energy, encounters an atom or molecule, it can be absorbed by the electrons in that atom or molecule. This absorption causes the electrons to transition from a lower energy state to a higher energy state, and the photon's energy is transferred to the atom or molecule.

2. What happens to the photon's energy when it gets absorbed?

When a photon is absorbed, its energy is transferred to the atom or molecule. This energy can be used to excite the electrons, causing them to move to a higher energy state. The energy can also be converted to heat, causing the atom or molecule to vibrate and increase in temperature.

3. Does a photon always get absorbed at t=0?

No, a photon does not always get absorbed at t=0. The absorption of a photon depends on the energy and properties of the atom or molecule it encounters. If the photon's energy does not match the energy needed to excite the electrons, it will not be absorbed. Additionally, the absorption process can take some time, so it may not occur exactly at t=0.

4. Can a photon be absorbed by any type of matter?

Yes, a photon can be absorbed by any type of matter that contains atoms or molecules. This includes solids, liquids, and gases. However, the likelihood of absorption depends on the properties of the material, such as its density, composition, and energy levels of its electrons.

5. What happens to a photon if it is not absorbed?

If a photon is not absorbed by an atom or molecule, it can continue to travel through space. This is known as transmission. The photon's energy and direction may be altered if it encounters other particles or materials, but it will continue to exist until it is either absorbed or scattered.

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