How does a photon know to pass through without interacting?

  • Thread starter tim2030
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In summary, a photon must have enough energy to excite an electron into a higher energy state in order to interact. If the energy of the photon is less than the band gap energy of an atom, the atom will return to its original state and the photon will continue on its merry way.
  • #1
How does a photon "know" to pass through without interacting?

The usual explanation given for transparency is that when the energy of a photon is smaller than the band gap energy of an atom, the photons don't interact with the electrons and pass through, so the material is transparent.

But what stops the photon from interacting with the electron? How does it "know" that the band gap energy is too large?

Is there a model of this 'non interaction', or 'passing through' somehow - perhaps as some sort of a dynamical process, using a quantum mechanical model of the electron and the changing potential caused by the passing photon's EM wave? Or is QED needed to understand this? Whatever the theory, what is a qualitative way to describe the absence of the interaction?
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  • #2
I can't answer with a complicated, in depth example, but let's say you have a switch that requires 10 lbs of force to flip it. If you only have 5 pounds of force the switch will never flip. How does the switch, or the object applying the force, know that the 5 pounds of force isn't enough? Well, it doesn't. It simply isn't enough.

Let me flip the question around on you. If a photon passes through an atom and doesn't have enough energy to excite any electrons into another state, why would it interact at all? How could it possibly interact if there is nowhere for the energy to go?
  • #3
tim2030 said:
But what stops the photon from interacting with the electron? How does it "know" that the band gap energy is too large?
The "interacting" part is tricky. When something is not altered, it might have not interacted at all, or interacted in a non-dissipative way where all the effects of the interaction cancel. But in a coarse model, which doesn't go into the details of the interaction, the two cases are equivalent.
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  • #4
Afaik photons don't "know" anything. The quantum energies of the incident photons must match the available energy level gaps to be absorbed. Let [itex] E_1<E_2 [/itex] be the available energy levels for an incident photon with energy [itex] h\nu[/itex] (in electron volts).

Then [itex] \Delta E = h\nu = E_2 - E_1[/itex] (where nu is frequency) or the photon will not be absorbed. Moreover, for transparency, the overall structure of the material must be such that photon scattering is minimized. The details of that are not something I can describe right now.
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  • #5
It is a QM thing.

When a photon of some frequency interacts with an atom (say), it polarises the atom; however the polarisation is not static as in a capacitor, it too oscillates with a certain frequency. Now, if you dig through the theory, you find that the probability of knocking the atom into a higher energy state depends on the frequency of this oscillation in a way that is very much analogous with a damped harmonic oscillator.

The transition from the valence to the conduction band can be thought of as a very broad transition (in frequency).

Does that explanation offer any insight?

  • #6
Drakkith said:
Let me flip the question around on you. If a photon passes through an atom and doesn't have enough energy to excite any electrons into another state, why would it interact at all? How could it possibly interact if there is nowhere for the energy to go?

I guess the answer would depend on how you model a photon. If you think of it as an EM (plane) wave passing through space, then upon reaching the electron, it should cause it to experience an (oscillatory) force and thus cause it to accelerate. That's an interaction, but I'm not sure how to get from that to the final outcome where the electron is back to the same state it was before it encountered this EM wave, in the case where the wave's energy is less than the band gap.

Claude Bile said:
It is a QM thing.

When a photon of some frequency interacts with an atom (say), it polarises the atom; however the polarisation is not static as in a capacitor, it too oscillates with a certain frequency. Now, if you dig through the theory, you find that the probability of knocking the atom into a higher energy state depends on the frequency of this oscillation in a way that is very much analogous with a damped harmonic oscillator.

The transition from the valence to the conduction band can be thought of as a very broad transition (in frequency).

But still, how do this explain transparency (i.e. transmission)? If the photon polarizes the atom in some oscillatory fashion, how does it come about that if the energy of the photon (hv) is less than the band gap of any of the electron orbits, the atom returns to its original state pre-interaction, and the photon continues on its merry way as if nothing had happened? For even in this case of not enough energy, it seems like there should some interaction between the photon and the atom/electron, so it's not like the photon can be said to just "pass through".
  • #7
What you've described is the qualitative answer - I don't think anyone here will be able to provide you with a better explanation than what you've already described. There may in fact be no answer to your question, because words like "interact" have a fuzzy meaning in these kinds of situations.

Quantum Mechanically, what you would calculate is the transition probability for an electron to be excited to some final state from the initial state, and you find eventually that this transitional probability depends on the difference in energy of the states as described.

If you treat the photon as a perturbation, and apply fermi's golden rule, you'll see that the transition rate goes like a delta-function, [itex]\delta(\Delta E - \hbar\omega)[/itex] which is clearly zero unless the energy of the photon exactly matches the different in energy between the initial and final states.

If you want a more intuitive picture than this, then you'll probably need a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics than, I suspect, anyone on this forum has. I'd be delighted if I were wrong though.

Related to How does a photon know to pass through without interacting?

1. How does a photon "know" to pass through without interacting?

The concept of a photon "knowing" to pass through without interacting is actually a common misconception. Photons, being subatomic particles, do not possess the ability to "know" or make conscious decisions. Instead, their behavior is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, which dictate that photons can behave as both particles and waves and can pass through certain materials without interacting. This behavior is a result of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, where the exact path of a photon cannot be predicted but rather described in terms of probabilities.

2. Is there a physical mechanism that allows photons to pass through without interacting?

Yes, there are several physical mechanisms that can explain the behavior of photons passing through materials without interacting. One possible explanation is the phenomenon of total internal reflection, where photons are reflected back into the material due to the angle of incidence being greater than the critical angle. Another explanation is the concept of tunneling, where photons can "tunnel" through barriers that would normally block them. Both of these mechanisms are described by the laws of quantum mechanics and do not require the photon to have any conscious knowledge or decision-making abilities.

3. Can photons be "taught" to pass through without interacting?

No, photons cannot be taught to pass through without interacting. As mentioned before, their behavior is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, and their paths are described in terms of probabilities rather than a set path. While scientists can manipulate the environment in which photons travel to increase the chances of them passing through without interacting, they cannot be "taught" to do so.

4. What determines whether a photon will pass through without interacting or not?

The behavior of a photon passing through a material is determined by several factors, including the properties of the material (such as its density and refractive index), the angle at which the photon approaches the material, and the energy of the photon. These factors influence the probability of a photon passing through without interacting, but the exact behavior cannot be predicted with certainty due to the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

5. Can we control or manipulate the behavior of photons passing through without interacting?

While we cannot control the exact behavior of photons passing through without interacting, we can manipulate the environment in which they travel to increase or decrease the chances of them doing so. This can be achieved through techniques such as using polarizers or changing the angle at which the photon approaches the material. However, these manipulations are limited by the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, and the exact behavior of the photon cannot be controlled.

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