How Does Adding Weight Affect the Angular Speed and Energy of a Merry-Go-Round?

In summary, a 3.0-m-diameter merry-go-round with rotational inertia 120 kg*m2 was spinning at 0.60 rev/s. When four 25-kg children sat on the edge, the new angular speed was found to be 0.21 rev/s. To determine the total energy lost to friction, the initial and final rotational energies were calculated and subtracted. The energy loss went to friction.
  • #1
A 3.0-m-diameter merry-go-round with rotational inertia 120 kg*m2 is spinning freely at 0.60 rev/s. Four 25-kg children sit suddenly on the edge of the merry-go-round. (a) Find the new angular speed in rev/s. (b) Determine the total energy lost to friction between the children and the merry-go-round in J.


Okay so I know that Li[tex]\omega[/tex]i=Lf[tex]\omega[/tex]f. That means that (120 kg*m^2)(0.60 rev/s)=(mass of merry-go-round + 4(25kg))(1.52)[tex]\omega[/tex]f.

To find the mass of the merry-go-round I took the Inertia and divided it by R2 to get m = (120 kg*m2)/(1.52) = 53.3.

When I plugged it into the equation I found the new angular speed to be .21 rev/s.

My problem is with part (b)...

So I know that J is (kg*m2)/s2, but I am unsure as to how to solve for it...A little help, please?
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  • #2
Find the angular velocity before the children get on, then find rotational energy use (1/2)I(omega^2).

Then find the angular velocity after the children get on. Take initial rotational energy - final rotational energy. The energy loss went to friction.
  • #3
While you got the correct answer for (a), you did make two errors in the process ... which fortunately canceled out.

First, let's clear up those equations:

Li = Lf
Imerryωi = (Imerry+Ichildrenf

It's not necessary to find the mass of the merry-go-round, you can just use the Imerry value here to find ωf.

To find the mass of the merry-go-round I took the Inertia and divided it by R2 to get m = (120 kg*m2)/(1.52) = 53.3.
Actually, this is 0.5*m, since I = 0.5 m R^2. But that's okay, since 0.5*m is what should have been used in your earlier expression,
(mass of merry-go-round + 4(25kg))

So the answer is 0.21 rev/s as you got.

FAQ: How Does Adding Weight Affect the Angular Speed and Energy of a Merry-Go-Round?

1. What is angular speed?

Angular speed is a measure of how fast an object is rotating or moving in a circular motion. It is typically expressed in radians per second (rad/s) or revolutions per minute (rpm).

2. How is angular speed different from linear speed?

Angular speed measures the rate of rotation or circular motion, while linear speed measures the rate of change in distance traveled in a straight line. Angular speed is also dependent on the radius of the circular path, while linear speed is not.

3. What factors affect the angular speed of an object?

The angular speed of an object is affected by its linear speed, radius of rotation, and mass. It can also be affected by external forces such as friction or air resistance.

4. How is angular speed related to angular velocity?

Angular speed and angular velocity are closely related, but they are not the same. Angular velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the magnitude and direction of the rotational motion, while angular speed only measures the magnitude.

5. How is angular speed related to energy?

Angular speed is directly related to the kinetic energy of a rotating object. The faster an object rotates, the more kinetic energy it has. This relationship is described by the formula KE = 1/2 * I * w^2, where I is the moment of inertia and w is the angular speed.
