How does a swing demonstrate acceleration changes in both speed and direction?

In summary, the conversation revolves around finding real-life examples of physics concepts for an AP Physics 1 project. The two suggested situations are finding the greatest net torque and an example of acceleration changing both speed and direction simultaneously. The suggestions include a seesaw and a swing, with the seesaw being a better example of net torque and the swing being similar to a pendulum for acceleration. Further brainstorming is encouraged, with a table suggested to explore the changes in speed and direction on a swing.
  • #1
Hi there!

So to wrap up the year in AP Physics 1, we have to take videos or pictures of physics in everyday life. Two of my situations are:

1. Situation where you have greatest net torque
2. Situation where acceleration changes both speed and direction at same time

For the first one, I was thinking of a seesaw, or a big wrench because if you have a big wrench since torque= force x distance the bigger distance would result in a greater torque?

For the second one, I was thinking of a swing? But had trouble explaining how the speed is changing while on a swing?

Please help if you can, and maybe give your own input!

Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2
The seesaw and swing are both great ideas.

For the seesaw you can explore the force needed to lift someone or something of N pounds exploring the distances needed and the placement of the someone/thing on the other side of the seesaw.

The swing is like a pendulum so look that up in your book for details.
  • #3
ARussell1 said:
1. Situation where you have greatest net torque
ARussell1 said:
For the first one, I was thinking of a seesaw,

Humm.. Is a seesaw more fun when the net torque is very high or low(er)? I think the wrench might be a better idea.

ARussell1 said:
2. Situation where acceleration changes both speed and direction at same time
ARussell1 said:
For the second one, I was thinking of a swing? But had trouble explaining how the speed is changing while on a swing?

Good idea. Perhaps think about how the speed of the swing changes as it slows to a stop at the high point and what happens afterwards. Perhaps make a table like this and fill it with words like left/right, increasing/decreasing, positive, negative...


FAQ: How does a swing demonstrate acceleration changes in both speed and direction?

1. How is physics related to everyday life?

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. It is involved in almost every aspect of our daily lives, from the technology we use to the natural phenomena we observe. For example, the laws of motion and gravity explain how objects move and why things stay on the ground. Electricity and magnetism are essential to the functioning of electronics. The principles of thermodynamics help us understand how heat and energy are used in cooking and heating our homes.

2. What are some examples of physics in everyday life?

Some common examples of physics in everyday life include riding a bike (using the laws of motion and balance), cooking (using thermodynamics and heat transfer), and using a cell phone (using electromagnetism). Other examples include driving a car (using the principles of mechanics and energy), turning on a light switch (using electricity), and throwing a ball (using projectile motion and gravity).

3. How does physics help us understand the world around us?

Physics helps us understand the world around us by providing explanations for natural phenomena. Through the use of mathematical equations and experiments, physicists are able to uncover the underlying principles and laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy. This understanding allows us to make predictions and advancements in technology, medicine, and other fields.

4. What are some real-life applications of physics?

Physics has numerous real-life applications, including the development of technology such as computers, cell phones, and medical equipment. It is also used in fields such as engineering, astronomy, and environmental science. For example, physicists use the principles of light and optics to design cameras and telescopes, and the principles of mechanics to build bridges and cars.

5. How can understanding physics benefit our daily lives?

Understanding physics can benefit our daily lives in many ways. It allows us to make informed decisions about technology, energy consumption, and the environment. It also helps us better appreciate and understand the natural world around us. By understanding the principles of physics, we can also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied to various aspects of our lives.
