How Does AC Current Flow Despite Oscillating Charges?

In summary, the movement of electric charge in DC and AC circuits is different, with DC having a steady flow in one direction and AC having a back and forth oscillation. The movement of electrons in AC causes a change in direction of the current flow, but it does not affect the overall amount of current flowing through the conductor.
  • #1
Just to be be clear about what I am asking, I would like to ask a few different questions 1st:

Are these assumptions correct:

1) In DC, current flows through a circuit due to the movement or flow of electrons. So in a DC circuit anyone electron will do a complete lap ( or circuit ) of the circuit. ( The negative charge [or electron] moves in one direction whilst the positive charge [hole] moves in the other direction, giving rise to current flow [or charge flow])

2) In AC, there is no net displacement of charge.

3) The movement of electric charge in AC periodically changes direction (back & forth) along the line of flow. The AC source is creating an oscillation in the position of the electrons over time. Or in other words, the electrons simply vibrate on the spot and the mean position of charge carriers (electrons) is same.

4) Current is the charge passing through a cross-sectional area per second taken in the conductor, and it is not affected by the mean position of electrons (which may remain same)


If (1) is correct then it seems simple enough to understand [especially if you use a water analogy and have current = litres / second]. So I think I am ok on the understanding of DC!

If (2), (3) and (4) are correct, then, as the electrons vibrate on the spot, they are still moving through some cross-sectional area per second and thus current flows.

My question is:

If in AC the electrons are oscillating, and as a result, the the sign is continuously changing back and forth, then how does the current actually flow [ say from left to right, through a cable]?

Why doesn't the current constantly change direction along with the movement of charge?I hope I've made my question clear!
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  • #2
The current DOES change direction. Why do you think it is called ALTERNATING current?
  • #3
CF.Gauss said:
Just to be be clear about what I am asking, I would like to ask a few different questions 1st:

Are these assumptions correct:

1) In DC, current flows through a circuit due to the movement or flow of electrons. So in a DC circuit anyone electron will do a complete lap ( or circuit ) of the circuit. ( The negative charge [or electron] moves in one direction whilst the positive charge [hole] moves in the other direction, giving rise to current flow [or charge flow])

2) In AC, there is no net displacement of charge.

3) The movement of electric charge in AC periodically changes direction (back & forth) along the line of flow. The AC source is creating an oscillation in the position of the electrons over time. Or in other words, the electrons simply vibrate on the spot and the mean position of charge carriers (electrons) is same.

4) Current is the charge passing through a cross-sectional area per second taken in the conductor, and it is not affected by the mean position of electrons (which may remain same)


If (1) is correct then it seems simple enough to understand [especially if you use a water analogy and have current = litres / second]. So I think I am ok on the understanding of DC!

If (2), (3) and (4) are correct, then, as the electrons vibrate on the spot, they are still moving through some cross-sectional area per second and thus current flows.

My question is:

If in AC the electrons are oscillating, and as a result, the the sign is continuously changing back and forth, then how does the current actually flow [ say from left to right, through a cable]?

Why doesn't the current constantly change direction along with the movement of charge?

I hope I've made my question clear!

Most of what you posted is correct. However, in conductors, where electrons move pretty freely in the conduction band, we do not talk about "holes" moving in the opposite direction of the electrons in the conduction band. We just keep in our heads that the "current" is due to electrons in the conduction band, and that their movement is in the opposite direction of what we call the "positive current direction". For a discussion of "holes", you need to look at conduction in semiconductors:

And to answer your final question, the current does indeed vary back and forth with the AC voltage applied to the conductor.

Related to How Does AC Current Flow Despite Oscillating Charges?

1. What is AC current?

AC current stands for alternating current, and it is the type of electrical current that periodically reverses direction. This means that the flow of electrons in an AC circuit changes direction multiple times per second.

2. How does current flow in AC?

In AC circuits, current is able to flow due to the periodic changes in voltage. As the voltage alternates between positive and negative, it causes the electrons to flow back and forth in the circuit, creating an alternating current.

3. What is the difference between AC and DC current?

The main difference between AC and DC current is the direction in which the electrons flow. In AC, the electrons periodically change direction, while in DC (direct current), the electrons always flow in the same direction.

4. Why is AC current used in most power systems?

AC current is used in most power systems because it is more efficient for long-distance transmission. AC can be easily stepped up to high voltages, which reduces energy loss during transmission. It is also easier to transform AC current to different voltages, making it more versatile for different applications.

5. How is AC current generated?

AC current is generated using a device called an alternator. This device converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by rotating a wire coil in a magnetic field. The rotation of the coil causes the magnetic field to change, which creates the alternating current.
