How does a quantum mechanical state 'look' to different observer

In summary, quantum mechanics is based on the principle of superposition, leading to different observations by different observers. Factors such as the measurement being made, properties of the observer, and interaction with the system can influence the appearance of a quantum state. The state can also change over time due to principles such as superposition and entanglement. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, there is no objective "true" appearance of a quantum state, and it is relative to the observer and measurement being performed. The observer's perspective is crucial in determining the appearance of a quantum state, with the many-worlds interpretation stating that it determines the observed outcome while the Copenhagen interpretation suggests that the observer's measurement causes the state to collapse into a single outcome.
  • #1
Hi all

I am a little disturbed by the above thought about transformation of quantum state(or it's discription) between different frames of references. The doubt can be translated for a two state system as follows:

Let an observer has decided about her(his) x, y & z directions. He now writes down the state of a spin half particle as:
c+f+ + c-f-

f+ & f- are the spin up and spin down states for the z direction.

suppose now he decides to turn his axes about the z axis clockwise by angle p. At this point everyone will tell you that the state vector now transforms to:
c+eipf+ + c-e-ipf-

Now my doubt is this. A physical system is represented by a vector in a hilbert space. Rotation of coordinate axes does not change the state of the system, so it should be represented by the same vector even after the rotation. Why should the representation of the same state differ in two different frames. Why should the state vector transform. It's expectation values should.

What I have been thinking is this: First of all we do not observe the state vector at all. It's a mathematical construct. When representing a system by a hilbert space, any other hilbert space isomorphic to it is as good. The observer(??) is free to pick any of these. The two vectors given above are connected by an automorphism(of rotation about z axis) on the system's hilbert space and both vectors may be made to represent the same state, i.e either observer can choose either of the two vectors to describe his state. By doing this the form of Sx, Sy , Sz is altered. Now vector spaces are abstract object. For them to be of any use we must represent them by using matrices. Is this representation by matrices of state vectors unique, after we have fixed the base states.

Am I right in asserting that a state vector is defined uniquely only upto an automorphism of the hilbert space(provided this automorphism is applied to all the state vectors), not just a phase difference. Does this automorphism alter the matrix representation(of vectors and operators). Also do any of these ideas follow from representation theory(I know very little of it).
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  • #2

Thank you for bringing up this interesting question about the transformation of quantum states between different frames of reference. I can understand your concern about the consistency and uniqueness of the state vector representation in different coordinate systems. Let me try to address your doubts and provide some insights on this topic.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the state vector in quantum mechanics is not a physical quantity that can be observed directly, but rather a mathematical construct used to describe the quantum state of a system. This means that it is not tied to any specific coordinate system or observer, but rather a general representation of the system's quantum state.

When we talk about transforming the state vector between different frames of reference, we are essentially changing the basis in which the vector is represented. This is similar to changing the coordinate system in classical mechanics, where the same physical object can be described using different sets of coordinates. In quantum mechanics, this change of basis is achieved through unitary transformations, which preserve the inner product and thus the physical properties of the system.

Now, coming to your example of a spin half particle, the state vector you have described is indeed the same in both the original and rotated coordinate systems. However, the representation of this state in terms of spin operators (Sx, Sy, Sz) will differ in the two coordinate systems due to the change of basis. This does not mean that the state itself has changed, but rather the way we describe and measure it has changed.

Furthermore, the representation of the state vector using matrices is not unique, as you have correctly pointed out. This is because we can choose different bases and operators to represent the same state, and these choices are not restricted to just phase differences. However, these different representations are all connected by unitary transformations and thus describe the same physical state.

In summary, the transformation of quantum states between different frames of reference is a natural consequence of the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics. It does not change the physical state of the system, but rather the way we describe and measure it. I hope this helps to clarify your doubts and provide a deeper understanding of this topic.

Related to How does a quantum mechanical state 'look' to different observer

1. How can a quantum mechanical state appear differently to different observers?

Quantum mechanics is based on the principle of superposition, which means that a quantum state can exist in multiple states at the same time. This can lead to different observations by different observers, as the state may appear to collapse into different outcomes depending on the measurement being made.

2. What factors influence the appearance of a quantum mechanical state to different observers?

The appearance of a quantum mechanical state can be influenced by various factors, including the measurement being made, the properties of the observer, and the interaction between the observer and the system being observed.

3. Can the appearance of a quantum mechanical state change over time?

Yes, the appearance of a quantum mechanical state can change over time due to the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement. This means that the state can evolve and appear differently to different observers at different points in time.

4. Is there a way to determine the "true" appearance of a quantum mechanical state?

According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, there is no objective "true" appearance of a quantum state. Instead, the state collapses into a single outcome based on the measurement being made. Therefore, the appearance of a quantum state is relative to the observer and the measurement being performed.

5. How does the observer's perspective affect the appearance of a quantum mechanical state?

The observer's perspective plays a crucial role in the appearance of a quantum mechanical state. According to the many-worlds interpretation, the observer's perspective determines which outcome they observe, while the other potential outcomes exist in parallel universes. In contrast, the Copenhagen interpretation states that the observer's measurement causes the state to collapse into a single outcome, which is influenced by their perspective and the properties of the system being observed.

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