How Does a Positive Edge Triggered JK Flip Flop Work?

In summary, the JKFF is designed to allow two different signals to be switched between each other. The circuit diagram and explanation provided by the author suggest that when J is low and K is high, the flip flop is not set and the only possibility is to reset it. When Q is high, the flip flop is set and the lower gate passes a reset pulse. This forces Q to become low, which in turn means that J=0, K=1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am unable to understand the working of a positive edge triggered JK flip flop. In the figure, there are 2 AND gates on the left (one over the other) and there are 2 NOR gates on the right (one over the other). I have used an RS flip flop to construct the JK flip flop. The inputs J and K are denoted as 2 & 5 respectively. Q’ is the complement of Q. The output Q’ is connected to input number 1 of upper AND gate and the output Q is connected to input number 6. The inputs 3 & 4 are connected to the clock pulse.
Now consider the input condition J=0, K=1 and at this point the clock pulse makes a positive transition. The explanation given in my book is as follows:
When J is low and K is high, the upper AND gate is disabled, so there is no way to set the flip flop. The only possibility is reset. When Q is high, the lower gate passes a reset pulse as soon as the next clock edge arrives. This forces Q to become low. Therefore, J=0, K=1 means that the next positive transition of the clock resets the flip flop.
The lower gate sends a reset pulse which means it sends a low voltage signal. Why does this happen? Now, the lower AND gate has 3 inputs. At the time the positive edge of clock pulse arrives, K=1. So, two of the inputs of the lower AND gate is high. Suppose at this instant, Q was high. Then three of the inputs of the lower AND gate is high, which means the output would be high .i.e. S is high. A high at any of the inputs of a NOR gate gives a low output. Hence Q’ is low. Now, Q’ is one of the inputs of the upper NOR gate. As J=0, R=0. Hence the two inputs of the upper NOR gate is low. Hence, Q=1. There is something to do with the third input(1 & 6). I think digital electronics is tough if you don’t have good teacher. Someone please guide me!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Sorry, I forgot to attach the circuit diagram.


  • JK flip flop.JPG
    JK flip flop.JPG
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  • #3
Looks like you are missing a stage or two in your diagram -- maybe that's where the confusion is coming from. I went through HowStuffWorks to find a page about the JKFF for you:

BTW, I think I'll move this to the EE forum, since it's not strictly homework, and more of a question about understanding how a general cicuit element curcuit works.
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FAQ: How Does a Positive Edge Triggered JK Flip Flop Work?

1. What is an edge triggered JK flip flop?

An edge triggered JK flip flop is a type of sequential logic circuit that can store one bit of information. It has two inputs, J (set) and K (reset), and two outputs, Q (output) and Q̅ (complement of output). The flip flop is triggered by a clock signal, and on each clock cycle, it either sets or resets the output based on the values of the J and K inputs.

2. What is the difference between an edge triggered JK flip flop and a level triggered JK flip flop?

The main difference between an edge triggered JK flip flop and a level triggered JK flip flop is the type of clock signal they respond to. Edge-triggered flip flops respond to changes in the clock signal (i.e. when it transitions from high to low or low to high), while level-triggered flip flops respond to the actual state of the clock signal (i.e. whether it is high or low).

3. What is the purpose of the J and K inputs in an edge triggered JK flip flop?

The J and K inputs in an edge triggered JK flip flop control the behavior of the flip flop based on the current state of the output. When both inputs are low, the flip flop remains in its current state. When both inputs are high, the flip flop toggles its output (i.e. if the output is currently 0, it becomes 1, and vice versa). The J and K inputs allow for more complex logic operations to be performed with the flip flop.

4. How is a JK flip flop different from a D flip flop?

A JK flip flop and a D flip flop are both sequential logic circuits, but they differ in their behavior. A D flip flop has a single data input (D) and a clock input, and on each clock cycle, it simply copies the value of the D input to its output. In contrast, a JK flip flop has two inputs (J and K) and its output is dependent on the current state of the output. Additionally, JK flip flops have the ability to toggle their output, while D flip flops do not.

5. What are the advantages of using an edge triggered JK flip flop over other types of flip flops?

One advantage of using an edge triggered JK flip flop is that it allows for more complex logic operations to be performed. With the J and K inputs, the flip flop can toggle its output, which can be useful in certain applications. Additionally, edge triggered flip flops are more reliable than level triggered flip flops, as they are less susceptible to glitches and noise on the clock signal.

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