How Does a Pitcher's Force Influence a Baseball's Acceleration and Distance?

In summary, the pitcher throws the ball with uniform acceleration for a time constant, and the ball starts from rest at a distance of zero meters from the pitcher. The gravitational force on the ball is −Fgjˆ.
  • #1
The gravitational force on a baseball is −Fgjˆ. A pitcher throws the baseball with velocity viˆ by uniformly accelerating it straight forward horizontally for a time interval ∆t =t–0 = t. If the ball starts from rest,
(a) through what distance does it accelerate before its release?

(b) What force does the pitcher exert on the ball?
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  • #2
Hi, Amanda. Per forum rules, you must list what you think are the relevant equations, and show an attempt at a solution, before we can provide assitance. Thanks.
  • #3
I know that gravitational force is Fg=mg
And Vxf=Vxi + axt for constant a
  • #4
At this time, Amanda, we'd like to welcome you to Physics Forums!:smile:

Ok, those 2 equations are useful. Try answering the first part of the question first,
If the ball starts from rest, through what distance does it accelerate before its release?

From your kinematic equation, you can solve for the acceleration, as long as you substitute in the correct given variables for the initial velocity of the ball starting at rest, and the final velocity of the ball as it leaves the thrower's hand. But then you'll need another one of the kimematic equations to solve for the distance. It would be a bit easier to start right off with the constant acceleration kinematic equation that relates distance with the given initial and final velocities and given time (t). But either way, what do you get for an answer for the distance the ball moves while it is still in the thrower's hands?
  • #5
Ok - so if the ball starts at rest, the acceleration is zero, and the distance is zero because it is still in the pitchers hand. I think?
  • #6
Well, the ball is in the pitcher's hand from the time when it is at rest to the time the ball is released. The pitcher's hand, and thus the ball with it, moves and accelerates during that time when the ball and hand are in contact, until the ball is released with a given speed of vi. The numerical value of vi is not given, so just call it vi. Now use your equation vxf =vxi + at, where it is given that vxf = vi, vxi is 0, and t is t. Solve this equation for a. Now use another kinematic equation for distance as a function of velocities and acceleration, to solve for the distance the pitcher's arm (and the ball) moves during that acceleration period of contact.

FAQ: How Does a Pitcher's Force Influence a Baseball's Acceleration and Distance?

1. What is the formula for calculating gravitational force?

The formula for calculating gravitational force is F = G(m1m2)/r², where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between the two objects.

2. How does the distance between two objects affect gravitational force?

The force of gravity decreases as the distance between two objects increases. This is because the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects. In other words, as the distance increases, the force decreases exponentially.

3. What is the relationship between mass and gravitational force?

The greater the mass of an object, the greater the force of gravity it exerts. This is because mass is directly proportional to gravitational force. This means that the more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull.

4. Can the direction of gravitational force change?

No, the direction of gravitational force is always towards the center of mass of an object. This means that no matter where an object is located, the force of gravity will always pull towards the center of mass of the larger object.

5. How does the force of gravity vary on different planets?

The force of gravity varies on different planets depending on their mass and size. The larger and more massive a planet is, the stronger the force of gravity will be. This is why objects weigh less on smaller planets, such as the moon, compared to larger planets like Earth.
